Reviews for Christmas Night in Arkham
Thalion Estel chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Oh. My. Goodness. This was so funny! I was doing okay until I read that the inmates thought Santa was a new torture device...then I pretty much lost it. Do you have any smile remover you could send my way? :) So well done; thanks for posting!
Silenthunder chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
*dies laughing* Have I ever told you I THINK YOUR STORIES ARE AWESOME?!
MOSObsessed chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
sorry I didn't get it as well as I would of liked, but it was very funny!

ThurinRanger chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Yay! Day five! This was so funny! The best part had to be the inmates mistaking "Santa" for a new torture device...XDXDXD
Can't wait for tomorrow's!
Shyy-Ra chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Bruce isn't the smartest, is he?

I love Alfred's attempt at being Santa. It was epic. XD

I'm kinda cheering the villains on...
2MFriedmanFreak chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
No, No, Noooooooo! Don't tell me that Frodo is going to get hallucinogens from Galadriel for Christmas! I don't want to read the one where they're found!

Hahahhahhahha, even though I haven't seen this movie, I found this amazingly funny. Why on earth does Batman want a girlfriend like Rachel?! O.o And what is this thing about girlfriends and boyfriends being really awful? I am never going to date.

Don't worry, with as much fun as I have had so far with all these stories, I will definitely be back tomorrow. Until then,
