Reviews for Survival Is Not Mandatory
Paul Lenzen chapter 22 . 10/25/2018
This was fantastic. Good job!
Arcane Warrior 2012 chapter 22 . 9/26/2018
What an ending to such an epic tale.
Arcane Warrior 2012 chapter 20 . 9/26/2018
This story has forced me to start plaing game again. One with a eleven female mage romancing Zevran and another with male noble Cousland romancing Leliana.
I'm in love with those two in this story.

I have played a lot of Fem Cousland/Alistair (one of most difficult pairing even in game)

And sorry for last two reviews, I was infuriated with Elissa but this chapter and second part of last chapter helped me understand her a bit more. Leliana was spot on why she was invisible weapon against Alistair.

I'm glad Alistair reached to heart of matter and told her in black and white that she needed to calm her temper a bit and open channels of communication. They really sucked at matters of heart.

Thanks for writing such a difficult character and not only redeeming her at last but also making her understandable.

Do I love this story! I do, I definitely do.
Arcane Warrior 2012 chapter 19 . 9/26/2018
Here we go again, people fearing her for killing Crows! Really? I can understand if this is some fake self loathing in mind of Elissa, but the way story imparts the event it seems people of Ferelden have taken leave of their senses and are afraid of her killing Antivan Crows in cold blood, who won't give two figs to kill her and her companions if given slightest chance of mercy.

Zevran is absolutely to the point, she hates Zevran has to go find a formula for her to conceive and later few years down the road she will hate herself for not being able to conceive. She wants Zevran to be chained for his safety, he is an Antivan Crow for life's sake, he would rather die a free man with free spirit than to hide in cold castle in Ferelden.

At least some good came out of it at last, Elissa has learned a bit that every adult can make his/her own decision even with respect to her, she has right to argue once that they shouldn't put their life in danger for her, but way she guilt trips herself and everyone and she runs away again and again, makes me feel she is a very very vulnerable character.
Arcane Warrior 2012 chapter 18 . 9/26/2018
I held on till this chapter but it's enough. Elissa's self loathing and treating everyone else as children, like everyone else had no free will to make their own choices, got on my nerves. It was getting tiring really, repetition of same sentiments over and over again, she failed everyone, others died because of her, it is really pathetic. Frankly at this point I like Loghian better than this Elissa.

I'm not giving up on story, it is tremendous but for Alistair, Leliana and Zevran. I gave up on Elissa, literally.
mille libri chapter 22 . 6/28/2018
Ah, that was lovely. Not an unalloyed happy ending, but a satisfying one that they came to together on their own terms, hard-won and well-deserved.
mille libri chapter 21 . 6/27/2018
I loved the view of the finely oiled machine that is the leadership of Ferelden from the planning to the execution of the wedding - and the final bit of Alistair understanding what he needed from their wedding night and Elissa giving it to him was perfect.
mille libri chapter 20 . 6/26/2018
And here again, more of Alistair's maturity, knowing what the trouble is between them and determining to set it right before things can go wrong again. You've built his character beautifully.
mille libri chapter 19 . 6/26/2018
This chapter really showed off Alistair's growth - he has grown into his adulthood and his kingship and his love all together, and he knows her for who she is and who he needs her to be.
mille libri chapter 18 . 6/3/2018
I really liked the battle sequence - the cleanness of it, the way it focused on Elissa's experience and narrowed slowly as it went - and then her total collapse afterward, as she tried to reconcile the different sides of herself. And, of course, Alistair coming to her rescue.
mille libri chapter 17 . 5/25/2018
Ah, Elissa. Her expectations of others are so high, and her allowance for their mistakes so minimal. I was glad to see Leliana take her to task over it, and glad to see that even though she tried she couldn't change herself on a dime that way - it might have been more fun to see her forgive Alistair instantly, but this was more believable by far.
mille libri chapter 16 . 4/18/2018
I love in-control-Alistair here and his smugness at Elissa's frustration. It's quite adorable. And the verbal fencing between Elissa and Leliana was sharp and pointed and icy cold, with only the faintest hint of the warmth of friendship beneath it.
mille libri chapter 15 . 4/10/2018
That was just lovely from top to bottom. The honesty, the passion, the understanding of how far their emotions have come and how far they still have to go, Leliana being all-knowing and Wynne being terrifying ... You really have such a tremendous gift.
mille libri chapter 14 . 2/8/2018
I like the touch that both of them had chosen the same night to make their final move, and I really like that Alistair figured out what was going on and was able to play his part with so much subtlety on all counts. He's learning and growing through all this, and will be all the better partner for it.
mille libri chapter 13 . 1/18/2018
You detail their duplicity so nicely - so much of it unspoken, but it's all still there so clearly you can almost see it.
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