Reviews for Zoo
Bellicose Blue chapter 1 . 10/22/2016


I am... horrified? Disturbed? Honestly, I'm just impressed. You've managed to turn my stomach in under 500 words, and not from descriptive gore, either. I actually really, really liked this (okay, maybe not the whole "human zoo" thing, because ick) because it twists your whole worldview- Annie's on the good side, she fought to make the world better, and here she is in a profoundly evil place, and she *likes* it. She's glad it exists, she's glad that real live humans are being chained up in cages and treated like animals and objects, and she's still a hero. Dang. I'm wrecked. This is like those horror stories that just destroy you inside- did you ever read that one about the lottery? Because that's exactly what I'm reminded of. Anyway, WOW, this is a work of art, and I was expecting something light and fluffy from the title and summary but instead I got smacked in the face by something that is most definitely neither of those things, and I'm perfectly okay with that. Wow.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Q: Where did the sheep get a haircut?
A: The baa-baa shop!
Dame Selena chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
Very OOC Annie but I liked the horror aspect of it. Still, like I found for all of your fics it's really short and I barely get into it before I reach the ending and get jerked out.
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
Ooh, what a creepy idea! I figured they weren't actually animals before I got to the author's note.

Annie seems particularly vicious here, especially when she's smacking the poor bench around, and the harsh way she speaks to her son.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to recognize who the animals are or not, but if I am, I don't remember enough from the books to guess who they would be.

Typos and grammar things: [all the exotic every creature] - this phrase seems to have some words in that don't go there. "all the exotic creatures" or "every exotic creature" would work.
MockingjayWithFangs chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
I have decided to review all your hunger games fics since you were a bit down yesterday in the forum.
This was very brief and though it was well written and incredibly disturbing, the image you present of Annie clashes greatly with the one I have of her which means I have mixed feelings about this one shot. I thought of her as someone sweet and forgiving, yet she has lost the love of her life and the father of her son so it would be plausible for her to be like she is in this story.
On a more positive note, you managed to create tension in very few words which is no easy feat.
Keep writing, I look forward to reading your other stories.
distances chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
Maybe I should finally review this...
Okay so this is terrifying and dark and I /love/ it. The fact that Annie was so bitter and cold really added to it- her apathy isn't hard to believe considering her mind was already a bit off and after what the Capitol did to her...
I liked the little mention of Finnick, too. From [She grips his arms tightly] to [She slaps it once and it is still] were such powerful sentences and so full of characterization, oh my god. The fact that he knew to protest her almost made me cry and the ending was so abrupt, but it really fit the whole feel of this fic.
So overall it broke my heart but it was amazing. c:
bronc chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Oh, god, this is disturbing. Okay.
I like your use of Tigress as an exhibit, but I think Lioness was a little meh (mostly because it wasn't /that/ creative). Monkey sounds cute, but terrifying.
The mother is disgusting and this is so cruel and it's terrifying and- WHAT IT'S ANNIE.
No I cannot accept this why did you break me how can something like this break me.
So, in the first paragraph you missed a paragraph break because of dialogue but it's a minor thing.
This was lovely (and if you write a sequel I will worship you *pokes*), Zero. Twisted. . .but amazing and lovely and all that.
AprilLittle chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
You. . .

*searches for words*

You have created something rather unique here. *nods*

Excellent choice to begin with Tigress, because the presence of her name immediately got me thinking the along the right track, that the animals were people. (Later confirmed in your A/N.) I didn't realize that the mother was a super-trippy AU Annie, but regardless of her identity, I definitely understood she was a bit 'off her rocker'!

Gosh, it's just such a creative loopty-loo of a fic, I'm really not sure what else to say! Ha :P Thanks for transporting us to an entirely different dimension! Hehe
team effort chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
excellent body horror o7
Gamemakers chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
This... this is really screwed up, Zero. I love it, but oh my. Umm,yeah. I consider myself pelted.