Reviews for Battle Scars
JayRain chapter 16 . 10/23/2015
This scene was very intense, and showed her love and devotion to Cullen in a really nice way. What she did was difficult, but she didn't think of herself, only him. It was a really profound moment.
JayRain chapter 15 . 10/23/2015
Oh I like this :) they deserve this quiet time together to enjoy one another. Nicely done!
JayRain chapter 14 . 10/15/2015
I loved Dorian's lines in this chapter- very humorous, very Dorian! And the way you slipped in the 'fine dwarven crafts' line was awesome. Whenever I play Origins now, when in Denerim I make a wide arc around Gorim because that line gets stuck in my head. But the way you worked it in was fun! And the painting was a lovely gesture on Evie's part, and I love that Cullen's whisking her away. So romantic!
JayRain chapter 13 . 10/15/2015
I think you did a great job capturing Cullen's sense of anticipation in this chapter. In our world we are able to contact one another quickly, easily, anywhere, at any time... in this one, not so much. Letters that move slowly are all they have. You captured that nervous energy so nicely.
JayRain chapter 12 . 10/10/2015
OH, I REALLY like this chapter! The banter is fun and in-character, and I love Dorian's involvement (of course. Slightly biased. Love my Tevinter mage). The jokes are fun, and even in spite of the darkness lurking in the background with Cullen's withdrawal and all, this chapter is lighter than the others. It's nice to see.
JayRain chapter 11 . 10/9/2015
I like Cullen's reflections here. Very realistic, very much what he needs after this awful nightmare. And with everything they've been through so far, a day off and away, and a change of scenery that's not Inquisition-related might be very nice for them both.
JayRain chapter 10 . 10/8/2015
This was super intense. The imagery of the lyrium and desire demon was really powerful and very vivid. He definitely is a tormented man, and you did a great job of portraying that in this chapter. Nicely done.
JayRain chapter 9 . 9/23/2015
It's so helpful that she has Cullen here. He's been through terrible things that leave him unable to sleep. He's seen the worst in humanity and in magic and in the Chantry. And he's able to be there for her, able to help her, without being condescending. She certainly has some recovery to go through, but she's got support, and that is very valuable.
MRTL85 chapter 8 . 1/23/2015
wow. Your fic is sad but really sweet. I love it. can't wait for more!
JayRain chapter 8 . 1/19/2015
Oh the feels! This is lovely. It's a start to her healing, and it's a chance for Cullen to say how he really feels, and moreover, to SHOW it. It will probably be a long process, but I'm glad she has someone to help her through it like this.
Princess of Greenwood2 chapter 7 . 1/17/2015
Write more soon please.
RBurger chapter 7 . 1/17/2015
Ooooh poor Evie, poor Cullen!
JayRain chapter 7 . 1/17/2015
This is a very heavy and emotional chapter, but it's good for him to be there with her, and I'm glad he is able to reassure her of his feelings and that she is still deserving of her position. He doesn't ignore what happened to her, but he doesn't let it break her, either. He's there for her, which is what she needs.
LuckyBunny8 chapter 6 . 1/15/2015
Please update soon! It's a very good story. I also want to know how she was cornered by the red templars. Where were the people holding the camp and the rest of her questing party? I liked that you had some combat scenes in the beginning. I hope we read about Dorian and the rest of the party kicking the red templar butts. I wonder how Cullen will express his frustration and/or rage about what happened. Will he beat a practice dummy or something?
Hope you write more soon!
Princess of Greenwood2 chapter 6 . 1/6/2015
Write more soon please.
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