Reviews for That One Time Harry Saved Everyone
strawberryMIKO chapter 3 . 6/18/2019
This is probably years late but I've been craving a good Dragon Age crossover and since there isn't any good ones for Naruto, I came here instead and found this beauty! I searched through this whole crossover and this is the only well-written and finely crafted story that reads smoothly and keeps the characters in...well, character lol. I love your version of Harry and Alistair! My heart! I was kind of hoping for more of the DAI companions to pop up but I'm intrigued where you'll be taking this nonetheless.

Is it much too late to hope for an update? TT this is so good! I'd love to read more and see where this goes.
avidreader chapter 3 . 12/16/2018
stay together makes sense, markus flint making a deal with harry a nonbreakable vow perhaps to not double cross until back in england, perhaps, would like to see tervinter imperium come up, no place better to learn different magiks of thedas than the country that runs on magic, also flemeth or a more knowledgabl daughter of flemeth than morrigan though morrigan was my fave character in game her witty barbs...also is harry a MoD in his story or possess the halows or did he give each one to his children?
Yogurt Bread chapter 3 . 3/20/2018
Parafet chapter 3 . 6/5/2017
I would be interested in seeing "Mark" go his own way again and also spelled to secrecy about Neville and Harry's existence. Love the story so far though, can't wait for more.
YA190L chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
so its been a long time since you last updates any of your stories, but are you ever going to continue this one, do you think?
Guest chapter 3 . 2/1/2016
serpensortia chapter 3 . 1/21/2016
This is an amazingly well dome crossover, even at only three chapters. Your characters are, well, in character, your chain of events in the plot so far make sense, and - glory hallelujah - your grammar and spelling are great. I'm really sad that you seem to have abandoned this story, and hope you pick it back up one day :(
Miss Lizzy-chan chapter 3 . 11/10/2015
This is hilarious ! I rotally want to read more
Guest chapter 3 . 9/2/2015
You haven't updated in months! Why? This story is excellent and I really enjoy your writing style. Please continue.
kdarnell2 chapter 3 . 7/30/2015
I LOVE this! I greatly enjoyed the Potter books and I've gotten through a 'mostly completed' play through of DA:I. This is a fascinating concept and rather well written one at that.
Avilina Chant chapter 3 . 6/30/2015
Have them stick together for a while longer then kick Flint out! :D
Thatguy chapter 3 . 6/20/2015
Honestly squee so much squee
Guest chapter 3 . 6/16/2015
I really enjoyed reading this. You're writing is amazing!
lividlegion chapter 3 . 4/19/2015
This is the kind of story that i absolutely love to read, it switches perspectives, the characters are all unique and not all powerful. You want your heroes to get there asses kicked, dust themselves off, and make with the quip-page. Humor is a must, sadistic, dumb, or plain crazy humor in my stories! So I read a fantastic story like this, just now on April 19, thinking to myself cant wait for another chapter...low and behold I look at the date last updated jan. 9th. GREAT A BULLSHIT! Look I get it, writers block, or your life is hectic, you got sick, I understand that life can get in the way of finishing a story or updating frequently, but if that's the fricken case, do everyone the courtesy of writing in the description On hiatus or discontinued, and not as a fricken CH. I hate it when people do that. (Oh look one of my favorite stories has a new ch. NOPE!) Sorry im ranting, but this story could be excellent, and there r so few hp/dragon age crossovers. i give this a 3/5 stars missing the two, because you'll probably never update it again, and its too short as is! Hell write one last ch. where the entirety of thedas gets sucked into a black hole for all i care, just finish damn stories writers. This rant isn't exclusively to u but all authors, As ive stated your story is great, no stilted dialogue, descriptions were great. Thank you for what u did write
Guest chapter 3 . 4/17/2015
I hope you update soon
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