Reviews for There Goes My Life
Missdeanambrose chapter 27 . 9/17/2019
Poor girl and dean but this could help him come of that bad stuff
Missdeanambrose chapter 30 . 1/10/2019
Omg I cried reading this my eyes sting great story so far can't wait to get to the end
Missdeanambrose chapter 17 . 1/10/2019
Oh god Dean will kill mack I mean it's bad enough if u get raped and not be pregnant but she is pregnant
JerseyGal88 chapter 21 . 5/3/2016
I have been reading your stories I jewelry set got into reading fanfiction cause a friend of mine is writing a story and asked me to check it out, I just want to say u have such a creative mind I noticed most of the stories are from 2015 I hope u are still writing or thinking about updating some or continue more dean stories
they help me with sitting at chemo and when I'm sick in bed Thank You for takeout the time to share ur work and I hope this finds u and I hope u are considering to start writing again
Thank You,
fearlesszuko chapter 45 . 5/16/2015
I loved that Ana ended up in top, not only in class, but in her life as well. I thought her speech was very motivating and it just recapped everything that went on with her life. I thought it was cute that Natalia took her first steps. I was glad that the two of them wee able to witness it. I am not surprised that the two of them are not living with each other. They are on two different paths in their life and I hope that they don't get tempted by anything! Great story!
fearlesszuko chapter 44 . 5/16/2015
I loved that Dean spent time with Natalia. He is really a great father. I loved Dean's surprise to Ana. I loved that he knew her so much and how she wanted this. Loved it when Dean dedicated the song to her. I love his love for her!
Reigns'Sweetheart chapter 45 . 5/11/2015
I'm so proud of Ana for being the valedictorian and I loved her speech! And I'm so proud of Natalia for walking! I am surprised though that Ana and Dean won't be living together for a while. I hope that if it has an impact on their relationship, that it's a positive one. I understand why they're going to live in two different states. Ana in NY for college and Dean in Cincinnati to finish up his training. I absolutely LOVED this story and I can't wait for the sequel!
Lucy1029 chapter 45 . 5/11/2015
Ana is pretty smart, it was no surprise she was the valedictorian. Her speech held great meaning to many of the students I'm sure. Her calling Dean out as being in "jail" almost made me laugh. She could've worded that any other way. He didn't seem to be bothered by it though, he was proud of her.

I'm glad Dean got to see the baby walk for the first time. I'm sure he'll miss other "firsts" but I'm glad he got to see that one. I almost choked when Ana reminded him that he promised to follow her anywhere. I know she said she understood, but there's nothing like twisting that knife a little bit. LOL There are wrestling schools/training facilities everywhere in the US, I was a bit surprised that he didn't work harder to find one closer, at least in NY state, NJ, PA, anywhere.

I don't like the idea of long distance relationships. I myself would be miserable in one. No, I don't really understand why they have to live in two different states, but that's me. Almost everyone in the world is way stronger than I am. It's just not for me. They didn't mention a time frame either. Three months, a year, two? That may sway my thoughts if I thought it was short term. I'm not sure how it would affect them, but I hope they make it through. Dean has already almost lost both Ana and the baby, so I think he's pretty grounded with him and Ana will be busy with school and Talli, but she has to physically go to to classes now, come home alone, etc. What if she meets someone there that is her academic equal? Or she's lonely? A study partner or something? That's scary.

Can't wait for the sequel!
Flash96 chapter 45 . 5/11/2015
I love this story. I can't wait for the sequel. I hope Dean and Ana stay together and make their dreams come true. They are an adorable couple and have such a cute little family
Lucy1029 chapter 44 . 5/9/2015
Dean seems like an old pro with the baby now. He's doing really well.

I was quite surprised with Dean's surprise, if that makes sense. Dean is from poverty. From the streets. And a guy. I didn't much expect him to even know, outside of watching a movie that he'd never let anyone know he saw, that he even knew what a prom consisted of. He must've done his research. And the fact that this rough and tumble guy even knew the song, one of her favorites or not, that he actually learned it, listened to it and understood it almost stroked me out. LOL He's really learning and growing. From going to plain sex with a random to explaining his version of love is amazing.
Reigns'Sweetheart chapter 44 . 5/9/2015
I love when Dean and Natalia spend the day together. He did an amazing job with her and she's definitely so adorable! lol. His surprise for her was amazing and the song that he dedicated to Ana, 'Because You Loved Me' was so sweet and romantic. I loved Dean's final thoughts on true love and he is right. I can't wait to see how this story ends and I can't wait to read the sequel! Great update, can't wait for more!
fearlesszuko chapter 43 . 5/9/2015
I think that Ana is a pretty positive support system and she tells him all the things that he needs to hear. I like the fact that Dean is comfortable opening about his pasts with her. It shows that he really does trust her. I felt like Ellis did her best with trying to be a good mom, but he always got tied up with the wrong things, which was her downfall. I felt like Dean really loved her unconditionally and no matter what and I could feel the emotion and love he had for his mom. I feel like true love is greater than money and fame. Money and fame can go away, but true love is always there. I hope that they don't let fame or money get between them and ruin their relationship. I think that Dean's definition of a father is spot on and something his father was not to him.
fearlesszuko chapter 42 . 5/9/2015
As much I am sadden that she died, she should have escaped Mack before it was too late. She made her decision and it cost her her life. I could see why Dean is blaming himself. He wasn't there when his mother needed him the most. I thought the moment between Dean and his mother was very touching and my heart broke, when he pulled the plug, but all he wanted did for his mother not to suffer anymore. I feel like Ellis' death might impact his decisions for now one, but I hope that he does not fall back to his old ways. I hope this pushes Dean to become the father that his father never was.
Reigns'Sweetheart chapter 43 . 5/7/2015
I love how Ana supports Dean. I'm proud of Dean for opening up more about his past with his ADHD and Dyslexia as well as his times with his mother. I definitely believe that Ellis tried to be a good mom to him, but she just got caught up in the wrong things. Even though things weren't great towards the end, Dean truly did love his mom. Ana is right about true love being greater than fame and money. Fame and money could always leave but true love would still be there. If they become famous and it were to have an impact on their relationship, that it's a positive one. Dean's thoughts on what a father is, that's what makes Natalia so lucky to have him for a dad. He's been amazing so far as a father and I'm not surprised on what his thoughts of a father are. I understand why Dean doesn't want to give his dad a chance and he did make some points when he was talking about him, but I think that eventually Dean should give his dad a chance. Great update, can't wait for more!
Lucy1029 chapter 43 . 5/7/2015
Ana is a pretty positive support system to Dean. This is good, because I'm not sure he's the type to talk to a stranger, a counselor, or in front of a group. She's being exactly what he needs her to be. He said it himself, he considers Ana family. For him to say that means a lot. She's seen him at his lowest point(s) and has been his rock. She's proved herself, so she's now privvy to his secrets, his conditions, his memories.

Ellis fell apart when Dean's dad left. That man took part of her with him. I know we had an earlier chapter discussing this, but she was a victim of society. She was discriminated against from the moment she quit school, and sometimes, when someone makes you listen, or see or just plain feel that you're inadequate, not good enough, will never be...your self esteem plummets, you believe these things so you don't reach for your dreams anymore. You don't deserve them, or anything good. But her son did. She loves him more than anything; he deserves the best, better than she can give him. It would be so easy to give him up. If she did, maybe she could salvage that carefree part of her life she once had; reunite with her family That would be easy? He's the only thing she has left in this world, she knows his love is unconditional and true and there's no way she's giving him up. That's off the table. So, she goes for the quick money. She drinks to numb herself as to what she's doing and what's happening to her. She find drugs and their effects work pretty well too to just make her go to her special place when these things are happening to her. She chose the life she did. But she did it to keep her son with her. She could've had more, but she knew none of that would mean shit if her son wasn't there to love her, take care of her.

I would hope that they make it through fame, should it cross their paths. If he were to live his dream, the money, great...everyone pushing to find out what your business do without that. They barely argue, so I see them getting through this just fine. Sacrifices, yes. Missing their time, yes. But they'll be just fine.

Dean has a great ideal in his head of what a great father is, what he does and so forth. I hope that's how his path goes as she learns and grows. He's doing a great job now, for someone who was so scared. And that baby loves him. They're lucky to have each other. Would Dean still be selling drugs, even after getting caught, if Natalia wasn't there? Still going for the quick money?

Dean should think about getting to know his dad. The guy fucked up, simple as that. But, he's finally owning it, and is sorry for it. It probably won't be sunshine and roses all the time. I think they're more alike than they know. They'll butt heads. In the end, they'll have each other again though.

Phew...OMFG. What's wrong with me tonight?
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