Reviews for Digimon Saga
Jackie Mueller chapter 2 . 4/28/2019
It’s the second episode of the series, and we already have a Digivolutions.
Show Expert 1 chapter 57 . 3/8/2019
Pretty good. I say I would give this like a 8.9/10. My biggest problem being the whole Misaki and Chloe thing. That kind of stuff makes me a little uncomfortable, but a great story nevertheless.
Cygnus Harvey chapter 57 . 8/7/2018
I think this could be one of the best fanfics I've ever read. Like, it would be better than any digimon season if they produced it.
It had a quite a few cliche moments, but it's digimon, it NEEDS the cliche to live. And it wasn't bad at all. The situations were original, and you even surprised me with a few moments (Angewomon showing and bonding with June, Gale taking the role of leader, the first battle with Derek, because I thought he would be a mole a little bit longer...), and the drama was good, not too long to make it boring.
The characters felt so real. Even the digimon (and I'm not talking about the partners, but other random digimon along the fic) feel like actual beings. And the development is so fucking awesome.
I think Gale is the winner in that. She went from a rude, asocial jerk to a kinda caring thoughtful person. And I loved imagining her (for an odd reason I picture her in my head like Sayo, eventhough I've seen her artwork) punching some big guy in the face, and unlike Masaru, having a reason to be able to. And I subtly ship her with June. And with Trent. But well, I'm rambling.
I loved that you went full Misaki and Chloe. It was very well crafted and so sweet. I feel like Misaki is a good done Meiko. I wish someone of the writers read your fic and learn a thing or two for character development, pacing and so.
And I love Sarah's reaction. That "I need a drink" reaction to all was so real.
The only tiny complaint that I have is that it is a little bit happy. I mean, apart from Magnamon, Knightmon and Huckmon, there hasn't been casualties of the war, that I remember. At least in this story, I have to read the one in Nexus.
And other thing that I miss is a scene with Kiko and Ray, because the last thing we knew from him was that he covered Kiko. It's not absolutely necessary, it was been covered well, but I kinda miss it.
And that's pretty much all I wanted to say. I need to say thank you for writing this, it has been my dairy drug for a few days. This is one of the stories that I will probably re-read sometime in the future. You should be proud.
DigimonWarrior 15 chapter 57 . 6/27/2018
Love this story It will always be one of my favorites.
Linker101 chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Alright! The first chapter of a Digimon FanFic, and he doesn't get the Digivice till the end of the chapter! Nice!
silverwolfg chapter 57 . 1/22/2018
This was the best ending to a fanfiction I’ve ever seen. Great work! This is a story I’ll be able to re-read with how it was.
kendell clark chapter 57 . 1/15/2018
This is a review of the entire fanfic since it is now complete. I now have it downloaded and backed up in multiple spots. I intend to read as many other fanfics as I can get my hands on, since this was the first one I ever finished. To anyone on the fence, read this one, it's fantastic! It held me spellbound like the first episodes of the digimon tv how did. Best fanfic I've ever read, although I'm probably bias since it was my first. I hope you write another one. If you do, I'll be the some of the first to read and review.
Linkmaste chapter 57 . 1/14/2018
Well here we are.

It was a hell of a journey to take with you! So much time has passed in 2015 when I first found the story. I was working on Shattered Light then.

Lets get down to buisness. The story is well done. You went in a little soft and a little cliche but what kept me was your characters and pacing. The grammar and structure was 90 on point and I hardly seen an error. Well done on that. The cast was amazing, you took a trope and turned it into something of your own. I loved the romance between Misaki and Chloe. I loved Trent becoming a knight and I loved the redemption of June. All these characters were fantastic and breathed life into them. Something I still try to do.

The plot was good. Some points dragged on a little too much for me but when you ramped up, you ramped up. I wished you could have taken a bigger risk and included a death but I think with the audience sticking with the revivial was for best. Huckmon is such a dear character and I enjoyed every minute. (Gale still my fav followed by Chakoramon).

The end was a classic. I had a suspicion it was going to end in a goodbye. And it was a real tear jerker. Seeing each partner closing their arc and mentioning how impactful it was powerful.

Finally, the author yourself. You. You were a kind and humble person who never saught reviews and views like it was objects. You simply did it for passion and love which is inspiring. I hope I can say for others that you did inspire us to write and believe. Sure, its for a cartoon series but I think we can all take a personal moment to relate to at least one part of this story. I sure did.

And now I want to thank YOU. I thank you so much for acknowledgement. I am humbled to have you shout out my story. Indeed I am no where good as you that lays in my art but you do inspire me to do better. I am thankful to have you as a friend even in my darkest of times.

While I am sad to see this come to an end, I am happy that you accomplished this story. Well done.

Xavier Rall chapter 57 . 1/14/2018
This has been quite the ride of a read. Perhaps not the best work ever made, but it definitely does its hardest to capture the sheer adventure that is Digimon through the entire course of a series. A massive undertaking, to be sure, but a rewarding experience. Good work.
Guest chapter 52 . 1/7/2018
silverwolfg chapter 56 . 1/2/2018
Another amazing chapter I can’t wait to see what you do with the final chapter this story will be a favorite for a long time
kendell clark chapter 56 . 12/29/2017
This chapter reminds me of the final eppisodes of the official digimon tv shows. It's that good. It keeps you hanging until the very end before having a satisfying climactic ending. I admit I was afraid the bad guys would find a way to win out. Fantastic fanfic! Can't wait for the final chapter.
Linkmaste chapter 56 . 12/31/2017
Wow. Simply wow.

This is my new favourite chapter. This is when most writers are fatigued and gone and just sort of collapse. However for you, this is when you shined brightest. The words, the colours and description. I loved Alastormons defeat its inspiring to draw almost as a comic piece. Actually, alot of this was!

Daemon never struck me as a villian that I overly looked forward to being defeated. Regardless, the final attack made it so satisfying to see the graphic way of his demise. Well done there!

I cant really say much more. It was a pleasure to drink in every word of this chapter and to feel the pacing. It is as classic as the original digimon and I felt the nostalga intertwined with it. And THAT is why this is my favourite chapter.

Well done! Well done! Well done!

Guest chapter 56 . 12/29/2017
Dang it's almost over, at least we ended it with a celestial rainbow coloured bang
I can't even describe how good this chapter was
The chaos of the fights felt so hectic and fast but not so much so that it was hard to understand what was happening
The resolve that these 14 year olds are making and their love for their partners were perfectly conveyed
The powering up the D-Braces barrier idea was really clever
Final thoughts: God I need more
OnixxBlack chapter 27 . 12/27/2017
AMAZING CHAPTER! Can't wait to see where the story goes from here
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