Reviews for And We're Off
KaylizJimCfan16 chapter 3 . 10/16/2016
The story of how Killian and Emma met is much better than Snow and Charming. Hee hee. Oh please update soon.
krissyucoofoo chapter 3 . 11/15/2015
So I loved the idea for this story! Please continue wth this story!
Booklady1017 chapter 3 . 8/26/2015
Are you continuing with this story? It's great.
Booklady1017 chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
Great story idea. Can't wait to read more.
asdflasdflkjasdkfjaslkdf chapter 3 . 7/31/2015
PLEASE UPDATE THIS STORY! I love it with all my heart. You're such a talented writer and I would love to know what happens next! Please please please update soon!
KELS B chapter 3 . 4/3/2015
Loving the story, hope you update soon!
Zerousy chapter 3 . 2/18/2015
Oh please update! I need more
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 3 . 1/15/2015
What a cliffhanger, really curious what happened with Emma cause I think the past Emm didn't met Hook right and Ava and her Mom didn't notice that little thing...this is a disaster :))
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
Lol's, lol's all around. I love this, it's so funny.
captainswanismylife chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
Lol did he like capture her?
thebananasthatarekept chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
Ahh! Omg I'm so excited to see what happens next. Did Hook kidnap her? _ Keep up the great work! I love this story so far!
captainswanismylife chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
So i binge read your other story before reading this one and I got to say your stories are amazing. They really are so much fun to read. This is so exciting! I can't wait for the next chapter!
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 2 . 1/4/2015
I loved it! It is so interesting this all. Can't wait to see what happens next and for Killian to appear.

Update soon!
Kou Shun'u chapter 2 . 1/3/2015
Oooooohhh interesting, emma's come along for the ride as well. I wonder how that would cause things to alter. I wonder who they'd seek out for help first.
But hmmm giving her daughter permisiion to run off in an unknown dangerous land_not smart emma.
Kou Shun'u chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
Well I must say ava is incredibly stupid thus far.
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