Reviews for In Absentia
H20 Ferrum Dominus chapter 1 . 8/1
Oh man that prologue was amazingly well written. It is quite a shame that I only discovered this wonderful story now. I just recently finished the entire Bioshock series again, and it prompted me to read a couple of fanfics about the franchise. Kudos for all the dedication and hard work you have put into this. I just wished that I was there to support you in the beginning...
BenRG chapter 9 . 2/1/2018
That said, I do wonder just how human the post-unlocking Elizabeth is. It's possible that the way she can tap the fabric of the universe may mean that she's beyond something like eating.
BenRG chapter 8 . 2/1/2018
Comstock never realised just how well he had taught Elizabeth to hate during her long imprisonment. As with her father (most versions of him anyway), that hatred blinds her to most other things, including the immoral folly of her current course of action.
BenRG chapter 7 . 2/1/2018
Yeah, that first Tommy Gun in BaS Part 1 is a real sneaky one with its nearly-empty magazine.
BenRG chapter 6 . 2/1/2018
Was that a Frozen reference? If so, then Elizabeth has right to be worried. If someone is looking through Tears to the early 21st Century, there's no telling what other bits of anachronistic knowledge and culture may have slipped through. Rapture could be one huge time paradox and no-one yet knows it!
BenRG chapter 5 . 2/1/2018
Elizabeth crafting a skyhook makes for a far more plausible explanation than there being some Rapture equivalent of the device. Nice work!
BenRG chapter 4 . 2/1/2018
Ryan was always paranoid almost to the point of mania. However, just because you've got a head full of shrieking squirrels masquerading as a brain doesn't make you less dangerous (Cohen) or right about people plotting against you (Ryan). It's just sad that Ryan always took so long to identify true threats whilst spending his time indulging his fantasies about the 'parasites' chasing him for his wealth.

He would have been better served worrying about predators like Fontaine, Lamb and, ultimately, Jack.
BenRG chapter 3 . 2/1/2018
Despite Ryan's proclamations of disgust at the concept of government, Cohen was functionally the city's Minister for Propaganda. The 'Rapture's Best and Brightest' poster also suggests that he was in Ryan's inner circle. So, yeah, I can't see him not being aware of the Little Sisters and what it was all really about. I also suspect that Suchong and Tannenbaum would have been obsessive in keeping accurate records, so I am sure that there is a list of names somewhere.

So, yeah, Cohen potentially has the ability to do it. The question is, is he actually likely to do it no matter what favour you do him? I can't see him pushing his luck with Ryan unless the prize on offer was immense and he is insane enough that there is no telling what he would value the most.
BenRG chapter 2 . 2/1/2018
Sander Cohen is about as harmless as a primed landmine that you haven't disturbed yet.

Time is a funny thing though. I'm wondering if Elizabeth is seeing quantum ghosts from her own future in Rapture or a possible future at least. She'd never realise this is because, upstream, she's no longer 'special'. I don't think she was thinking clearly enough at this point to realise that.
BenRG chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
The first thing Elizabeth needs to learn about Rapture: No-one does anything for nothing. If Ryan is purporting to make a charitable gesture, then you know that there is some profit against it. If he wasn't personally benefiting from keeping them alive, he'd smother the girls in their sleep himself.
djmegamouth chapter 12 . 10/6/2016
On ice ha
Ben 451 chapter 35 . 9/13/2016
Played through Infinite and it's DLC in prep for Collection this week. BaS ep.2 didn't sit right, so I went hunting for a fic like this. There's a few out there that I bailed on a few chapters in, but this was the one with the characterization and the writing quality I was looking for. Thanks for writing it.
badkidoh chapter 35 . 9/13/2016
Another great chapter.
badkidoh chapter 34 . 9/5/2016
Another great chapter.
badkidoh chapter 33 . 8/29/2016
Another great chapter.
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