Reviews for A Single Rose
TheRealHedgy chapter 1 . 2/9
As a fellow whose kink is rare KH pairs, any time a fanfic with a crack ship is done especially well, it illuminates this lovely area in my heart. And this little oneshot certainly illuminates that area. I've definitely read this before and I think it's about time I reviewed it, even if you likely won't see this.

First of all, the language usage is top tier. I can sometimes be a little picky with word usage, but here, it's like you used a thesaurus for every single word and then picked out the best synonyms. That may or may not be what I do when I write, but it drastically enhances the story. If the word choice was merely decent, the story would still be good, but that's what makes it great. Apart from "It is her wont to believe", anyway.

The characterisation is every bit as on point as well. I'm not especially fond of Marluxia, because I don't think he harbours much personality in canon. But if you're going to characterise him in any manner, this is how to do so. Overly elegant, underlying sinister intentions. I could criticise that there was no explicit reason for him to be attracted to Cinderella, but that critique can be very easily justified by the fact that she's Cinderella. Of course he'd fall in love with her.

The story premise itself, especially with how it ends is brilliant. I don't mind stories where the faultless Princess aids the villain in redeeming himself, but I'm invested when the romance heads in a miserable direction. The idea that Marluxia would lure Cinderella into his paradise and then ruin her is wonderfully horrific. It somewhat reminds me of another rare pair that I'm especially fond of, Xaldin/Belle. i'd say these two ships are cut from the same cloth.

Although a tale like this grows noticeably more haunting when the victim is Cinderella. A girl who's already been endlessly bruised by a cruel life. In a way, this scenario is one final, unthinkably cruel joke that she's the centre of.

To conclude, thank you for for waning your hand through this pool of untapped potential. There are very few ways you could make a romantic story out of this ship, yet you swept through it from the best possible angle. You may not write anymore, but if you do, I'll look forward to whatever you come out with.
Your Mom chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
This was one of the best characterizations of Marluxia on this site and I commend you for your beautiful narrative. I was honestly suspicious of the pairing that was associated, but I am in love with the style, the flow. This is a beautifully rendered work of art that should be given a lot more attention.

Your depiction was flawless. A mysterious and vitriolic, manipulative depiction that had me on the edge of my seat. Is he manipulating her or is this another pad of lost potential. This is well worth the read. Thank you so much.
Cattycheeno chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
Chilling and fantastic.
C.B. Magique chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
This story actually freaks me out, especially at the end, like a horror story or something. Marly is so genteel but he's also creeper.
RABBLT123232342525 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
4/4? ; ; I adore crack pairings, please tell me you'll do more in the future! Especially you've managed to take a crack pairing but make it...good. Not just good, but great. Marluxia is very creepy and eerie, despite coming off as a refined gentleman at the beginning...I can't see him acting this way around someone like Larxene, since, we all know that she just WOULD NOT have his "stupid poetic shit", as I feel what she'd call it.

This was just...brilliant, fucking brilliant, literally. I'm running out of words to describe how much I enjoy and adore your stories? WHich is incredibly odd and rare as I'm prone to not shutting the fuck up.

And ouch, he really fucked her over in the end, ey? I feel sorry for her...I wonder if this were to continue, would he continuously torment her? Or would this be the last of it?
Realms of Destiny chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
Wow, what a beautifully written fanfic! And this pairing is so rare yet so wonderfully woven into your fic. I fell in love in with Marluxia's mysterious presence and his interactions with Cinderella. You truly captured his graceful yet creepy attitude.
And I know he was just too drawn in by Cinderella's light. He got his revenge in the end...Poor Cindy...:'(
bubblegum bxtch chapter 1 . 12/1/2014
I really like the crack pairings. You took the oddest ships and made them into stories that somehow fit and worked together perfectly. I'd definitely like to see more of these sometime in the future. (:
SoraxKairi7 chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
Aww! I liked this. She wanted a rose and she got one!
BlissfulNightRain chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
can i first start out this review by saying DIS PAIRING DOE WHUT


Can I say your descriptions are absolutely on-point? Because they are. Your use of metaphors and similes are spot-on ("eyes the color of morning glories"? oh goodness!) Your way with describing things is amazing and definitely a staple of your fics, and I really admire that so much and must learn to do that myself!

Your characterizations were brilliant! I loved Cinderella, so naive yet so full of light and her wanting to accept Marluxia, though scared when his true colors (psychopathic bitch) become apparent. I loved Marluxia, too. He wasn't flamboyant or anything like a lot of other people (including myself, but then again, I've been doing a lot of comedy lately and he really is an easy target), but instead you portrayed him as dark and elegant, which is exactly what he is!

AND THAT ENDING OH MY GOODNESS I was not expecting that! My interpretation is Marly's revenge, and the way your portrayed it was so smooth and perfect. And I loved loved loved "In remembrance of our fleeting time together"; so beautifully worded and so perfect just like EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS FIC and ughh I loved this so much

I'm sad to see this crack series end, but I would love if you did another one! Seriously, I've never seen someone pull off chemistry between the weirdest characters as effortlessly well as you, so I definitely think you need to do another one!

Great read, loved this so much, and hope to see more from you soon :3
Lexik chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
In remembrance of our fleeting time together, indeed. I rather liked how you echoed that line, then corrupted the keepsake. Also, the detail of being pricked by the rose that she'd forgotten was fitting. It's an eerie take, but I quite liked it.

Nobody gets the princess because she never became a princess in this universe or because the nobody was a Nobody?

Nifty little one-shot. :)
Star-Shaped-X chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
But I thought Snow White was the fairest maiden of them all! Lol, just kidding, different world. XP I like that your summary rhymes by the way. :3

"The castle gleams white and cruel against the shadow of his cloak." You and your colors. :3 I actually really like the use of the word 'gleams' here, 'cause it came off to me as like the perfect verb for the castle walls. It just so totally defines them spot-on.

Ah, and same for 'crystalline' about Cinderella's dress! : D I swear, this is like your area of expertise or something.

The meeting scene is great as well. :) Marluxia's hand on her shoulder reminds me of when he put his on Naminé's, and Cinderella's first line was an awesome mirror of what she'd told her Fairy Godmother. It's like, instant characterization! : D

Also, her being left out of the ball completely is like way sad. :/ Could you imagine? Gonna go to the ball! Oh wait, not enough time to finish my dress. My friends finished it for me! Oh wait, my family ripped it to shreds. My Fairy Godmother made it possibly for me to go again! Oh wait, I'm not on time. It's just so . . . ugh, the universe is toying with her. T_T I really can't blame her when she says believing is no use.

I like the way the roses are described as dark. :3 Because of Marluxia of course, but also notably because I don't believe I ever heard them given that adjective before.

'Sconce.' I just learned a new word. :3

How. How. Howwwww has no one described Marluxia's hair as 'roseate' yet? D: At least, no one I've read from. I'll admit I don't frequent Marluxia fics, but I've read enough of them that I'd think I'd have seen this before. Everyone just says 'pink.' 'Roseate' is so much better. This is perfect. Gwaaahhhh. You must spread the word to the fandom. You must. (Also, the eye/morning glory thing was of course great as well. The hair just wins because of shock factor. XD)

Nice touch with the background of Cinderella's curtsy practicing. :)

Ahaha, I like how they dance in the garden. And of course, Marluxia's reaction to Cinderella's comments on the roses. ;P

Well this mood changed suddenly. Mm . . . I guess not too suddenly though. You had been hinting at Marluxia having, shall we say, arterial motivation; to be honest though, I was just expecting it to show through as a cryptic final sentence or something of the sort, heh.

Cinderella controlling darkness. There's a thought. o.o I want to see that

Oh thank goodness she made it to the ball! After what I said earlier I'm sure you can imagine how disappointed I'd be if she hadn't. :/

I like your description of her return home, with the dancing and the slipper and whatnot. :) And man that, "In remembrance of our fleeting time together," line came back well.

"Clouds at her feet," ha ha! : D Another neat phrase.

What what that ending oh my gosh! Wow, that was great. The smile, the scars, the single gosh-darn rose and gwauh it was all awesome! I . . . I gotta be honest, I was afraid Marluxia was going to end up kidnapping her, so I was actually a bit relieved to see the fic end without that. But of course, even as I write this reality does crash down on me and I really have to wonder if Cinderella might not have been happier that way, long-term . . . I mean, we know how things are in her household. I dunno. It's still sad for sure, either way.

I want to say that I really, /really/ love your dialogue in this fic. :3 Almost every line from both parties just screamed 'correct characterization' to me, and that was /really/ a pleasure to read. /Great/ job there.

And of course I would love to see another crack series! : D But I'm sure you already knew that from me, lol. XP Haha, your series has actually kind of made me want to do one too . . . but I don't think I could come up with nearly as realistic of scenarios as you did. XP

Thanks a bunch for writing, mystic moogle! This fic and the series as a whole. :3