Reviews for DWD Academy
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Please tell me this isn't Disney's Frozen all over again. I can't stand Frozen fanfics that have/had to be Disney's Frozen all over again.
AU Over Canon chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
"If students have been going to public or private schools for eleven years ... then there’s no reason to take them away from public nor private schools to put them in homeschool with their parents nor legal guardians because they’ve became used to public or private schools, being around lots of other students, they have lots of socializing skills with their peers, bus-mates, schoolmates, classmates, lots of job skill training and field trips to go to, including Anna Solberg. And ... if they’ve been homeschooled all their entire lives... then there’s no reason to change them to go to public nor private schools in their last years of being the full-time homeschool twelfth grade seniors because... they’re more comfortable at home learning their lessons with their parents, legal guardians, full-time homeschool private tutors, online teachers and not used to lots of other people around, including Elsa Solberg. Rich people/adults/grown ups/parents/legal guardians have to pay a lot of money to send their children/children figures away to private boarding schools away from home. Everybody learns differently, including two Solberg sisters."
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
If students have been going to public or private schools for eleven years ... then there’s no reason to take them away from public nor private schools to put them in homeschool with their parents nor legal guardians because they’ve became used to public or private schools, being around lots of other students, they have lots of socializing skills with their peers, bus-mates, schoolmates, classmates, lots of job skill training and field trips to go to. And ... if they’ve been homeschooled all their entire lives... then there’s no reason to change them to go to public nor private schools in their last years of being the full-time homeschool twelfth grade seniors because... they’re more comfortable at home learning their lessons with their parents, legal guardians, full-time homeschool private tutors, online teachers and not used to lots of other people around. Rich people/adults/grown ups/parents/legal guardians have to pay a lot of money to send their children/children figures away to private boarding schools away from home.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/5/2015
This is really great and extremely interesting, not just one of the more generic high school fanfics. I hope you finish it!
destiel.spn chapter 7 . 7/28/2015
I can't wait until you update this is awesome! (Even though I only made through the first chapters of Variant but oh well :P)
DarkAces326 chapter 7 . 2/8/2015
i really like the story and if hiccstrid wins then you should pare Merida up with Bunny its not a big ship but i like the idea of them being togther would make an interesting couple
AlchemistLyn chapter 7 . 1/23/2015
Sorry, about my late reply. I sent you a message and also I forgot to mention that I'm okay if you pair her with someone.
Bigfan chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
Hello! You haven't posted for a while! Are you writing a big one? Because honestly, your fanfic is the one I'm looking forward to the most.
manyotpsforlife chapter 7 . 1/10/2015
This is a great fic so far!
fanficreader2231 chapter 7 . 1/10/2015
I really like the fic so far! I think you should have lilo and stich come to the academy too. If you are still doing voting between hiccstrid and merricup my vote is for hiccstrid :) Have a great day!
Fenrir Wylde Razgriz chapter 7 . 1/10/2015
NOT YOU TOO but alas i understand...and i'am soo joining the Havoc's rebel baby whoooo
Bigfan chapter 2 . 1/9/2015
Are u ok? You haven't posted a whole week!
Bigfan chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
You're a very good writer. I suggest for bunny minds ears, he starts crushing on Violet and they show each other their powers aye he has egg powers). Then, she says she can keep a invisible shield around his ears sometimes. I think that would be a good ship, too. Also, with coraline, could she and Norman and maybe rapunzel be friends? I think that would be cool, cuz they're sorta similar. Also, could maybe she and sandy become close friends? Maybe you can say she can walk between dimensions and worlds or something and then she had the beldame experience. If sandy helped her with her nightmares about the spider, she could take him to a world where he could speak. I also ship them. I just like shipping people. Sorry about the long post! Thanks!
Ps. Have you ever read 'the graveyard book' by Neil Gaiman? I know he's not a movie yet (but it has a movie contract...) but could you please include Nobody? Thank you!
Pikachudragon chapter 6 . 1/2/2015
Ooo cant wait for more!
fatteehee chapter 5 . 12/30/2014
This is a really good story, I love it, and I hope that you'll make it hiccstrid.
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