Reviews for Anger
Luckydragon15 chapter 10 . 6/25/2019
that story was amazing thank u 4 writing it
MW3addict chapter 10 . 11/25/2016
This was a beautiful story. It had me hooked on every chapter.
IAmCayj chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
wait... you're saying Derek physically abused Reid? No no no no no no no now that's something I can't read or handle. Not my chocolate lollipop
Le.chaton.d'amitie chapter 10 . 9/10/2015
Amazing fic! I did love the bits of Hotch in it, I thought for awhile that he liked Spence as well.

Side note- I have every single song on you're profile! All very good :)
Guest chapter 7 . 2/10/2015
nevermind, hotch kinda kicked ass here:)
Guest chapter 6 . 2/10/2015
i feel like it should be said that if someone you consider a friend and coworker comes to work with hand print bruises around their neck and their boyfriend comes in too in an aggressive mood? something should be said for or not people in abusive relationships have a hard time admitting and leaving them. if you dont push a little your silence is telling them it's okay. granted, it doesn't really apply to this situation since it was more of a ptsd inspired thing, but i do think it's something of a disservice to the characters at THE BAU that they would see obvious signs of abuse and not really do anything about it, not if it's your friend...
Guest chapter 2 . 2/10/2015
ooh, okay now it all makes sense...that's an acceptable reason to take someone back after that...very sad though
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
omg, i thought it was just going to be the bruises on his arms from gripping him to hard or a bump on the back of the head from being pushed against a wall too hard...this was like you should press charges bad! kinda not for reconciliation now wow...that's awful
pochette chapter 10 . 1/12/2015
You hope? YOU BETTER GIRLFRIEND. I liked the ending, no matter how rushed it seemed. I like the whole black-out thing, because I feel like shit's *really* gonna hit the fan in the next fic because of this hazy, dream-like sort of ending. (if you get me). Amazing stuff, as usual, I can't wait for the next fic!
Fawn Hickory chapter 8 . 1/13/2015
Oh boy.
Fawn Hickory chapter 6 . 1/13/2015
Oh, just reading the story and letting the pregnancy hormones flow as they will... Good story.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/11/2015
This was so beautifully written, well done
unicorn55 chapter 10 . 1/12/2015
Hmmm maybe I'm not understanding what happened that night. In my head, alcohol didn't have a lot to do with Morgan's behavior. I was thinking post traumatic stress, and that Spencer would ask Morgan to go to counseling. Maybe not?
marcallie chapter 10 . 1/12/2015
I like the ending. I can buy Spencer giving him another chance, because their bond is so strong and Morgan was going through so much at the time. But if it were to ever happen again, there are several FBI profilers who would literally kill him.
Annber03 chapter 10 . 1/12/2015
Ha, I like how Reid states, in no uncertain terms, what he plans to do if Morgan ever dares to hurt him like that again. I think it's safe to say Morgan got the message loud and clear there. I also find it interesting that Reid brought up his drug addiction when talking to Morgan about the things that can negatively affect them. Reid is absolutely right about him and Morgan each needing an outlet to safely deal with particularly bad/triggering cases when needed. Given that Reid has his NA meetings, I'm wondering if he'll suggest Morgan go to a few meetings that deal with the sorts of things he's been going through, too. I think that'd be a very good idea for Morgan's sake, and Reid's.

And I do like that they'll turn to their friends more, too, when needed-loved their reactions as they went through the realization of everyone knowing about them :D. But yes, putting their relationship out there, making it clear to Hotch they'll go to someone when they're struggling with various issues before they let them get too serious and dangerous...that'll definitely help matters.

I also like that Reid's making it abundantly clear he's not going to forget what happened, and that things won't be back to normal overnight, that there needs to be demonstrable changes. I wouldn't expect them to just go back to normal right away, and I'm glad that Morgan doesn't expect that, either, that he understands he's got a lot of making up to do. They may be relieved to realize this isn't the end of their relationship altogether, but I appreciate that it's still realistic in the sense that things aren't completely squared away and tied up all neatly, too. Good on Morgan for acknowledging there was no excuse for what he did, and good on Reid for making his feelings about the entire situation clear. Especially his acknowledgement of how genuinely scared he was of Morgan, and how much what he did hurt, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. It's not often we get that sort of open admission from Reid, so it was a breath of fresh air to see him actually stating how he felt about something, talking about the pain he went through. My heart broke a little when he asked just how far back Morgan's "sorry" extended. Aw. And I winced along with Reid and Morgan when Reid would pull away from Morgan's intended gentle touches. Ouch.

I also like Morgan's mindset when out searching for Reid, and the way he used his profiling skills to try and figure out where Reid had gone to hide away. I'd happily read stories about all those other fun memories involving the rest of the team in that park :D. That scene was sweet and made me smile.

Reid's right about feeling the pull of wanting to just walk away. I know most people would think the same, and on one level, I think some time apart, at the very least, would do both of them some good. At the same time, however, it's in Reid's very nature to forgive, to give people a second chance where most others wouldn't. He does it for unsubs all the time, and some of them prove themselves willing to and able to change. So it makes total sense he'd do the same for Morgan here. If this had been a regular pattern with Morgan, that'd be a whole different story.

But considering these particular circumstances involving Morgan's actions (not an excuse, as he said, but certainly an explanation, a clear cry for help), considering the fact that he is genuinely remorseful, shocked by his actions (as I certainly don't think he was expecting to go as far as he did that night when he was drinking) and willing to change and get help for his issues, and given Reid's faith in him and his determination to never let him down so horribly again, I can be okay with Reid giving him a second chance. And I too think Morgan will do everything in his power to never get that destructive ever again. So if they're able to move past this, and start anew and fix what was broken here, then more power to them. Your ending gives me hope that things will get better and stay good, and I believe that to be the case :).

Very intriguing story! Tough to read in so many ways, given all the painful emotions and actions and topics raised here, but it was an interesting look at these guys in a whole different sort of light, and yet it still stayed true to the themes the show often brings up, with how far compassion and sympathy can go, and how similar (or not) these people can be to those they study and chase a lot of the time. And of course, it's always great to read a Morgan/Reid story, angsty and dramatic or not. As always, you're very welcome for the comments and support. Best of luck with your school projects and papers and such, and I shall try and wait as patiently as I can in the meantime for whatever Reid-centered stories you come up with next :D!
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