Reviews for Of Times Past
Guest chapter 7 . 10/15/2017
Take your time and may you get well soon
Guest chapter 7 . 2/19/2017
Hi I'm really enjoying the story please continue asap!
Jack chapter 7 . 1/31/2017
This story is brilliant. I probably shouldn't be reading it for personal reasons but I felt compelled too. I had to keep reading because there had to be some minuscule shred of hope that things get better. I hope that you find your inspiration and motivation again, you have a beautiful gift in writing. But I also hope that things get better for you, speaking from personal experience no one deserves to be going through what you are now.

Good luck
Psychokic chapter 5 . 10/23/2016
Henney OMG LOL.
You intended that to be the actor, right?
I think he DID play a doctor once, actually!
Psychokic chapter 1 . 9/28/2016
LOL, his last name is Henney.
Please don't tell me that was just a coincidence, 'cause I would die if it was.
IamtheBookNerd715 chapter 7 . 8/24/2016
Your the best at writing rember their are always people who love you even if you've never met them
FlammenTaenzerinSuzaku chapter 7 . 4/26/2016
First of all, your story is awesome! I can't wait for Hiro to wake up and realize he dreamed it all!

Secondly, while I'd like to read more soon, take all the time you need to get back up. I personally have problems with life and can't update often. While one would like to please the readers, ignore all demands for fast updates! It will put you under more stress than you'd need. If you'd like to talk or rant, you can PM me or anything, but only if you want to.

Best Wishes,
Emma chapter 7 . 4/2/2016
Please don't worry take the time you need to get better your readers will wait as long as you need them BETTER!
I'm here for you chapter 7 . 1/17/2016
Hey I've been experiencing a little of the same problems and maybe if it makes you feel better we can try to get through this together! Just message me anytime and we can be there for each other together! 3044007234 -Megan
deltro chapter 7 . 12/27/2015
Oh my gosh. I know you weren't asking for pity, but I'm sorry you're going through all this. I hope it gets better :) in the meantime, just know I look forward to everything else you post, and your state getting well.
NevaehMichelle13 chapter 7 . 9/28/2015
Please keep going i want to know if Hiro wakes up
Taylor Fireheart chapter 7 . 8/24/2015
I hope your doing alright, I know how you feel right now about ideas popping up in your head all the time. I happens to me a lot, what helps me is that I have a journal and I write down all my ideas. It helps a lot, you should try it. Nobody is perfect, but we can all try to be the best we can be. I know believing I'm a disaster that I will never be prefect, e truth is, no one is perfect. Just be yourself and the best you can be and you'll be fine. Wow I sound wiser then my own age, wow.
Hai chapter 2 . 8/22/2015
Guest chapter 7 . 6/21/2015
U should do a hairy potter/ Rotg crossover lol I like your writing style and I think it would be awesome lol plz update this story soon though :P
ToscaThorCat chapter 7 . 6/18/2015
Stay strong my friend. I know where you are at the moment, I was once there myself. Actually, no. I am still slightly there... I fluxuate between being okay (not good, but okay) and rock bottom. The best way to get through the rough patches of severe depression is to find someone who can understand you, and will take your good and bad days and never let you go. You need to find your Tadashi. It may be difficult to find them, or they might just pop out of nowhere and ask to borrow your brown paint. It will be hard, but what always works for me, on my darkest days, is imagining my favorite characters standing beside me, telling me to keep going, that even if I myself do not believe it, that I matter. So here are my words to you.
You matter. you are an amazing author, and you are incredibly brave. you are willing to take time and share your stories with people you haven't met, and on the behalf of other readers, we thank you for your hard work, and the time and effort you put in to it.
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