Reviews for Code Geass: Lionheart of the Revolution
raw666 chapter 63 . 7/2
At this point, I question why doesn't Lelouch just kill the two brats. And now it looks like its people, those of Japanese and Britanians, will liberate Japan out of necessity.
Grey Wolf4 chapter 63 . 6/30
This is a great update and I hope Euphemia survives.

Also Cornelia is not without redeeming qualities among them her love for Euphemia and there is potential for redemption in her.

Also on Suzaku I noticed in a fanfic somebody made a point about him: Suzaku never takes responsibility for his mistakes and shortcomings and in R2 this was especially apparent as he keeps blaming others most notably Lelouch.
CharlatanHoax chapter 30 . 6/15
Bruh, Cornelia's such a hypocrite in this chapter. She despise those people who drag civilians? she literally planned to just bomb the whole infrastructure full of Britannians inside. the only thing that stopped her was Euphemia. This is irksome.
Guest 3 chapter 11 . 6/14
Guest 3 chapter 62 . 6/2
Please update soon!,things are starting to get good.
ShinHyuga90 chapter 19 . 5/23
Without double meaning ... Steel balls. However nice chapter.
Blaze1992 chapter 62 . 5/21
Please tell me VV gets a slow death.
ShinHyuga90 chapter 18 . 5/10
I think those guys will end up executed. Now I say: considering that Sayoko is an expert fighter why doesn't she eliminate the kidnappers? "Barbarians!" Said the man who massacres unarmed civilians. As soon as I can I read the next one.
Guest 7 chapter 11 . 5/4
The cold words Lelouch said to Suzaku about Clovis would probably be used against him because of how Suzaku views Lelouch’s methods.
ShinHyuga90 chapter 16 . 4/30
But the massacre of defenseless civilians is right, isn't it, Madam hypocrisy?
ShinHyuga90 chapter 15 . 4/22
What a clown Loyd. xD
TheWriter946 chapter 62 . 4/22
Oh Noes! A Cliffhanger! What would happen next...
Dragonheart Of Ireland chapter 62 . 4/22
Amazing chapter! Please update soon!
Spiral-Voltron-Zero0Q1 chapter 62 . 4/22
Awesome chapter dude
And its about damn time that Suzaku and Euphie get a hard dose of reality knocked into them
Blanchimont chapter 62 . 4/22
Finally, been waiting for the next chapter!

This firmly demonstrates why the SAZ will fail regardless of effort, unless sanctioned by the emperor himself, this is expected, really hope this would serve as a wake up call to both Euphie and Suzuka.

Should Euphie survive, i hope you will wake up from her naivety and would provide assistance to the Black Knight, maybe even joining them, either as an administrator in some area or a reserve force, you did show she could pilot a KMF here after all.

And I swear, if this doesn't wake Suzuka from his delusion, do us all a favour and just kill him off, he would be utterly beyond redemption at that point.

Really wish to see what happens next soon, hopefully without the months long wait.
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