Reviews for Fight for the Future
hoju chapter 4 . 9/25/2018
You know they speak Portuguese in Rio, right?
BrilliantPurple chapter 19 . 12/22/2015
Omgosh! This sequel is absolutely amazing and adorable and just great! I'm saddened that it has come to an end, but I feel satisfied. Wonderful end to shenko!
Jules Hawk chapter 19 . 4/17/2015
What a wonderful way to wrap up a fantastic story. Thought I'd read it all before reviewing - besides, once I started I didn't want to stop. That's a sign that your story is very good and you should be happy and proud.

The Leviathan mission was brilliantly handled, a nice balance of action, tension, fear and strength. It was the Normandy team doing what they do best, taking on the enemy and winning. Kaidan is a very dependable, competent soldier but Kat's worrying was perfect. She is used to being in control and having him down there without her had to be terrifying no matter how good he is. Using the Normandy as her own private rescue vehicle - priceless, and exactly what I would expect of her.

There was never any doubt that Joker could handle it, he's not called the best for nothing and you had him playing his part perfectly. The entire mission flowed smoothly, the team did what they had to do and did Shepard proud. Leviathan didn't stand a chance.

As for the birth of Kira - wonderful, you had me tearing up and I could see Kaidan's finger brushing her tiny head with the gentlest of touches. His tears made me tear up further - nicely done. I did laugh at the nervousness of Chakwas and Kaidan when it came time and EDI was brilliant. Having the crew on a visitor schedule - reeks of Garrus but it was funny. The personal moments were wonderful, you captured every character intimately. Watching James propose was beautiful, Kat offering to marry Garrus and Tali was perfect and as it should be, making Joker a flight instructor was the icing on the cake and exactly what he deserves.

All up I loved this entire fic. It's made me laugh, cry, had me on the edge of my seat and made me feel like I was right there with them. It was very well written and I'll be watching for more from you. Thank you for sharing your talent and story.
Jules Hawk chapter 14 . 4/16/2015
I go away for a few days and come back to two chapters - fantastic ;p

Turning Horizon around like you did was brilliant. That never ending wrong that we feel with that mission was blown away and now I'll be thinking of this every time I play it. This is an outcome I could live with as canon. Shepard and Kaidan have come a long way and her intuition was amazing but so perfect for these two. They have that connection and it shows. What a way to drive away the ghosts from Horizon. Loved it.

Shepard's concern for Kaidan going on mission was so real, I could feel her dread, imagine that horrible sickening feeling in the gut that comes from paranoid fear. It's irrational but drives us and asking Liara to watch out for him is proof of that. James' comment about her being worried about Kaidan probably hit a mark, does he really think Shepard would leave any of them behind. He should know better than that by now. I'm wondering if something else is going on there.

Using Leviathan is a good idea, they were a part of the game that never seemed to be used properly. I am curious about what they're after so looking forward to what comes next. Great stuff as always.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/13/2015
Leviathan! Never saw that coming, not at all. I wonder if James really feels like Kat would only be sending in extra ground support for Kaidan. Nice that Liara doesn't think so. Maybe James is a bit jealous...

I am so hooked on this!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/13/2015
That was a good plan on Kat's part! I thought she was upset about having to return to Horizon. Happy to be wrong though! Had to whistle at that. :
Jules Hawk chapter 12 . 4/7/2015
This was so perfect. You had me laughing and crying. Love the line about everyone having sex. Getting Garrus and Tali back together was well done.

Shepard's list of titles is growing but the idea of matchmaker suits her. The love she shares with Kaidan makes her more than worthy of the title. The conversations between them are so smooth and natural, just as lovers should be. You put us in this cocoon of warmth and love every time they're on the page, either together or alone. It's a perfect union that we get to glimpse, feel and enjoy.

Joker was spot on and his emotions had to come to the surface, no matter how hard he tried to hide them. I was really happy for him, and EDI of course, and I could feel his panic then joy as she was returned to him. I laughed at the bit about EDI multitasking and Joker's obvious embarrassment. It was fantastic.

So, is this a form of indoctrination we're looking at. I felt sorry for Stanton, if he's been forced to do things against his will he's going to go through hell. How do they deal with something like that. I'm really enjoying this fic and really look forward to seeing the alert in my inbox.
riehull chapter 12 . 4/7/2015
It doesn't matter to me how short the chapters are, what you do to fill them makes an impact and if I say so myself a bloody good one! Shep and kaidan are my favourite pairing in the me universe and I love reading peoples takes on their relationship. Also that edi and joker get another try, he deserves some smiles. This is a fab fic, the love that you write between them is just magic, truly and I love the way they've grown as a couple. Just gets better and better!
Jules Hawk chapter 10 . 4/3/2015
That was very well written and hot smut ;p It was as beautiful as the way you write their relationship and connection to each other. Nicely done.

It's a worrying thought, bringing EDI back and her not being as she was. Could she turn out the same, would it break Joker's heart all over again. While I understand his logic I did find Joker's lack of emotional connection a little worrying - maybe he's not as over it as he appears. Kat's decision to ask him is the right one but is he just telling her what she wants to hear. I think I'm with Kaidan on worrying about that one.

Shepard's frustration is so understandable (as a mother I get that in spades). Kaidan deals with her in such a loving and supportive way, he knows her so well it's like they are reading each others minds. It's wonderful and heartwarming.

Tali's explanation of what happened with the Crucible makes perfect sense and fits the storyline well. It's believable and that's all that matters. I like your take on it as much as I like your fic. I'll be watching for the next one.
Jules Hawk chapter 9 . 4/2/2015
Once again you had me enthralled. Every moment was perfectly written, flowed nicely and held either emotion or action.

Your scenes with Joker flying the Normandy are perfect, just as I pictured them. His experience shows, his pride is deserved and his comments spot on. You really bring him to life doing what he does best.

Kaidan and Kat once again make everything feel right. Their relationship seems to sit like a comfortable blanket over everyone, protective and supportive but giving them all room to spread their wings and show their skills. The love they have for each other is beautiful, the small touches, the glances, the things they say without words are so clear their feelings jump off the page. Looking forward to the baby arriving because I think that's going to make me cry.

James and Kris are finally working things out, it only took James getting shot to do it. Great mission by the way, the action was well written and I felt like I was there with them. These people are talented and you're allowing them to shine.

I like what you've done with the Quarrians. It's nice to know they're adapting and surviving and bringing EDI back, that's a really nice idea and I'm curious to see how you do it. Now all they need to do is find out who's behind all this. Really enjoying this fic so I'm just happy whenever you update.
Jules Hawk chapter 7 . 1/11/2015
Coming back from holiday to two chapters - that's a bonus. As always the banter, the emotion between the characters and the building tension make for great reading. That scene in starboard obs - damn that was definitely cold shower material - loved it.

And Joker was perfect, every word was said in his voice and I could see him shuddering and scrunching up his face. The reunion with Garrus brought tears to my eyes as I felt the joy between them and that hug, I could feel it you wrote it so well.

Counting stars, what a brilliant idea. Joker has to be doing something and that suits his role to a T. It has to be driving Shepard nuts not being on the ground with the team but hopefully Joker is right - they will be okay - won't they ;p. Loved it and look forward to the next one.
spaceconveyor chapter 5 . 12/19/2014
Sigh. I soooooooo love Shenko adorableness. Bring on the fluff! Lol

And I have never been a huge fan of Miranda, but her disappearance doesn't bode well for Shep.
Jules Hawk chapter 5 . 12/14/2014
Thoroughly enjoyed both chapters. It was nice having Kasumi back, Miranda disappearing and Cerberus back in the picture - not so nice but I'm eager to see what's going on. Love the interaction between James and Kris, made me chuckle at their obvious dancing around each other and when Shepard didn't pick up on it.

That conversation with Kaidan about it and the background about them skirting regs was great. The line about making out in engineering - priceless. Kaidan pointing out that James was her brother was perfect as was her realisation. Everything you do with these two feels so natural it's amazing and only leaves me wanting more.

Shepard being cautious about the baby is so heart warming, she's actually behaving herself and not rushing into situations. But Kaidan's putting his foot down and it's fantastic, she's got a real fight on her hands there. That scene at the end where the baby kicked was priceless and beautiful, a perfect ending to their night and the chapter.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/12/2014
No, you don't know me from here but I have been a guest reviewer on your other stories. :)

It's a nice to see that Shepard isn't going to risk herself and her unborn baby so easily. (many fics have her rush in recklessly as if she turned into a green recruit and forgot about her family and it drives me nuts).
You mentioned that you may be updating other stories? I can't wait! I remember Kaidan and Shep being on Omega last in TTK and look forward to more chapters.
AngstyShenko chapter 5 . 12/12/2014
Well, you had me there for a bit. Maybe too many Scooby cartoons, but I thought that Kris was the shooter. I really thought I was clever too. Meddling kids and their silly dog... Nonetheless, I'm enjoying Kris' "dislike" of James. Poor guy. He's a big goof. I'm intrigued by Miranda's kidnapping. Let's see where this goes!
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