Reviews for A New Beginning
georgiasuzy chapter 19 . 6/26
Wow, you've still got it! Congrats on having 427 reviews for your story. The Fandom is still here for Sookie and Eric. You'll have plenty of gratitude and advice while you work on your skills. You're talented! Can't wait to read more of this story.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 19 . 5/17
Well, it’s frustrating that this story didn’t really get much of anywhere in the Eric & Sookie relationship before it was abandoned, particularly since the story summary says it’s adventure & romance for an E&S relationship. On the other hand, this version of Sookie is becoming increasingly unlikable so maybe it’s a wash...
GlassMazeGazer chapter 17 . 5/17
That’s odd. Eric told Sookie that Adele had been notified that she was working so she really hadn’t been “missing” for that long. Panic doesn’t sound like an Adele mode. Maybe possessive, idiot Sam persuaded her to get all worked up because Eric took Sookie away from Bon Temps after the attack?
GlassMazeGazer chapter 16 . 5/17
I always disagree with this standard Sookie approach to not telling her Gran about the building dangers. She lives with Adele, but decided to keep her in the dark, giving her no options to help look out for both of them. On the other hand, Adele lied by omission to Sookie her whole life so, in the long run, I guess it’s a fair trade-off.

I do think it’s odd that this Sookie doesn’t tell Eric about Rene being the murderer. The situation impacts vampire/human relations so it’s relevant to his position plus she already has early suspicions that Rene might be a danger to her since she ‘reminds him’ of his sister. It’s much harder for Eric to protect her from dangers she hides from him. Also, she supposedly got into this to help Jason, but instead of asking for help from a supernatural Sheriff with super senses & the ability to glamour in proving that Rene is the killer, she keeps quiet about it while Jason still sits in jail.

** Story detail inconsistency: in chapter 2 Fangtasia is described as having black vinyl booths, but in this chapter it says they are red vinyl.

I have mostly liked how this story has been going, but I’m starting to kick myself for going against my usual rule & reading an unfinished story. Only three chapters to go and there has barely been any relationship built between E&S with no likelihood of a story resolution. I really should know better.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 15 . 5/17
LOL — the imagery that formed in my brain during the bit on the stairs when Eric stroked Sookie’s arm while trying to calm her was interesting. Normally I guess that would conjure a kind of ‘awwww’ moment with Eric appearing caring & softening toward her, which I suppose he is, more & more, plus he clearly liked her more than he usually let her see anyway, emphasizing his control & power instead. But the picture in my head was more like what happens when a human soothes a cat or dog by stroking its fur. This though doesn’t negate any growing affection that he might be feeling. I just like that this Eric still has a predatory edge.

While I get the knee jerk cringing response to seeing someone tortured, I can never quite buy this standard Sookie character reaction of not only objecting to the torture, but resorting to violence herself & it’s even more aggravating here. She knows Bill is dodgy & up to something that is dangerous to her, but AGAIN she chooses to act violently to defend him and, this time, it’s against her rescuer & defender. It’s even less believable that the ridiculous canon version. At least in the canon storyline she has the excuse of being manipulated by Bill’s blood & smarmy words against Eric. Here, she has no real reason to defend someone who is clearly plotting against her or attack the one who is protecting her (regardless of his reasons).
GlassMazeGazer chapter 13 . 5/17
Well, it’s a shame that Eric didn’t rip Bill’s head off before tossing him, but that never seems to happen in these stories. I always hope for it though...

Guess it’s finally time for Eric to get his blood into Sookie.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 11 . 5/17
Well, initially I thought that at least Eric was logical in actually taking Sookie’s safety seriously after she told him what happened, but that was tarnished a bit by sending Bobby as her day guard. If he suspects other Supes have taken an interest in Sookie, what good would Bobby be if some kind of were or shifter tried to get at her during the day?

And boy oh boy, this Sam is even more of a possessive dick than the average Sam character. All that claiming to care about her & pretending to worry about her stress & working too much, but taking advantage at every turn. I do find it confusing that this Sookie consciously recognizes that she’s being taken advantage of, but never seems to do anything but acquiesce. Where is all her “fire” with everyone other than a Eric? Well, the latter bit is very canon so again, it is what it is.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 10 . 5/17
This is the first time this Sookie has acted like a complete idiot & I hope it doesn’t become a trend in this story. I was enjoying that she seemed less dumb than in so many other versions of the character.

It was absurd for her to be thinking that a vampire who has been around since the Civil War wouldn’t know how to find his own meals & might be ‘hungry’ just because Merlotte’s didn’t have True Blood on hand. He’d clearly been able to keep himself fed for a long time before TB was an option & even with Merlotte’s not having it, he could have purchased it lots of other places if that was truly all he was consuming. Obviously, it was dumb to for her to decide to ‘rescue’ a vampire from a couple of drainers by herself, but that’s the canon standard so, it is what it is.

I’ve always thought that it was stupid for Sam to choose to shift into a collie when he’s theoretically trying to rescue Sookie, but in this story the choice is even more absurd. Why would he take so much time to get to her in the first place since, in this story, he knew in advance what she was going to do? It would have been much more logical to just grab his bat & follow her out since he claims to be so worried about her safety. By the time he actually showed up, she could already have been killed or taken, whether by the Rats or by Bill. If he felt compelled to shift first, why wouldn’t he choose a more threatening & genuinely dangerous animal that might have had some chance to actually protect her?
GlassMazeGazer chapter 9 . 5/17
Ugh! I’ve been dreading Bill’s entrance. Now I’m really, really hoping that I’m not going to find this story heading in the direction of Sookie still getting into a relationship with Bill while telling herself he’s a gentleman. Everything about that character makes my skin crawl & did so even before it was revealed that he was there to procure Sookie for QSA.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 8 . 5/17
I know it shouldn’t surprise me after reading so many stories & reader comments, but it’s still hard to believe people were complaining about a Sookie character not acting like a shrewish, shrieking, spoiled, immature, banshee. I’ve been enjoying the more normal response to the interactions she’s been having with the first vampires she’s ever met. She’s still got spunk as written. I had to laugh in a previous chapter when she was mentally fuming at Eric treating her like a child when, logically speaking, her own grandmother is barely a child compared to him when you look at their ages.

I’m also really enjoying that the Eric character hasn’t been written as a love sick lapdog, so smitten with Sookie at first sight that he immediately starts falling all over himself to win her. His portrayal so far seems more real in terms of a powerful predator coming across a useful & tempting prey animal. He’s still got all the Eric essentials, but without portraying him as weak & putty in the hands of a naïve, clueless, & very young woman. His ‘masterful’ approach (pun intended) to her while still, clearly, being more tolerant of her resistance than is normal for him feels authentic rather then sugar coated like far too many other FFs.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 5 . 5/17
Ick — Bill doesn’t make scenes interesting, he makes them annoying.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 4 . 5/17
The second to last paragraph should have been worded a bit differently. It says Eric was the first ‘stranger’ she’d ever met, but she met Pam then the bartender (Longshadow or Chow?). It would have been more accurate to refer to vampires in general as the first strangers, but it’s clear that the focus is meant to be on Eric with his mix of appealing & repelent qualities.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 2 . 5/17
Really well done in building the tension in this chapter!
celajwhitney chapter 19 . 5/6
i wish so much that you had the time or inclination to finish this, it's wonderful.
celajwhitney chapter 11 . 5/6
sam is a pissant who is to cheap to hie another waitress. as scarce as jobs are in that hick town he would be over run with people wanting a job.
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