Reviews for Secrets Lie in Amber
Amilyn chapter 23 . 5/31
MAN, how I wanted that list of what Lewis had done, of how BADLY incapacitated, harmed, brutalized, and threatened Liv was to have been listed. I wanted the show to give us closing arguments LIKE THESE. Arguments that point out that this was a PROLONGED, terrorizing, injury-causing, horrific assault.

THANK YOU for putting that here.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/29/2018
Great! Barba and Olivia had more chemistry between them in the 6 seasons he was on, that Elliot and her could ever muster in the 12 seasons he was on.. gonna miss him in the 20th :(
I love this story! Thanks for sharing it
fuckyeahBarson chapter 25 . 6/30/2018
Your style of writing is so amazing! I’m so glad I found this story! It’s beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Awesome! _
Pharies chapter 25 . 11/6/2017
This was such a good read. It was hard to get through the same way watching those episodes was hard. It pulled at my soul and I loved it. Great job.

Em chapter 9 . 5/31/2016
I've only hit chapter 9 and I'm in love. Many of the stories I've read here have been decent. Good plot though not always good writing or vice versa. It's rare I find a story that I love the plot and the style of writing. I can't wait to finish this and read more of your stories. I love that you have great attention to detail without being overly detailed (if that makes any sense). Your way with words is wonderful.
JaynesPlainWeird chapter 25 . 5/26/2016
Reading this after that crazy ass season finale we had the other night. I needed some Barba and Benson in my life.
Terra Silas chapter 15 . 2/24/2016
Oh god as you put Hallelujah in Chap 15 I just imagined Raul Esparza singing it cause just YESTERDAY I watched the video of him singing it. Ugh amazing.
Toni Harkins chapter 9 . 7/22/2015
Love the way you slipped in Barba's cologne. Raúl's choice for the character, perhaps? (I'm ToniZenAustin from tumblr.)
untapdtreasure chapter 25 . 7/18/2015
Omg, what a ride! I know you have a sequel on hiatus and I'm reading that next. I just have to say that thus is brilliant and perfect and believable.
Guest chapter 25 . 4/12/2015
This is one of the best, most well-written fics I have ever read! Thank you for writing and I look forward to your future fics!
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 25 . 3/31/2015
Oh my God, this ending! You shattered my heart, dude! It was so surreal to read about the way it ended with Olivia and Rafael. I loved it. Every minute of it and every world said between them.

But that part with Lewis at the very end...damn! I'm like all excited for a possible sequel to this now. You have no idea!

Your writing is amazing and this story has been such a joy to read, truly. You did such a wonderful job.
guest chapter 25 . 3/28/2015
I don't want this to be the end!
I can't even explain how much I have enjoyed this. I fell across it probably mid story and have LOVED it since, checking regularly for updates, waiting impatiently for the next chapter. I totally believed the characters as they were portrayed. I loved Barba and Liv anyway but now i just can't imagine them not being at least close friends. Even the show seems to see them that way now...
Please give us more...
Cheerio chapter 25 . 3/28/2015
Ugh you suuuuuuuck, but Iove that you left it open for a sequel! Nick's threats to Barba about not hurting Liv are so sweet, and this epilogue overall was beautifully done. You *almost* make me a Barsonite!
Guest chapter 25 . 3/28/2015
That was perfection - from the beginning right to the end! I said it before and I'll say it again, this has probably been the best fan fiction I've ever read! I love how you embellished their inner turmoils and demons and yet it never felt out of charcter. You let us feel the love but it never got cheesy...Chapeau! P.S pleeeease continue writing stories like this!
LoveDexter11 chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
Loved it. Cute first chapter. I haven't really read things with them getting emotionally involved. sounds like it will be good.
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