Reviews for An Extremely Wonderful Life
Navy Apocalypse 321 chapter 1 . 2/4/2019
"Holiday on Ice" was one of my favourite episodes, Christmas Spirit Haxx was so much fun.

Good story.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/6/2019
I have a question no wait 2 what would Extreme dinosaurs be like if the Dinosaurs did threaten to leave Chedra and could you make another Story when the Dinosaurs became angry and refused to speak to each Other leaving it up to Hardrock, Chedra, Pork and Prince h to get Them back together?
Xahraxs chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Good he's ok and now therapy to get him help to get better.

say why not have a love story? Bullseyes falls in love with a woman he saved and he wants her to visit? The others are unsure of what to do. Problem is he's not familiar with human mating rituals. Which is made worse by the others giving him advice. Spike being the worst with telling him what to do if he gets her in bed. lol

Stegz: Spiiiike. Leave him alone. Bullseye is already nervous without you giving him ideas. Besides in my study of humans and love. Tht's much later for what you suggested. They only met two days ago and now you're hoping birdman will mate with her and be a father. It doesn't work that way with humans.