Reviews for Defying Oblivion
Tre Corde chapter 2 . 7/13/2015
Aaaah I'm already in love! What a unique and fascinating setting; it's a little gruesome, a little ethereal, but the bits of humor balance well with the darker themes. The reunion is hilarious. Just...Yong Soo's delirious Korean-drama-inspired sappiness. And Yao's complete and utter disbelief (I can just imagine him going NO YONG SOO YOU FOOL in his head). And the ending. Pffft, oh dear.

Oh, and I love all the characters! Yong Soo is a lovely impulsive brat, and Yao is a complete mother hen, and...the part about Kiku and the soup was poignant. Really great characterization. :)

I wonder why Meng Po allowed Yao his request. A moment of mercy? Or something else? Another thing I'm wondering about—when Yong Soo watches his family cross the bridge one by one, does he have any trouble identifying them? I feel like their spirits would take the form they had when they died, but then they'd probably be old and wrinkly and hard to recognize.
IDStorymakers chapter 2 . 6/25/2015
... I loved it! Please update soon, I really like the storyline and where this is going.

Hope you keep writing (awesomely)!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2015
Love it!
The first chapter was heart wrenching and humorous at the same time (yong soo rocks), a beautiful emotional roller coaster.

The second chapter is awesomely funny! :D korean dramas, lol, typical.

Pity it's so short, though, do continue writing more! :)
Kenzie Perth chapter 2 . 5/21/2015
This is beautiful. I read the first chapter when it was published a million years ago and I can't wait for more.

I will try to post a longer review from my computer.

Kenzie Perth out.
Medoh chapter 1 . 12/10/2014
I love the first chapter, I cant wait until the next one comes out! You are a very talented writer, This is already one of my favourite stories.