Reviews for All I Want for Christmas is You
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I loved this, but one little nitpick: it's Mikey not Mickey, other than that everything is great. I'm really sorry if I upset you with this, but it gets annoying after a while seeing people making this mistake.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
You know, I don't think this was sad at all. Yes, it had its sad moments, but really, it's as happy as it can be given their circumstances. Of course, with their families still unaccounted for, it's going to be a bit down, but what I saw here was a bunch of friends making the best of their situation and finding happiness where they could. It was beautiful and heartwarming and there's nothing wrong with writing vignettes that have nothing at stake but to show a moment in time. This was very nice. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the Leo/Karai.