Reviews for Reset
E. J. Morgan chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
That was beautiful. Exactly what I believe goes through Tony's mind whenever he's being ridiculed or pranked by his teammates or head slapped by Gibbs.
lmill123 chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
I must have missed this story. But wouldn't it be so right if someone printed out the markers for someone that was narcissistic and beside each marker place the names that they apply to. I can actually see at the very least Gibbs and Abby's names beside each one followed closely by Tim and Kate and even Ducky would have more than what Tony would come up with. Because the people that worked daily with Tony never saw through his masks. While people like Gerald and many of the agents and most of the personal staff and guards and cleaning crews knew more of the real Tony behind the mask. The difference is that they actually talked and listened to Tony, They took the time to know him just as he bothered to know each of them. I would actually do two, a huge one in Ducky's office where he couldn't miss it and another in the bullpen for everyone to see. The real narcissistic ones wouldn't like it one bit.
kkirkl chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
You got to the heart of our Tony. Great writing!
Murraysmum chapter 1 . 9/17/2015
good will there be more of this story...
VG LittleBear chapter 1 . 1/20/2015
Hi, it's a lot to take in. Explains why I'm reviewing only after a second reading. Coming in on a tail-end of conversation, the narcissist comment created a reaction way beyond any meaning intended. And anyway, isn't every only child forced to become one to a certain degree? You know talking to your teddy bear and answering back. Carrying all the conversation. It's either that, or the signs of a budding writer! *g*
Thanks and cheers!
NickTonyK chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Scat210 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Really good, I hope to see more & maybe Tony challenging Ducky over his shared opinion of Tony's narcarssism?
Dixie Dewdrop chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
Bam! Great exposé of one incredible character-
newgal chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
liked your story and your description of Tony
Nightstalcer chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
A great story but very, very disturbing and sad, all the more because you clearly got the real Dinozzo and portrayed it without all the smoke screens he likes to display in the show. And sometimes I also blame the regisseurs and screenbook writers as his behaviour is so inconsistent sometimes.
I would love to see a reaction of other people as Tony didn't seem to have stopped the elevator so probably someone will find him in there, suffering and thinking.
I don't know the particular episode just now and perhaps this never came around in the german version but I'm game to go with your assessment of the situation.
Great writing work, well done.
gibblette chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Thank you for this! It was such a valuable in-defense-of-Tony rebuttal to that awful autopsy conversation that should never have happened. His (your) thoughts are well reasoned solidly supported. I know there are a few of these narcissistic comment driven fics out there but you've found a fresh way to come at it.
Caper25 chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
This is a great assessment if Tony's character. I hope writing it helped you. I really enjoy your stuff and can't wait for more!
dinozzolover29 chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
I'm so sorry for any disappointment that led to this wonderful story. The biggest compliment I can think to give you is to say that your story inspired me to look at how I view myself in my life, after reading this I decided to take a page from Tony's book and learn to love myself as completely as he loves himself in your world, faults and all, so thank you for my New Years resolution.
Paula Galtarocha chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
I remember a conversation between Tim and Tony (can not remember in which episode, unfortunately) in which Tim analyzes the childhoods of both. He tells Tony "I had a parent with other expectations and you a parent with no expectation". Tony had a lonely and neglected childhood. It is not a narcissist, he's a survivor. So I loved the analysis of its history, it was perfect. Abby is a big yes ... and narcissistic megalomaniac and also bipolar.
NCIS fan chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
Fascinating take on Tony and his "narcissism." If I remember the episode correctly, Ducky said something like "...but Anthony has empathy - something our killer lacks." Interesting, considering narcissists are incapable of empathy.

It's also interesting that our motto in America seems to be "Look out for Number One" yet we castigate people for praising and valuing themselves.

Looking forward to your next story!
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