Reviews for A Twist in the Tale
Guest chapter 3 . 2/23
This is fantastic, I just read it through five times it was so good! Absolutely love the dark tone. Favourite moment was when Harry just doesn't notice eight knights in full armor walking up behind him. Classic Harry!
Fandompandom chapter 3 . 3/28/2017
HOLY CRAP this was sooooo goood! I loved this! I didn't even mind that it was a smidgen dark, which I don't usually read but this was masterfully done!
Teekalin chapter 3 . 7/1/2015
I was slightly hoping that Merlin would be on a more rampaging mode after what was done to him, but I liked the way you ended it.
I haven't read anything similar to it before so it was refreshing and who doesn't like a little angst when the mood is down ;-)
Sue Clover chapter 3 . 6/20/2015
Well, you're right, it was a bit depressing, but it was still an interesting take on these two fandoms. All in all, I think I liked it. The whole "Latin wizards vs Old Religion" thing was cool, and a different way of explaining what happened to magical society. A bit dark, but then history is dark, so there you go. Thanks for writing it.
Sue Clover chapter 2 . 6/20/2015
Um, they stole the cup, not the sword. The sword they brought with them, though I suppose Griphook would have said they stole it.
And what's this about Veritaserum tasting bad? It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It only takes three drops to work properly. I don't know what you're going on about.
Otherwise, this is really interesting. I like it.
BreathingMagic chapter 3 . 5/15/2015
Wow. And yet another start of a chapter I totally didn't expect... A year full off suffering and war has passed, I did not see that coming. I should have done though; after all the first chapter really set this darker tone. And even though these acts of violence at first sight might not seem to fit Merlin's happy-go-lucky attitude from the earlier seasons I can see the later Merlin in this, the one who got darker, mistrusting and more pissed of as things went awry. After all, the way the world is in the HP universe with the things that happened and that they did in this Story of yours, the Balance really was messed up and I guess if the Triple Goddess is gonna get involved, she's gonna let some Major heads roll. But I believe in our Camelotians, they will help create a new old world, a beautiful magical one. It's about damn time.

I do feel a bit sorry for the HP characters, the already went through hell and back and it's going to take so much longer now until "all is well" (can't believe you burned Hermione's parents! O.o) but they can thank the founders for that. All in all, I loved this unique Story and this probably won't be the last time I read it. Your writing is fantastically chilling (I'm still swooning over the first chapter) and I'd love to read more from you. Thank you for sharing and completing this! :)
NightsAnger chapter 3 . 5/11/2015
Its a very interesting take on a rise of Albion. I for one was hoping for a more vindictive Merlin but I'll live. Great work with the story, it was very entertaining.
Fai's smile chapter 2 . 4/23/2015
Aww smirking Merlin with baby dragon sounds so perfect. Also I like your Salazar.
Eressie chapter 2 . 3/2/2015
I loved this. I really did. A brilliant HP- and Merlin crossover! I wish to read more! I hope you plan to write much more of this, I would appreciate it immensely! It is very well thought of and very well written as well!
Elise chapter 2 . 2/27/2015
Oh, this is amazing. Really really great. :) Ty for this!
BreathingMagic chapter 2 . 2/25/2015
Wow. Wow wow wow. And this will only get one, maybe two two more chapters?! :O Arthur's return was something I wasn't execting from this Story in the slightest, so that first sentence really shocked. And then it just got bigger and better and it wouldn't let me go, I couldn't have stopped reading for a second, even if I wanted to. Your writing is very addictive and this Story - wow. So much is Happening, things are coming together, it's brilliant. And I was SO excited when Arthur demanded to know what the prisoner looked like. Arthur actually using his brain and making conclusions is a rare enough sight, but Combine that with beautiful worry over Merlin and righteous Anger at his captors and you got yourself an incredibly enjoyable, intriguing read. Wow. Now I love Merlin's "Took you Long enough" and the fact that he's got a dragon (Rihtwíse, I assume?) on his shoulders. Now I only hope that the trauma of having been hold captive and basically tortured by those chains for hundreds of years has left it's marks on Merlin that he's hiding behind his smirk, so that Arthur can feel some more righteous Anger - make them goblins and wizards quake with fear and the whole wizarding world cry out in anguish for the have agonized their Idol! Mwahahahaha!

Umm... yeah... Sooo - uh, I cannot wait for your next update! This is so Special and unique and gripping, it really stands out amongst other fics and I crave the continuation of this. Great work so far!
BreathingMagic chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Okay I have absoluetely no idea whatsoever why I didn't Review this the first time around, because I do remember reading this; I remember loving it and following it and I even remember hacking the Name "Rihtwíse" into my Old English translaor and cherishing how truly well it fit the direction this Story took in the end. I don't think I need to tell you how truly unique your approch to a Merlin/HP crossover is; what I can tell you though is how well written this is and how enthralling and haunting this whole fic is. It chilled me to the bone and intrigued me, and I am SO happy that you updated - in fact, I'll go devour the second chapter right now - I just didn't think it fair of me that I didn't Review the first chapter at all, so I wanted to get that done first. :)
NightsAnger chapter 2 . 2/25/2015
MOAR! This is really good and I would love to see where you go from here. Please post the next part as soon as possible!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/24/2015
An interesting what if story.

The Crimson Mage.
Fossa chapter 2 . 2/23/2015
The goblins are going to be in big troubles now...tremble before the wrath of the Once and Future King and Emrys! Btw, why is Arthur back? Moldyvort is dead right? Great story!
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