Reviews for Thorns of Love
ambu780 chapter 1 . 6/16
Awww I die of tenderness with the two!
Nemhain2009 chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
Reborn is so prickly and Tsuna so sweet! Too cute!
Four-eyes-girl chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
Kya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XD
lilmymyshem chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
I hope you continue making great stories like this one.
ShizuBABE chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Even though this isn't as super fluffy as 'The things I do for him' this is still amazing as fuck. Great job! Loved it :)
Renkin-chan chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
I enjoyed this a lot! Very well written! )
Smiling Seshat chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Aw, I love this. Though, I wish there were more long R27 fics out there.
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
AWWWWW, that was adorable! Is it weird that I'm in love with possessive Reborn? They're so cute together! I really love the motif with the roses and the symbolism! I was smiling while reading the entire thing! Great job and thanks for posting!
Cael05 chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
Who wouldn't say yes if a dark handsome man
gave you roses under the moonlight?

Indeed. Who wouldn't?

Demn feelz.. XD

Loved the fic especially the part when Reborn and Tsuna face their feelings for each other. The rose representation of Love and Reborn just fits both perfectly.

(And this coming from a R27 not-fan. Just says how awesome the fic is)

Merry Belated Christmas. Thank you for organizing the KHR!SS with Mockingjay Rose-san. It's so fun reading everyone's fics. XD
Lightning515 chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
A-A-A-a... Wait YOU were my Secret Santa?! OAO I... I am in awe... (Seriously when I got the email I was so shocked... And then I read your AN and was even more shocked... I haven't reviewed your fics in over a year thoug I'm honored you remember me and put so much effort into this fic.

*coughcough* Now... the fic itself...
I loved it I love R27 and having Reborn secretly put roses in Tsuna's office (the invisible rose on the wrist? That was hilarious xD I would have never expected that from Reborn.) U
The beginning? "That was weird?" Also made me laugh. And Tsuna's drinks at the bar? Waiting for each other to take initiative? xDDD
I say that you did a good job at being my secret santa! Thank you so much! ;D I should go catch up on Mafia Row! Hopefully sometime soon! *dies from R27*
Sisp the Enochian chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
This was so fluffy I felt my teeth rot out from the sugar. You did an excellent job on this, and should certainly feel proud about it. Happy holidays.
DarkIceAngelFlare chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
THIS WAS SO EPICALLY AWESOME! (Excuse the overly teenage-ness of that sentence). But, really, it was awesome! And so sweet! And the whole double meaning of the rose suited this couple so incredibly well. Thank you for the event, and for coming up with this fic! You are amazing! Happy holidays :)
Ellarie Soulhart chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
Honestly, desu, I have been catching feels here and there. Hahaha. Although probably because my eyes are tired and my brain is too lazed up that I suddenly made a LeonxTsuna pairing. Hahaha!

But kidding aside, I love the story. Reborn is really crafty, even with projecting his love to Tsuna. I wonder if someone will do that too in courting? Hahaha!
Backstage-worker chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
please please please continue this kyaa R27 FTW! So cuute and this is actually kinda a bit fluffy its fluffy in a dark sense, if that makes sense. Well if youre not gonna continue this then ah screw it at least there's an addition to the R27 fanfic collection
Lylia00 chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
It's nice and romantic. Just telling that maybe you spelled wrong in one of the paragraph where Reborn talked to Tsunami in the meeting about the rose 'reply' should be 'rely'? I like the R27 is so sweet here and yeah, the rose exactly represented Reborn. Love the way you write about them :)
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