Reviews for FNAF: Freddy Fazbear's Rap Battles
fnaf girl for life chapter 2 . 2/2/2018
next should be Chica and Bonnie
Fluffy The Forsaken Fox chapter 2 . 1/5/2018
Yeah, It's me, 'Fluffy, The Forsaken Fox', and yeah... my account's being dumb. And I can't rember my password. Hope I can log back in soon. Also, I may Have AAAAN idea... but its a idea of TWO rap battles, between 4 of my OCs, 1: Roxy V.S. Vixey or Funtime Foxy (my version, she's basicaly a slut for Fluffy, and Roxy is like, 'F*** NO.') So, yeah, a girl agenst Girl Rap Battle? I think that'd be nice.
2ND rap battle idea: Fluffy (my OC, who I've been all freaking out about, trying to get him used on a website...) V.S. (A newer OC of mine, who is basically Fluffy. But is more aware of... everything, and thinks of himself as an abomination.) The Fallen Guardia, a Archangel, who was when he was forced into this universe, made into a Animatronic... Abomination... he is hard to see when he wishes to be alone, unless you sense thoughts. even then it's a challange. The Fallen Guardia also has 'Powers' and actual Powers. His 'Powers': Finding a way to enrage his foe, loosening their grip on logic, and basically he is deadpool, but if Deadpool became Genji from OVERWATCH, and was super chill AF. But when The Fallen Guardia is enraged... He hasn't lost his old powers, like, Basiclly the closer to you he is, the easier for him to take over your body. And also, he can see the dreams of others, and usualy may change them if he wishes, but he cannot change his own, allways the same, every night, nightmare, of when he killed the first Guardia to try and grab him. Turns out it was his youngest brother, and he was gonna help him NOT be banished. And since he died, The Fallen Guardia was banished untill the, Fire, Water, Earth, and Light guardia accepted him as one of them, And he figured out he IS the 5th Arch-Guardia, or what mortals would say, Archangel, he was so close to being taken as one of their own from each, and then he met HER, the one who he never could stop thinking about... he was a teen, about 17 back when he was in the first realm he was banished to, so the ones who caused his banishment, overlooked it, untill he showed her all the temples, then they freaked out, and were forced to do their worst nightmare, break his sanity... when it hit him, he fell to his knees, and began to cry, with a grin, both seeming to be full of pure Blood-lust, and tilted his head at the girl, she was... terrified... and his insanity... became one with him, somthing that had never happened to anybody, the insanity made them a Wing-Ripper allmost allways, but only 3 times did the insanity not do so, all before The Fallen Guardia, Their names were: The Forsaken Mother, now known as 'The Void Mother', by all Void-born, the next was... hard to say... as it broke the watchers heart... the other had been his own brother, Luci, now known as Lucifer, the husband of the Void Mother, if either become free, completely, unless The Fallen became a single being with the original Fire, Earth, Light, and Water Arch-Angels... they were all screwed. The Fallen, was the First Seal. The ORIGINAL Archangel, he was born from the Void Mother and Lucifer, when they were still Guardia themselves... then Insanity took them... So, The Fallen and his Little brother grew up on the streets. Untill their 'Mom, and Dad' found them, and adopted them. The Fallen knew somthing was up, and sure as he thought, they got HIM to send off to Protect 'The Plane Of The Guardia', in the Guardia Army. God that word is so bitter in his mouth now, 'Guardia this, Guardia that!' THAT'S ALL THEY EVER THOUGHT OF! Never a 'thanks' or even a nod, to him, the only man left from the army, and he still served, right till he was a Fallen. And the girl... she was... familiar... wait... oh lord, was this destinys twisted ways worked...? It was Emma, or well, Emma Jr.s mother, and apparently he, a Guardia was suppoused to knock her up? "Well... umm... but... No-thanks!" But his human body, he had been forced to become humane, but a vampiric humani, so he could still fly, he just needed to get his... Stuff... so he could roam at day. And the 'Stuff' is a mixture of several odd items. It is a mix of Vampiric blood, with a bit of grinded-up werewolf Tooth, a little Orcish Wiskey, aaaand... I think it was 'The Souls Of The Vile'... or was it the tears of children...? Anyways, since he's a teen, and so is Emma's Mother... well yeah... Teenage Hormones... fun... but he manages to wait. Untill he met his FUTURE SELF. From AFTER being a fallen. So he found out about everything, but was shocked about becoming an animatronic. So to keep himself from being forgotten. He caused Emma's mom to have her on complete accident. So yay! When the medevil times hit, The Fallen Guardia (The Fallen) met Shadow, and asked the boy to watch over a girl named Emma, when Shadow asked why, he looked the boy in the eye and whispered, pure trust in his eyes,
"She's my daughter, I trust you will keep her safe with your life. Am I mistaken boy?"
"N-no sir! I just... you said her name was... Emma... right...?"
"Yes. Why? Somthing wrong?"
"I-I will warn you, you may not like what I say, but... it's the truth. The lord sent me -his right hand man- To kill her."
"So YOU'RE my replacement...? Seem too young for the job boy..."
"Wait... you're-...?!"
"Yes. I am The Fallen Guardia, or as I used to be known as, 'The Arch Of The Void'. That was the work name, when a newbie asked my name, they told them that. Since you replaced me, I beleive you're not like the rest... what was you're mothers name...?"
"H-her name w-was... I-i may be wrong... I haven't seen her since I was only a month or two old... then THEY got her... and did it... her name I think was Lilith..." the boy muttered, The Fallen just stared, and began to put the peices together.
-Flashback from The Fallen-
"Ohhhh... isn't that cute... the weakling thinks he can free his wife who WANTED to be my vessel, from me...?"
"You bitch mother... you... you TRICKED ME! YOU SAID YOU WOULD ONLY USE HER IF YOU HAD TO!"
"Ohhh but I DO have to... your father needs to have you disiplined somehow... you were the one who made me do this... I don't want to hurt you... but you need to learn... and no other way seems to work."
"Fine... do what you want. Frame me. Just don't hurt Lilith or our child..."
-end of flashback-
-The Fallen-
"Don't even think about getting all 'Buddy-Buddy' with my daughter... you're both about the same age. So I don't care if you do it while under anythings Influence, but if you're clean and do it to her... you are dead... unless you get in a relationship... Understood?"
"Y-yes sir!"
"Good. Now go find, and protect her."
"O-on it!"
"And Shadow?"
"Lilith was a good woman, it hurts me to hear her son is alone."
"U-understood sir. Wait... how do you know my name...?"
"She said that would be your name. I just guessed." I said, then I fel the warp envelop me again, and I landed hard on my face, on somthing black, and hard... it looks like the corpses of wing-rippers... meh... wait, what is this metal object I'm inside...?
"The hell...? Oh god... GUYS! WE'VE GOT ANOTHER ONE!"
"Another one?!"
"W-what do yoy mean another one...? I don't get what you mean..."
"Oh thank god... it's a friendly."
"Might want to work on your grammer..."
"Fair." Some woman in a black vest said, the vest had the letters 'S.W.A.T' In bold on her vest. Wonder why... then some men picked me up, and carried me to a place called 'Freddy Fazbears Pizza'... when we got there, another fur and metal thing ran at us, I stood and threw a punch, sending them back through the walls, The S.W.A.T. people looked at me, suprised, and aimed metal pipes at me, I recognised a colt, and a SCAR-L, and put my hands up
"What did I do wrong?! I thought they wanted us dead!"
"Boys, guns down, t' lad was scared. Ye would have done t' same in 'is shoes, n' if ye didn't know me."
"Now go get T' Puppet 'n Scarlett... 'e looks in pretty bad shape... might need a bit o' healin', or repairs... what are ye lad...?"
"I am... I don't know to be honest... I used to be an arch-angel... and then I was sent down here before medevil era... had a daughter, named Emma, had my son, son of Lilith, to protect her... but never told her about him... and then The Void Mother sent me here..."
"Ah... so he is another one of them..."
"What do you mean...?"
"Puppet... bring the other ones!"
"Don't order me around Foxy, I read minds and such, rember?"
"Fine. Just do what you need..." This 'Foxy' human-Fox-Creature muttered
"The hell are you and this 'Puppet' thing? Autoamatons?"
"No, we are things called 'Animatronics', they are automa-jiggers, whatever you said, but we just entertain people, or at least we usualy do..."
"Ah. I get that. Any other Arch-Angels?"
"You said somthing about an Arch-Angel named Lilith, right?"
"Yes, why?"
"She's here."
"No... no no no... t-this has to be a misunderstanding!"
"I didn't like it at first either...-?"
"The Fallen Guardia."
"I'll just call you 'The Fallen', 'r 'Void' , a'ight lad?"
"I'm here! What you need me for F-...? Isn't that...?"
"Why do you sound like your talking about... oh god it is him... big bro...?"
"Wh-?! Ho-?!"
"It's Fluffy now lad. He said it's t' only translation of his name to our language, and our voice boxes speak things that are on this version o' reality. None of ye'r language..."
"He's right..."
"Bro... calm down, go to your happy place before I bring someone out... okay...?"
"Fine..." I mutter, and enter my mind space, fining my most happy moment. It's with Lilth, we were telling her parents about our relationship... I grin.
"I'm ready lil' bro..."
"Here she is..." he says, I open my eyes, and look up, to see an... abomination, that looks like a mix of animatronics, just like a wing-ripper...
"Big brother...? Is that you...?" When she says that, my brain recognises her, and I just fall to my knees, tears falling down my face.
"Oh god... what did they do to you... what did they do to you two...?"
"They did noth-..."
"Lies... WHAT. DID. THEY. DO?"
"They did noth-...!"
"Big brother... they didn't do it... I did it..." My little sister said from inside this... abomination of a body...
"Sis... don't try to protect the people... what happened...-"
"Bro. She's not lying for the people." When he said that, my blood froze
"Y-you did what sis...?"
"I killed us... I grabbed your knife... and stabbed Fluffy in the head, and stabbed myself in the heart..."
"And big brother...?"
"Yeah lil' sis...?"
"Lilith may want to see you..."
"What do you me-...?"
"She found us dead, and did it to herself, but bled out, so she could heal back in our immortal bodies... we can't go back without dying here, and the only way we die in these is to rip out the glowing orb in our chests... or destroy it, or lose too much oil, wich for us is blood."
"Fluffy... who are you talking to...?" A cream and lemon-cream vixen asked as she looked around the corner, and I noticed she was shirtless, so I looked at the roof. Fluffy notices this move, turned around and saw.
"Roxy! Your making him feel uncomfortable! He's a freaking Manner-Nazi."
"I would wear my jacket like allways, but SOMBODY burned it on 'Accident'!"
"Babe. I know you keep hundreds of those."
"In my room, yes. But I locked the door. And I don't rember where I left the key. Would kick down the door, but the manager said not to do it again."
"Fine..." he muttered, and I felt somthing soft on my gut, and hot breath about my chest level.
"Te-he! He's so cute when he's uncomfortable, isn't he Roxy?" A femine voice I recognised said, I looked and saw a kind of... Black and Purple Foxy... with a nice body shape... damn is she beautiful...
"FUCK! Snap out of it!" I yell, realising I was staring.
"Oooooh...?~ you like...?"
"Uh? Who the hell is she...?"
"That be ye'r ol' pal Lilith's new Best bud, Think she said it's Voilet... Right?"
(Oh, and in the backstory this is a alternate timeline where your dudes who belong rightfully to you, but I want to make conections for them so if there is a rap battle, It's easier to make a middle grounds if their completely diffrent. And Viloet allways existed in this, buuuuut she's a massive slut. That about sums it up!)
"Lilith! C'mon, shut your eyes, we got a suprise for you!"
"Okay, okay! Calm down Fluffy!"
"I will soon as you see the suprise!"
"Okaaay!" She yelled, and then I saw her get pulled outside by Fluffy, and damn... she's a BEAUTIFUL Vixen... why am I so attracted to Vixens now...? Anyways, she's mostly Coco brown, with a second color of Black, is is that beige...? It's both...! How is that...? Nevermind... she's beautiful...
"Can I open my eyes now Fluffy?"
"Yep... I think you're gonna be Glad to see what it is...!" He whispers, sounding so happy I just can't help but laugh. That makes her eyes Open immedeatly.
"Hey Lilith! Long time, no see!" I yell, feeling akward that Violet is still hugging me without wearing anything.
"Let me guess. Violet hugged you almost as soon as she met you...?"
"Actually, she did Instantly."
"You DO look quite handsome as an aniamatronic..." she says, I feel my face begin to burn as she says that, and to hide it, I run at my family and friends, hug them, and then pull Puppet, Foxy, Violet, AND a small Fox Kit into the hug, and feel myself begin to cry in joy that my family are all together.
"What you cryin' about Papa...?" I hear a kid ask, I look and see a lil' Black and Dark Grey fox in a light -almost white- grey pair of jeans, and black-gray color jacket, like Fluffy is wearing, Fox asks this while tilting their head at me.
"Y-yeah... I couldn't protect him and me from the guards..." she muttered, That made my heart feel like it Shattered. I look to him and whisper, "what did they do...?"
"They grabbed me, and dragged me away from mommy... and said... and said I had to fight for my life... then threw me in a pit... and tossed somthing black inside, then put a massive lid over the arena... and It grew a sort of pair of arms... and pinned me down, then ripped into my back... I bled out to the sounds of The guards laughing..."
"They did not... I swear if they did they will regret tha-!"
"You were leading them daddy... I heard you yell before I died, 'This is how weak he is! He cannot even fight off a wing-ripper! Let him suffer for this insult to our kind!' And then I woke up in the arms of Puppet... and he handed me to mommy... That was twelve years ago..." he yelled at me, I let go of everyone, and step back.
"W-what...? I-I...? T-that can't be right! N-not to m-my son! N-not to my little S-shadow!" I mutter, and hear several Clicks, and feel the guns pressed to my head, "I will make the Me of this reality realise his mistake... he will regret harming my little Shadow..." I mutter, Lilith, looks from him, to me, to Fluffy, then back to me, with a hurt look in her eyes.
"Now Shadow! You know this ain't OUR Fallen! Otherwise there would already be a war!"
"You're right Uncle Fluffy... Didn't think about that..."
"I knew ya' didn't kiddo. That's why I spoke up."
"It's still... uncomfortable knowing that..."
"I understand that Lilith..."
"Then leave..."
"I hope you know what your doing..."
"I know what you did in your version of reality..."
"So you know about Emma... huh..."
"Get out..."
"Let me stay! I want to help you kill this man who harmed your son! OUR SON." I yell, begining to cry at the thought of failing to raise my own son TWICE.
"I don't care... just let me raise my son ALONE..."
"Lilith.. you know how we all reacted when you came from your version..."
"Fine... still don't like it."
"Don't have to." Puppet says, sounding quite like a gayman, with his high pitched voice. Lillith mutters somthing under her breath, and looks back at Violet, who's still hugging me, her toung out a bit, and gives her a look even I would fear... still scary thinking about that look... Anyways, after a bit, we ran into a guy called 'The Forgotten' when his eyes were black with white pupils, the eyes glitching out, and 'Shad' when his eyes were white, with A odd, ever-changing color of pupil, but only ever dark color shades... he gave me a agressive look, and I realised Violet was still clinging to me. And apologised for how she was acting around me, he grinned at that.
"So you're 'Void' Kiddo? You look barely older than seven. A tall as hell seven year old, but seven. Got some manners too... I'm begining to like you now... just don't think that means I'm A-okay with you messin' with Violet...-"
"I will be doing NO such things without her and your consent."
"Let me finish kiddo. You can mess with 'er long as I know. A'ight?"
"Alright. Probably will never do so unless I'm drunk... even then probably not..."
"He's a Manner-Nazi... even when he's fucking drunk... not AS BAD when he's drunk, but still is..." Fluffy muttered to him,
"So, what's your name?"
"ShadowStorm when their mostly white, n' not glitching out, otherwise It's The Forgotten."
"Good to know sir, my name is Void, Or 'The Fallen'..."
"Sounds like crap."
"Are you insulting me?!"
"Our relationship is really open ended to let you know kiddo. Just don't piss me off, and I won't Rip out your guts."
'"G-got it!"
"Good. Now go meet Scarlett n' Puppet."
(Oh, and every universeof mah version, all oc's are in them, but Puppet, Jester n' friends, And Scarlett, are the same)
"Will do sir." I say, and salute him, knowing for some reason it's right.
"Well, how'd you know I was an officer?"
"Didn't. It just felt right. Guessing... seven, Eight years of service?"
"Exactly Eight... damn... you're good at that... let Puppet know you can do that, so if you read him, he dosen't try to break your sanity on reflex." He mutters
"Will do sir, thank you for the advice sir!"
""I'd rather not wipe raw newbie brains off the floor Kiddo."
"Oh..." I mutter, and feel a grimance grow on my face.
"Enjoy the repairs..."
"I'll try sir."
"Good." He mutters, and walks away, a grin on his face, this confuses me, and then I head to the back room, where I feel somthing verry hard hit me, right in the kneecaps. I yell in pain as I feel my legs bend FORWARDS, I fall down, and break my fall with my arms, and then drop to the ground, and look up, only to see a Puppet seeming dissapointed, but smiling, stuck smiling.
Ditch M8 chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
I'd like to see Foxy vs Mangle. Now that would be funny to see.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/26/2017
NarutoFan2018 chapter 2 . 7/27/2017
Foxy won by please post soon. We need the next chapter to nightmares unleashed!
Wolf Fang1414 chapter 2 . 6/20/2017
It's awesome, love the little lines from erb ;) next should be mangle and Vickie
SplebTheSplendid chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
Do ya want some ice for that SICK BURN
Untitled505 chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
I believe Dust won this one..
Untitled505 chapter 2 . 1/22/2017
Foxy won that battle:) Do Mike vs Golden Freddy!
Jimitri chapter 2 . 1/4/2017
Mike vs Bulldozer
Shunc chapter 2 . 11/26/2016
That's a bar my dude
Viper's Little Devil chapter 2 . 10/25/2016
Foxy won! Hmm... Freddy vs Fredbear! Battle of the Fazbears
Stargirl2535 chapter 2 . 10/19/2016
freddy and golden freddy
Rwbyfan54 chapter 2 . 10/18/2016
your back
Dark Matter chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
HEY HOW ARE YOU DOING! I was wondering if you could do another rap battle since it was really cool.
Maybe you could do Lexi vs Dust or lexi vs NightShade
Have a great day/night.
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