Reviews for From The Ashes
shewriteswords chapter 10 . 3/9
This is one of the best stories I have ever read. Honestly.
Hawaiichick chapter 10 . 1/16/2017
Sigh...I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading this story. This was just so much fun to read. What a journey it took me on. I loved all the wonderful and sage advice given to d'Artagnan about his future from Athos and d'Artagnan's father. Those two are very wise men. And what a beautiful last scene at the Garrison. I had so much fun picturing the three immediately pulling out slightly wrinkled letters of introduction from their pockets. When Treville added his to the pile...well, that was the best. :) And well, I don't think anyone else can write more tender, more loving, more protective older brother moments from Athos than you. You are the best! Eagerly looking forward to more Musketeer stories that you might share. :D
Hawaiichick chapter 9 . 1/15/2017
Yes, the poor boy does need some mothering. Happy that Aramis is there with his gentle and calm ways. Loved getting insight into the trio's demons. Why Aramis didn't join the church and why they celebrate Porthos' birthday in such a grand manner. These new bits of information really make me watch to rewatch some of the episodes. :)
Hawaiichick chapter 8 . 1/15/2017
I love the banter between Porthos and Aramis. They are so much fun to read. But my favorite moment of this chapter was Athos' reply to Aramis when he protested having Lemiuex on his horse. Priceless! :D

I kind of just want to kick some sense into the entire town (with the exception of Madame Boucher) for not standing with d'Artagnan and for believing the worst of him. :
Hawaiichick chapter 7 . 1/14/2017
Ah, so it was the mysterious Lemieux. I am so glad that d'Artagnan has his brothers on his side. I felt heartbroken thinking of how lonely, fearful and sad d'Artagan was while waiting for his execution in his cold dark cell. :( That was some suberb writting.
Hawaiichick chapter 6 . 1/14/2017
Oooh! I love how you gave thought to the depth of the plot. The murder is much more complex than I initially thought it'd be. You have me speed reading trying to figure it out. What wonderful writting!
Hawaiichick chapter 5 . 1/14/2017
I just want to give d'Artagnan huge huge hug and tell him everything will be ok. That and wrap him bubble wrap to keep him safe. The poor boy. I absolutely love the intense loyalty that the three Musketeers have for him.
Hawaiichick chapter 4 . 1/13/2017
Whoa...the plot thickens! (And what an understatement that is.) I shed a few tears for the tragedy of d'Artagan's father during the scene with Tremblay and d'Artagnan. What a noble and wonderful wonderful father he was. You did such a great job of making him real. Wow!
Hawaiichick chapter 3 . 1/13/2017
It was genius of you to notice the similarities between Athos and d'Artagnan, especially the coincidence in the torment of their hometowns. Love that Athos got to council d'Artagnan. My heart broke a little that d'Artagnan didn't immediately ride off together with the other three...but yeah, he needs some time to think. Although I just want to scream at him that he belongs with the Inseparables. :)
Hawaiichick chapter 2 . 1/13/2017
This story is just getting better and better. Such superb writing! I feel like I am watching a bonus episode...except it's better than that. :) Love how deep you delve into d'Artagnan's grief and the effect and concern for d"artagnan it has on Athos. That older brother/younger brother relationship that you are forming is so very very nice. And the banter between Aramis and Porthos...what fun it was to read.
Hawaiichick chapter 1 . 1/13/2017
What am image! Three Musketeers framed in the doorway to the Church. Sigh... :) I am so excited to read the rest of this story. What a great start. What wonderful insight you have. I love getting to explore what happened after the first show. I love how you are explaining events and showing how the four will form the Inseperables in the future. Athos and Madame Bucher's protectiveness to d'Artagnan was wonderful to read.
Mysteryfan17 chapter 10 . 10/7/2016
Oh my heart. This was... I have not enough words in my vocabulary to give this credit (and the tears still in my eyes have made the screen blur often throughout). Just... 10/10 and I wanna read more in this 'verse so please let there be the sequel. LOVE IT!
Runner043 chapter 10 . 11/2/2015
I really enjoyed your story. I just finished it and wanted you to know how much I looked forward to each chapter, especially all your references to the Lord.
The Cashew Nuts chapter 10 . 10/11/2015
Wow, what an epic! You definitely put d'Artagnan through the wringer! Thank you for sharing, I very much enjoyed reading it.
pain in the mikta chapter 10 . 10/3/2015
Wonderful story !
Well written; exquisite angst; capturing the guys' character perfectly.
It an awesome read...
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