Reviews for Collided Worlds
fpinheiro96 chapter 13 . 10/10/2019
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/2/2018
Nope.. i'm out.. i want a post war Naruto, not this lame first episode shipuuden naruto.. ugh, this sucks..
Matt chapter 13 . 4/20/2018
Before you do any new chapters could you go over your old ones and fix the spelling errors in them if it's not too big a problem?
DARTHCAEDUS chapter 11 . 2/18/2017
aquarium259 chapter 11 . 1/29/2017
Love it. That's all I can say is love it
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 2 . 1/24/2017
So. I like that all the worlds seems to actually kNOW about it. if they are connected then CONNECTED.

I am a little elary about what proper threat level this is... as wella s fi your going to be handiling the realites of the POPULATIOn fo each world as much...
SHanks has what is probably the equivalent of an empire, but he seems more ayou owe my loyalty my friends...
actually weve seen bits of all the warlords but haven't quite understood Shanks you know?
but irregardless it woudlent be a surprise if he COULD call upon ana rmy of a hodge podge pirate alliance kingdom.

but Bleach is a standing soly for purpose of an ARMY.
Naruto on the other hand is a nation state that has a FAR huger population and equivalent army.
and Fiary tail is a guild. a powerful one, all youngins with bright potetntial but numbers wise...

SO I like the idea of a multiple alliance that they all had to get togheter for, but I would suggest with what you seem to be implying each side sends... champions/represenatives. which would only make sense, the ninja village whatever you ally with, while the naitons are more than likely not to mess with each other if it s a natural ecological event that affects all fo them the ninjas cant put to much strength into it withouth endangering themselves.
likewise because eof the realtiy of owning their own dimenshion the Shinigami are FAR more likely to send in divisions after divisions... but always something in reserve.
and the Pirates... could be a mix of everything.

still. friendship with fairy tail was nice!
hell if only osme people know the mystery might I suggest Jirayia as the last living Sage in the world?
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
so... huh. I think I like the fact they arnt as all powerfull is something I like especially how much they don't KNOW about whats going on in some of them. a cobble pot army instead of a freaking world upon world! although I don't know what time frame your going for with any of the worlds... id actually enjoy them being SURRPISED with all of them. but anyway. ive seex ND2014's and you got me curious.
guest chapter 10 . 8/25/2016
Crazy and do continue
Lady-Kudo chapter 10 . 8/26/2016
I love it!
sterling01 chapter 10 . 8/26/2016
hurry up
Dragonninja1983 chapter 10 . 8/25/2016
say can you throw in characters from Dragonball Z as well?, well Stay Frosty.
willdawg992003 chapter 9 . 8/3/2016
you think the bad guys would be able to sense powerful chakras like the biju or something well good chpt and way to go sakura she is so badass now i think she is strong enough to go toe to toe with wonderwoman
willdawg992003 chapter 8 . 8/3/2016
oooo a 3way battle maybe zoro vs the skarkfin sword guy
willdawg992003 chapter 7 . 8/3/2016
nice chpt hmm i cant remember which jinchuriki is fu i will have to look him up cant wait for the fight scene next chpt
willdawg992003 chapter 6 . 8/3/2016
of course itachi would know whats going on he is always in the know plus he was secretly undercover for a while with sarutobi
so akatski vs hopefully the espada that would be badass maybe itachi vs ulquiorra
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