Reviews for Precognitive Failure
CCX chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Rereading this after Fates...I love it. I swear I had no idea that Dark Mage Owain would become canon when I wrote this. Add in that "Odin"'s hair actually seems possibly even lighter than Lissa's and that the class in general is one Owain can only inherit from his father, and I'm willing to call this ship of convenience my new canon.
Dane Namor chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Nice to see someone finally do a Robin/Cynthia story. I was thinking I might have to do one myself just to get one out there! So, well done!

More importantly, I really like the idea of Chrom hinting that Robin should marry Lissa, very much a Harry/Ron concept with Ginny "C'mon, let's be brothers!"

Even more than that though, the idea of Cynthia having to "Do a Hero's duty" and put down her own husband. Goddamn that's amazing, painful, insane and one hell of an idea. I read it and I was just thinking about the confrontation scene, Cynthia taking Lucina's place (interrupting and saying it's her duty?) while Robin convinces her to kill him... Brutal stuff.
Gunlord500 chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
The heart loves who it loves indeed :D Good fic, I liked this!
fluteresi chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
This is cute, I liked the part where Cynthia couldn't find it in her heroic heart to cut down her husband. I can't wait for more!