Reviews for In Every World
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
Oh wow. I got the name. And the boss' orders know.. and the blind thing almost freaked me out. I almost thought it was turn out like a weird angsty thing..
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
Cute... :)

I like all of the mini fics here esp the last one and soulmate!AU. :D
RainMistTakeshi chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
Oh god sorry for this late review! Got caught up with something so I didn't manage to read this even though I kind of know you posted it! Anyway, I love your drabbles you know, it's kind of short and sweet and yet delivers the most amount of FLUFF i can take. Just that drabbles being drabbles, there's no continuation of the stories, which kinda makes me disappointed(like that last story about the bondage part? I kind of wish you turned into will and started writing smut hehe)
Raining Sky Guy chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
First of all, my apologies for not having reviewd/ replied earlier. Now, on to the review:

On the first AU. In "The first flower he'd given... was a bit..." Shouldn't that 'was' be 'had been'?
And OMG. Yatsu that was completly adorable. Love seeing a flustered Yama 8D. And a flowershop seems like a suitable job for Tsuna haha. And it was just too... well IDK, cute? endearing? 'Awwww'?... and hilarious seeing Yamamoto giving the flowerboy flowers XD. Silly dorky him.
Btw, how did Tsuna know when to put the sticky note and position himself? Had he figured the hour at which Yama usually appeared? *Is imagining an unsuspecting woman looking behind her in confusion xD*

Coffee AU
"Desperatedly single"
It's time for the 8027-signal! Tsuna we need you! xD
Barista somehow suits Yamamoto like Tsuna the flowershop. And being an attractive, slightly of a nutjob, and "hella fuckin' gay" barista is...cute. And funny and so Yamamoto-like xD come on, who else would write stuff like that? xD
And lol, you certainly love your crazy fangirls. Sorry gals, he's taken.
OH. Question, since by the moment Tsuna realizes Yama was the barista... he was already fingering the card with his number on it. GASP. Tsuna! Were you planning on giving the barista a shot even without knowing who he was? You sly Tuna :3
I could sum it all up like that. I loved it. Really. Is there going to be a sequel? Even a small one to show us if Tsuna was able to see? I'm sort of falling in love with this prompt. There should be many more. Also the angst possible... xD Really cute story, with the necessary heart-rending part, the omg no!- part, and well, it was simply adorbs. Poor panicked Yama though. Oh. The part of "My whole world just exploded into color when I saw you..." That's...pretty much a confession ain't it? x3

I'm sorry if I don't go into much detail on the genderbends, just not really my thing. Though with fem!Yamamoto, the 27-turned-72 sure seemed secure. nAnd yay! They still like each other :D (the crazy fangirls attack -the uke?- either way o-o)
And the Class reunion thing... Muahaha, take that, you useless classmates! xD My vindictively side always loves these kind of fics. The shove-it-on-their-faces parts to be precise :D
(And I could hear some 8027 fans there too. Awesome xD) Though that last lines... Ouch. True that.

Bondage AU!
When I read it on the summary I was... "O.O Yatsu...what happened to you?" but was instantly assured (and slightly disappointed -nt rlly-) when I reached the fic itself. xD I wouldn't have expected it to resolve the way it did though. With, you, know, Tsuna sitting in Yama's lap basically xD. Awkward way to let the other know how you feel. Hahahaha.

And yay for bossy Tsuna. He's definitevely the boss.

Hahaha, what else can I say? I liked them a lot. Especially the soulmates one. And since they're drabbles, they're easy to read and everything. Just lovely.
Thanks for the stories, Yatsu-senpai. Keep writing! Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo!
DropOfFire chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
Haha this was so cute! I lived them all wonderful tales as always! Happy holidays :)
SkyBlue24 chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
I love all of them! especially the coffee shop AU and tsuna as a girl AU!