Reviews for Unbreakable Bond
June Mook chapter 31 . 9/7
Thank you!

This was very nice. Loved the sister and brother-in-law; the perfect combination. I too love(d) POI, I’m not a writer but you so captured the ending on the roof top.

Keep writing and be blessed!
MusesOwnMyMind chapter 31 . 3/29
So this was definitely the story I did not know I needed to read until I read it, if that makes any sense! I just recently started rewatching the show on Netflix, and what can I say? This story was so beautiful (and gave us as fans MUCH more closure than the show seemed to). Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the show per se, but just...WOW. I'm going to confess, I spent a good majority of my time reading this having to take the occasional break to clear my eyes of the tears that seemed to just keep coming. But I loved each and every minute of it! (We'll just ignore what that may say about my sanity, shall we? ;) ).

I am so, so very glad that I found your story! It truly was a magnificent work, with a wonderful cast of new characters in addition to those we already know and love, and I may or may not end up re-reading it more than once when I'm in need of a POI fix :D
Simplyzutarabonnie chapter 31 . 1/12/2019
Awful terrible book so misleading to add characters that u barely mention waste of time
Ranger chapter 31 . 12/23/2018
Thank you so much for an ending that makes sense. I haveread it numerous times. Still brings tears. Thank you again and happy Christmas.
elaine0510 chapter 31 . 12/20/2018
What an unexpected treat. Benjamin and Hannah and John, now Shaw and Fusco know he survived and will be okay. With Bear there to help him. Thanks for the epic epilogue to the great epilogue.
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 30 . 1/1/2018
Wow! What a rollercoaster ride of a story. I don’t normally do the whole ‘rewrite the series adding an OC’ thing. But I read this because it’s you and I like your other work. But I really liked Hannah and Ben and you worked through all the toughest parts of John’s five years of working for The Machine perfectly, with all the angst it deserves. And I’m glad in the final chapter you found a way to rescue him without diminishing the incredible sacrifice he made. It was heartbreaking but I’m glad he found some peace.
Guest chapter 30 . 4/28/2017
This story was so well written. I loved the whole experience. Fantastic job! Thanks for sharing.
Lady Sundiver chapter 17 . 12/25/2016
It is a very good thing in this story John has such a strong support system.
doryshotgun2 chapter 30 . 10/23/2016
Very well written, loved every chapter. Great job.
elaine0510 chapter 30 . 10/22/2016
Thank you for this ending. John lived, maybe not as whole as he once was physically, but whole in the sense of having his sister and best friend at his side. We can't ask for much more. Except for another POI story from you maybe?
Jhill88 chapter 30 . 10/22/2016
I love theendi, though it made me sad it was real and hard... but you gave John a life scars and all. You gave him freedom in life and that's just beautiful.
eamankrah chapter 30 . 10/21/2016
What an epic tale !
You took the characters we are familiar with and created an amazing AU with them.
I truly enjoyed reading this.
Many thanks for seeing this story through to the end and I hope to see more of your stories in the future.
fanfictionfan63 chapter 29 . 4/1/2016
I absolutely loved this story and I adore the wonderful family you've created for John to stand by him through the ups and (unfortunately even more) downs of the first three seasons. Sad to see it end, but there's a glimmer of hope already with John's and your promise "I'll always try to come back to you". Positively looking forward to it! Thanks so much for sharing.
elaine0510 chapter 29 . 3/27/2016
Thank you for sharing this story. As usual you left me misty eyed at the end. Please write a
Part 2 when you can. I'll be watching for it!
Jhill88 chapter 28 . 2/15/2016
Just when I thought the tears would end you hit me with this. Its crazy how you're not even really going too au and you put crazy emotions in this way more then the show.
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