Reviews for The Missing Soldier - A Christmas Story
tumbles16 chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
I liked that
GuestMcCarry chapter 1 . 12/24/2016
AWESOME STORY! Love the ending too! Here's a tip, do a sequel for this. Use the song :Candle on the Water from Pete's Dragon. It'd be really cool. Just something to keep in mind.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
IllogicalMuse chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
Wow. That was incredible. You've managed to capture the emotions accurately. You gave us such vivid and poignant scenes. If you hadn't told me about the ending, I probably would have cried while reading it. I could feel Asami's suffering; the debilitating fear and constant dread. Waiting is always the hardest part. :( She gave me the impression that she was convincing herself and preparing herself for the worst, but she's still hoping deep inside, like a pessimist who wants to be proven wrong. I can see why people have been asking more of this from you haha! Great job, as expected!
Zippy chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
This was a beautiful one-shot, and so well written. You captured the emotion wonderfully.
kataang4ever14 chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
i love it. so sweet. this was a great read.
jagera chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
Awe, so touching. I feel all misty eyed.
DavidAlatriste chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
This made me cry. Military service is a rough thing for the family of the soldiers and this depicts quite well what happens with most families. I loves it, but why the Fire Nation as a dangerous palce? The earth kingdom sound way more dangerous, but then again this is an AU. Great Fic!
luce chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
What a heartwarming story! Perfect for the holidays. :)
super-noodles chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
lovely! This seems like an AU. Although I'm not a fan of AUs in general, i liked this because the story scope was so narrow that it almost felt like Korra was off doing her Avatar duties with the promise to return after a few weeks but couldn't make it on time because she got injured.

I hope someone just writes a korrasami story with what i just described hahaha.
Looking forward to more of your korrasami works!
WordsToShare chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Answers to the last two questions...
1 - I left the interpretation that Korra was deployed in service of the United Forces as the Avatar a little vague. You could say that she was essentially enlisted, seeing as there's no bending involved in this story, but I figured the deployed concept didn't require any confirmation within the context. My bad.

2 - Okay, so here's my view on Korrasami. I don't think that the relationship needed confirmation of Korra or Asami being gay/bi/straight or whatever because in my mind, the relationship just works. Take Grey's Anatomy for example - Callie was straight in the early seasons, having married George and had a kid with McSteamy. But, later on she ends up in a relationship/married to Arizona. After so long, the creators finally decided to confirm their status, creating a dialogue in the show where Arizona stated she'd always been gay and Callie was essentially bi, but in the beginning she just loved a girl. I sort of look at Korra and Asami like that. I think who they are as individuals make them work together, more so than I think Mako and Korra do. But, even in some scenarios, I think Korra and Mako could work as well (in fact, I have a Makora fic in my head that I'll write soon). Does that answer that question?
Guest chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Great story but I have one question, did korra enlist, and if not how do you force the avatar to be deployed?
nate c chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
not bad writing. i have asked others this... when did korra become gay?
SortedStars chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I don't usually ship korrasami, but you did an awesome job with this story.
Anne chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
Aww Korrasami!

I'm not ready for the finale!