Reviews for Casual
NoMeImporta32 chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
I liked the serious tone and the push for the talk. It is an interesting side of characters that we don't frequently see.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Loved it
Susan M. M chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
Well done, and from what I remember of Dick G. back in the '80s, in character.
RedWing0109 chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
Hey I just wanted to show some support for the view you're promoting. I know you're probably getting some negative comments about this, which is why I'm saying publicly.

The view you present on sex and sexual relationships is amazing, and it's so rare to see that in this day. From your writing style, I'm going to take a guess that you're younger (you don't have to reply on that one, I respect your privacy), and I'm reading this from the point of view of a college student. This culture is so bombarded with promotions of casual sex, and it's horrible. Seeing you take a stand for something that you believe in (and something I agree with you on) is so amazing, and the fact that you've posted this online says something about your courage.

Yes, I know this is supposed to be a review about your writing. It was fantastic, and I enjoyed every word you wrote. However I'm not going to apologize for not focusing on that. I more want to show that I support you in this viewpoint, and praise the courage you have shown in taking a stand for your beliefs both in your personal life and in your writing.
Bookdancer chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
I was kind of wondering if I would end up favoriting this or not, just because it does revolve around sexual relationships, but I love this view that you showed. Personally, I agree a hundred percent with Dick, and the fact that you displayed his perspective in the way you did just... it's so good. :) By the way, I completely broke into this huge grin when I read those last couple of lines. Selina is my favorite of Bruce's romantic interests, and the fact that Dick approves of her like this is fantastic. Last thing: Bruce and Dick's relationship... absolutely shown in an unbelievable, amazing way. The fluff, man... so sweet! So yeah, I'm totally favoriting this. Excellent job!
LiveAndLetRain chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Can I just say thank you?
Thank you for addressing this, and giving our (and, really, cannon Dick's) point of view.
This is well written and thoughtful and nicely in character for both Dick and Bruce.
Also, this line..."Bruce not usually being so emotional," :)
(And the not minding Selina's flirting. Enjoying watching it even!)
Chikorita-Trainer1 chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Thank you for writing this. I am also offended by the way Dick is portrayed in the comics. I've actually been working on something similar to this myself, only it features Tim criticizing Dick instead of Dick criticizing Bruce. (I don't have enough PLOT to actually write a whole story and post it, but I hope to get there soon.) Anyway, I personally think people should not have sex unless they're in a relationship. FOR ME PERSONALLY, I don't want to unless I'm married. I know it's a naive mindset, but it's mine and I'm sticking to it. This story is wonderful and those things needed to be said. Thank you, again, for writing it.
5-STAR chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Awesome story