Reviews for The Gift
Arctech chapter 25 . 9/28
Well thats a sad place to end. Fitting that the update after the original end to the story never came. Regardless, I enjoyed The Gift. Definitely an interesting take on HP.
naia1 chapter 25 . 4/29
plz update!
Radmar chapter 5 . 2/10
First off, let me just say that I just got through four and a half chapters and I don't plan on reading more, so my review might be slightly negatively biased, because I didn't read enough of the story. However, because mistakes that I've noticed seem to affect so many parts of the story, I am inclined to say the author just isn't experienced enough. And that's fine, I do not mind that.

First thing I've noticed is grammar. While it is not so bad that I would stop reading solely because of that, it was bad enough that I started wondering whether the author has some writing/reading disability. Not only did I notice some basic mistakes ("you're" sometimes being mistaken for "your" and vice versa), names are sometimes wrong, too. Namely, Alicia Spinnet is consistently being referred to as "Alica", and all Weasleys are apparently now "Weaslys". That's a big red flag right there.

Dialogue didn't feel wooden, so I can at least give praise where it is due. French accents are pretty well done too, as far as I know (I've met neither a native english speaker, nor a person with french accent IRL, so accents just sound like I imagine they would).

Characters weren't exactly bad per se in that they at least seemed to act consistently. It seems to me that author at least thought about their histories, too. Characterization, however, fails in all other acpects. Author failed in making me care about any of the characters. I barely saw one one or two conversations with Fleur before she got abushed. Because I knew so little about her, and author made a poor job of making me care about her, that entire scene where she got ambushed by her classmates fell flat. It had no impact on me whatsoever.

There is also Alex. What I do know about him is his past with unicorn blood, but that doesn't explain why he reacted so strongly against the random Durmstrang boy and his insults. If Alex is human, his actions seem illogical and confusing. If he is in fact not human, as a chat with the Beauxbaton girl would suggest, but which is contradicted by Alex's chat with Fleur, I do not know enough to say, so I am confused either way.

As for the romance, Alex and Fleur are forced together by random circumstance rather than their personalities and looks, so nothing to praise there, either.

The party apparently consists of five paragraphs of telling instead of showing, followed by both main characters being forced together again into a super-awkward broom closet scene. Nice.

So. The story can't be plot driven because I roughly know what the plot will be, anyway. Except, if the story was character focused, it would try to establish characters some more, which it didn't, and even tried to avoid for the sake of rushing through canon plot more quickly.

If author wants to write a romance story, establish characters. If plot and action, focus on fights and drama. In the end, though, it's the characters that experience that. So, take your time, there is no rush. Establish characters first, then introduce drama. If you do it in reverse, no one will care XD.

At this point, my advice would be to try and make readers care about main characters. But more than that, write more and listen to good suggestions (not necessarily mine).
MillieBelle chapter 10 . 2/4
Wouldnt using the three unforgivable curses immediately send you to Azkaban no matter the reason? Shouldn't they have been put to jail? If they've been imprisoned, I would have thought the students would be too scared to try doing it again in fear of being imprisoned in a prison like Azkaban.
HannibalsGhost417 chapter 25 . 1/13
Love this story, just binged it. Hoping for an update soon but I'm sure you have alot to do. Good luck
Flame Wolfe chapter 25 . 10/2/2019
This was Great chapter And I’m really looking forward to the next one! :)
Flame Wolfe chapter 24 . 10/2/2019
Good chapter! I feel bad for Harry man Hopefully He Will get through this
Guest chapter 25 . 8/10/2019
Looking forward to more chapters!
sivachandan007 chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
good chapter
Guest chapter 24 . 6/12/2019
Bit of a shame that this doesn’t have more traction, thanks to the OC. This is quite well done. Keep it up and good luck!
HYPHEN-SAO chapter 24 . 6/11/2019
Great Chapter. Been ages since i read this again, but finally did it. im really prpud you're still going. you've come a long way brother, keep on at it. All the best!
Flame Wolfe chapter 23 . 6/9/2019
I like this chapter and I’m looking forward to the next oc! :)
Flame Wolfe chapter 22 . 4/28/2019
I really love this Story update soon plz! :)
George1892 chapter 22 . 4/23/2019
I can see where the Prophet aspect is going but I REALLY don't think people would slag Harry off after he fought Voldemort in front of tons of witnesses.
George1892 chapter 17 . 4/23/2019
Bit of a strange Voldemort and an unusually wimpy Harry. Let's see where this goes...
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