Reviews for To Walk On Empty Roads
Guest chapter 5 . 2/3
gracias, gran trabajo.
Mernom chapter 5 . 1/16
Honestly, this story is rather high quality. A real shame that this account seems to have led a bright, yet short life.

I especially like how Alice used western terms for the things she's talking about. Louise wouldn't have a clue if she starter spouting imported words like Youkai.
Someone chapter 5 . 6/14/2019
Arranged your favorite stories by their publish dates and the latest is July 2018 so can you atleast give us an update on why you stopped I know you're probably alive
OBSERVER01 chapter 5 . 10/10/2018
A pity this is a dead fic since its quite good.
GrumpyGrue chapter 5 . 9/15/2017
Alice Margarine is smoother than butter. She's as fancy as can be for a tea-swilling Gensokyoian. Look at those impeccable manners. Must be very cultured from all those tea-parties she has with her dolls.

When I read that she has a dry accent, I am unsure what it means. Is she parched sounding, raspy like someone who's gone without rehydrating recently? Or has a demon voice? Or a husky one like she's a raper? Yunyah! This reminds me of "Alice gets hornty". Yes, that's a "t" added to horny.

Does she sound like a learned and cultured woman who daintily raises an eyebrow, and makes witty remarks? Maybe wears a bathrobe, as she lounges next to her fireplace in a comfy chair, and reads with her reading glasses and a fez?

I'm rambling. Good chapter. Alice is cool like a fool in a swimming pool. If the pool was boiling. Meaning she's hot. Mmm mmm. Late teen girl with more development than Louise. Feel jelly some more Louise. Gya ha ha!
GrumpyGrue chapter 4 . 9/15/2017
When I first read futakuchi...I saw the first part of the word and thought "eh? Down there, does she have know. Anyways, I've learned something new about culture! This is in a lot of media I've seen. So many references, so many wasted years of ignorance!
GrumpyGrue chapter 3 . 9/15/2017
Wonder how many times Reimu kicked Louise's butt, to teach her manners or humility.
GrumpyGrue chapter 2 . 9/15/2017
Parappa the Kappa gonna spit some rhymes, Louise is gonna get punished for crimes. She better watch her shirikodama, because she just pissed off Yukari-sama!
GrumpyGrue chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
Swut you geyit Lose-EZ. Yeuh! Don' mess wit Ran's baby girl, busta. She came to the wrong neighborhood.

Now that I'm done speaking ghetto, I say, jolly good show old bean!

Yukari said she'd need to program Ran better. As innocuous as the inflection was, the perv that is me imagines very kinky scenarios right after reading the line. Involving public lewds, and BDSM. I remember multiple doujins like that involving Ran and Yukari.

This is a promising first chapter. I don't mean promising bad things. I mean the definition most people use for the word.
BraveWolf13 chapter 5 . 6/12/2017
This is a very good story, are you gonna give Louise a concept to control?
Twilight-Lloyd chapter 5 . 5/23/2017
You've certainly set your standards high for characters. Alice is one of the more difficult ones to write, even if you go back to the Mystic Square incident. I look forward to this.
ItzABlueWulf chapter 5 . 1/20/2017
You seem to have the bad habit of leaving unfinished even promissing stories.
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 12/12/2015
Hakurei no Miko chapter 5 . 10/2/2015
This is awesome as usual so glad u started writing again :))))))
Inverness chapter 5 . 9/2/2015
You're off to a good start here. Hope to see more soon.
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