Reviews for On Christmas Day in Arendelle
BlueLion chapter 7 . 6/11/2017
and another romantic story of councilor-universe is finished - I liked it very much. This one, like quite a few of its predecessors, goes into my community list, your permission provided!
Lindstrom chapter 7 . 6/6/2017
Dear Guest of the previous comment,

If you want to log in before asking a question, I could reply. Shoot me a PM if you really want to know the answer.

I will say I didn't realize the site would send out a notice that I'd deleted the chapter. I thought that the story was buried in the depths of fanfiction and no one would ever notice.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/6/2017
Was it really necessary to delete the last chapter?
golden goddess chapter 8 . 2/1/2016
The one plot line that I really liked was that Elsa didn't end up married in the end, only more opened up to the possibility, but I feel like that will be ruined with a sequel. I haven't seen many when they make more than one oc, or make them just friends. I think this was fairy well written, however I hold Elsa to a higher standard of English and always expect her to sound more proper
Kate Muse chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
That...that was beautiful!
Concolor44 chapter 8 . 2/10/2015
Oh, WOW! How did I miss this? It's been (looks up at the top) FORTY-ONE DAYS since this posted. Oh My Gosh!

That was SO very much like Anna. She'll have to keep herself on a short leash. And a chaperon might not be such a bad idea. Their relationship can boil over without a great deal of encouragement.

Lovely, lovely story! I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH!
akbookworm chapter 8 . 1/30/2015
Hi Lindstrom!
I saw your author's note a story or two back (the one asking about reviews) and wanted to write one big one to sum up all your stories. I only found your work two(ish) weeks ago.
First, I'd like to say that it's rare to have found such a well thought-out, planned, and written FanFiction. Yours was definitely a pleasant surprise! I have read all your stories and loved every single word. I was casually browsing to find something to read to pass the time and I stumbled upon one of your later stories. I was interested and checked out your Bio, where I was immediately hooked on all your stories and characters.
Speaking of characters, all your characters are so full of life! Full backstories for characters that didn't exist before (especially Bern), and even fuller ones for those that did. (I think my favourite line in all your stories is where Elsa says her rage at her silent mother would annihilate everything that was left. I don't think I'll be able to watch that scene the same way ever again.) It added another dimension to the stories that I didn't even know could be there, but makes so much sense now that it is.
The two most important points, though, are about your character development. Your characters grew and changed, something missing in a lot of stories. All of them are different than they started out, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The Anna at the end of this story is much more grown up than when we left her at the end of the movie. And Elsa... Different, stronger, more confident, but perhaps my favourite part was that it was not an easy path for her. I think that many people assumed that we hit the end of it when the movie finished and that everything would be okay just because Elsa could thaw things. But it was a real struggle for her, and it will continue to be, something I love that you highlight.
There are so many more things that I'd love to mention, but I fear this is getting a little long already. Please keep writing more stories in this series, I truly have enjoyed reading them and can't wait to see where everyone goes from here. I can almost assure you that there are many people like me, reading without commenting (mostly because I don't have a FanFiction account) and wanting more from your stories.
Wishing you all the best in writing,
Guest chapter 4 . 1/29/2015
Type your review for this chapter here...
IndyGirl89 chapter 8 . 1/1/2015
Aw, so sad it's over! But what a great way to end it, with a "steamy" Kristanna scene. Can't wait to read your next story! :)
AnimeWhoLockDiaries chapter 7 . 1/1/2015
omg this story is adorable! pleaseeeeeeeee please update this story soon! you have become one of my favourite authors really quickly and this story is just perf :D
IndyGirl89 chapter 7 . 12/31/2014
Ha, this chapter was funny. :)
ARoseofAmber chapter 7 . 12/31/2014
I just wanted you to know that I have spent the day reading all of your stories and I cannot get enough. I love what you have done with the characters and I adore Bern! Ever time I watch the movie now I will look for him only to be disappointed. Thank you for writing and posting your stories for us!
Concolor44 chapter 7 . 12/31/2014
Oh THAT was just FUN! I'll bet you had a total BLAST writing this chapter! The Bern/Elsa interaction is getting cuter and cuter by the moment, and the dinner conversation was hilarious.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/30/2014
This last chapter is absolutely my favorite! Lovely! :)
Concolor44 chapter 6 . 12/29/2014
I am IN LOVE with your characterization of Elsa. She is a genuinely lovely person, in every respect. And her empathic ability? So cool. It would be nice if she could use a modified form of that during foreign negotiations. Could be quite helpful.

I hold profound respect for Bern. He is making lemonade out of shabby lemons, and I anticipate with great relish the slow blossoming of their relationship. It will run very, very deep, I feel sure.

More? Please?
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