Reviews for Sakura Night
YokaiAngel chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
I love Konzen, Ten-chan, and Ken-nii as well. Y'know? I once read a comment on a certain website.
They prefer relationship between Gaiden casts than original cast. "The bond is stronger," they said. I agree. Totally agree. However, Sanzo, Hakkai, and Gojyo don't concern to Goku as Gaiden casts. They have their own backstory that's why. Tenpou (now is Hakkai. In this life, he knows a girl named Kanan). Kenren as Gojyou has bitter past with his mom and elder brother. Konzen as Sanzo has someone who's more important now (that's Komyou), meanwhile before, Konzen didn't rly have someone else to cherish. It's so sad. They have new life, but Goku is trapped in the unknown past.
If you read the newest chapter, Nataku's back. And slowly, i believe that Goku will regain his memories. I rly want them to go to up there once again. I wonder if Sanbutsushin already knows who they're actually. And i rly want comparison of Gaiden casts and original casts. Like, how strong Sanzo is now, compared to Konzen (Konzen didn't even fight back then). Or how tidy Hakkai compared to messy Tenpou. And Gojyou is still same, unless he's a half.
777angeloflove chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
Anise Nadiah chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
Everytime i think about gaiden i think i'm gonna cry. And reading your fic here definitely make me in a puddle of tears. But this is so beautifully written i definitely would like to see this goes cannon. The scene you gave with the sakura tree is priceless and i can hear that gaiden song playing in the background. I think i'm gonna broke in tears again. Poor goku but all and all this is definitely an epic one and i don't mind reading it again and again eventhough it breaks my heart everytime i read it.
Darkspider chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Aww. This needs to happen canon-wise! But I kind of agree with you. Although Goku now is with the reincarnations of his old family, it'll never be the same. Konzen and Sanzo are two completely different people, similar to Kikyo and Kagome from Inuyasha. Haha.

But I do love how much open Konzen was to Goku compared to Sanzo. Hehe. I love this fic!
sanzohakkaigal chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This is so good!

I can't believe this is your first story. Gosh, I recently got myself to rewatch/reread the saiyuki series, and I was in need of some Gaiden characters fics. And this just helped soothe the pain of the Gaiden arc deaths. So, thank you :')
vampyfreak chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Awesome fic!
Luce-san chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
It was sweet and cute... I liked it!
Skyla-chan.99 chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Goddamn it, the feels are coming back again. SHIET. I'm gonna cry all over again. *sniff* loved it...
libretamagica chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
lindo fic :)
ShimaiDreamKeepers chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
I like this so much that I want a sequel!
Sanada chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Very nice.