Reviews for Journey to the Last Homely House
quarterhorseranch chapter 10 . 1/19/2016
SylvaDragon chapter 10 . 5/1/2015
I really loved this story, I've read it several times since I discovered it a few days ago, and it has always touched me deeply. Elrond has always been one of my favourite characters, I felt as though he wasn't so well portrayed in the films, and you have written him very much as I love to imagine him. You write incredibly well, and I found your story so beautiful that it almost made me cry. I loved how you showed his gentleness and compassion, so many moments that just will stay with me for so long.
Marykate chapter 10 . 8/26/2014
Thank you, Elwen. I have Lupus but I recovered from Lymphoma three years ago. Reading your story helped me to work through my own darker memories and to see light in Frodo's strength. Your description of his feeling daunted at the length of the corridor to Bilbo's room, the pain of pneumonia and pleurisy, the love of honey, are all things I have experienced. There are so many elements that touch on my own past and present, it is uncanny. You write beautifully. I suspect the song of your soul is a beautiful one. Thank you for singing to us.
KeiraAchiOkanabe chapter 10 . 10/29/2007
AW...this made me cry. You are now officially my top favorite author.
Lilandriel chapter 10 . 12/21/2005
Just wanted to say- you truely are a fantastic writer! You have an incredible gift. I've read quite a few of yours now, and you've made me smile and laugh and get all teary. This one is especially well written, and I felt you've really managed to draw the reader in to the tale, and involve them in it. You have an amazing grasp on the nuances of language, expression and emotion, and in instilling empathy in the reader so that we really feel for, and sympathise with, the characters.

(sorry- i'm getting a bit waffley!)

anyway- it's brilliant! keep up the writing. I look forward to reading more of yours! xx
Deleted717 chapter 10 . 3/8/2004
A very well written tale) This story's ending chapters gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling. heh. It was a honour and a comfort to read this, and i thank you for giving me the pleasure of encountering such a tale. Isn't the point of all writing to fill your own soul and to mend those of others? You have done well on that point, making me feel, for a moment, that all could be right with the world.
Thank you,
Caiaphas chapter 10 . 1/27/2004
This was beautiful I loved it so much. Thank you so much for righting this.
Gershwhen chapter 10 . 10/29/2003
What a beautiful tale. I thoroughly enjoyed your portrayal of Lord Elrond in this. I sometimes think he is underutilized in fan fiction, and his friendship and gentle characteristics (the requirements of a good healer) overlooked. Your story did neither - Elrond was just as I've always seen him - and I enjoyed it greatly.

I always feel the end of the book was VERY bittersweet and like to think that ALL of the hobbits and the Fellowship were finally reunited in the Grey Havens. What better reward for all of them, than to spend an eternity in love and friendship? I know your version of Lord Elrond would be a huge part of that group.

Thank you for sharing such a loving and gentle story.


shireling chapter 10 . 4/7/2003
This may be a little incoherant but it's hard to type with puffy tear filled eyes . Wonderfull.

Thank you.
helga chapter 10 . 2/22/2003
I have nejoyed several of your stories, this one in particular. Very nice characterization of Elrond, and the bittersweet ending really works well.
LilyBaggins chapter 10 . 2/8/2003
Without a doubt one of the most beautifully written-everything about it-Frodo stories I've ever read. Simply wonderful, Elwen. I'm glad you have more fics on your plate, I am.
bess trueheart chapter 10 . 2/4/2003
a very good frodo and elrond even got less spacey and more warm and friendly at the end to frodo which was great. he needed that.

since its mentioned a lot: do you knw that celestial seasonings makes a honey cammomile tea you can buy in the market?
Guest chapter 10 . 2/3/2003
I've been following this story for awhile now and really have been enjoying it. You are a wonderful writer. Don't stop writing, yah' hear?
Nilmandra chapter 10 . 2/3/2003
Thanks for a beautiful end, Elwen. You developed a wonderful friendship between Elrond and Frodo. I can easily see them on the ship together, and Elrond telling Frodo the story you told in A Cup of Sorrows. Frodo is priveledged to see the private side of Lord Elrond, and such a caring friend. I am glad that for all the years Frodo lived in Tol Eressea that he had friends like Elrond. Hmmm...I don't suppose you'd want to do a story of them there, would you?
Eleni the Tiny Elf chapter 10 . 2/3/2003
This was a beautiful story - I've always enjoyed sick Frodo fics with Elrond as the caregiver. I'm putting this on my favourites list. Thank you for this tale :)
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