Reviews for Romance of the Four Nations, Book 1
Lennox13 chapter 109 . 1/23
Ok then.

Hmmh, I enjoyed the fluff, the banter, the lore, the history. Most of all, I enjoyed the AN. Thanks for writing!
Lennox13 chapter 108 . 1/23
Nice. Cute. Yay!
Lennox13 chapter 104 . 1/23
Isn't that kind of cruel? Like, here you go, a letter confessing my love, and now I'm dead, so please cherish our memories together with a lovely lens of guilt. Maybe it's just me because I'd feel guilty.
Lennox13 chapter 101 . 1/23
What is Kojima?

Oooh, a spirit? The face-stealer?

I'm really not processing anything, atm.
Lennox13 chapter 100 . 1/23
Amen? Odd.

Also, would you rather the family you're born with or the ones you chose for yourself? Because that's what AN 99 made me think of.
Lennox13 chapter 99 . 1/23
Lennox13 chapter 98 . 1/23
Eeek, please, no beard!
Lennox13 chapter 97 . 1/23
Lennox13 chapter 96 . 1/23
What even?
Lennox13 chapter 95 . 1/23
An interesting approach to this scene. I kind of get what you were going for. The short sentences, the abruptness, the staccato way the scene flashes. OK then.
Lennox13 chapter 94 . 1/23
In my heart of hearts, I knew that Ryu was going to die. It was just the general set up of both the story and the writing style and the character positioning. Toru as well. I'm sad-ish, but know, had they lived, I would have been unsatisfied because, by now, I really should know.
Lennox13 chapter 91 . 1/23
I hope Katara saves them all with some cool waterbender moves. And then he can be like, yea, that's my girl.
Lennox13 chapter 90 . 1/23
Hmmh, was that Jun?

Actually my first thought was: it's the painted lady! But it is also 1:10 am and I can't see straight.

Can't wait to see the end result of all of this.
Lennox13 chapter 89 . 1/23
He reminds me of someone... but I can't quite put my finger on it...
Lennox13 chapter 87 . 1/23
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