Reviews for The Nutcracker and the Chaos King
D4rK3NeD AllG3L chapter 6 . 5/28/2019
AJ:"How'd you know all that?"
BPP:"Just a hunch."

similar to

doggo!spike(eg):"how'd you know that?"
PP(EG):"Just a hunch."
D4rK3NeD AllG3L chapter 5 . 5/27/2019
Silver whistle that only the diamond dogs can hear? sounds like the whistle only Good!Vampire!Sombra and his mate can hear in 'Precious Blood'. nice touch.
D4rK3NeD AllG3L chapter 3 . 5/27/2019
BY THE TIME SWEETIE BELL SAID "I see a light!" I RECOGNIZED THE HEAVY BARBIE INFLUENCE. Quite frankly, i do not blame you, because upon reading the scene, i realized it is very hard to it make original and not similar to something you have already seen regarding said scene, and the scene is very bottom-line with not much to work with. i imagine it was very hard, and i probably cannot do much better. still very
amazing work! {you are filled with DETERMINATION! Oh, and happiness!}
D4rK3NeD AllG3L chapter 2 . 5/27/2019
Dissy dearest may break the fourth wall, am I correct? He almost did in his retreat. He is Discord, so I wouldn't expect much less, and I wouldn't be surprised, either. That scene with Flutters and Discord on top of the tree was so much like the scene in the forest in 'Precious Blood' where Vampire!Discord first meets (soon to be) Vampire!Fluttershy.

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