Reviews for To Be Human
BlueSpiritFire1 chapter 105 . 1/3/2019
Oh god I give you a standing ovation!
What a gorgeous story! What a glorious way to weave things!
The take on Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth's roles was so refreshing. To see Genesis actually descend further into the degradation to the point of turning to Jenova. To spin Jenova into it all in such an active and believable way at all! Angeal, forging through his depression and declining health. Sephiroth taking charge and actually living up to the title of General!
And Chaos. Don't get me started on how much I enjoyed that helping of sadness and drama. I totally cried damn it.
There were times when I felt like it dragged on - I never was much of a fan of the Turks. I know scarce little about Before Crisis, and trying to get a handle on them all in the first half was admittedly a blur, but seeing it through paid off. Veld - a character I'd had no knowledge of - grew on me, the differences between the Old Guard and the current members set a good comparative setup for me to grasp, and ANYA gosh I love Anya. You just did a spectacular job!

I think your crowning achievement from my point, was making me NOT hate Hojo. For once in my life, I didn't despise the mere mention of him. You made him, dare I say, likeable. You did something I don't think I ever could, and you made him more than just an 'evil grab bag' to point everything at. You gave him a legitimate purpose and had him actually do things over being...well, canonical mad cackling Hojo.

My absolute favourite aspect was how WELL you manage to convey the loyalty of SOLDIER, the teamwork between the different departments and the scheming and the politics. But SOLDIER felt like so much more than just a bunch of filler characters to flesh out ShinRa, it felt real. Meeting the group in Junon, reading them all fight the WEAPONs together, being introduced to more of the SOLDIERs early on like Essai and Seb, and goodess I was legitimately worried reading their break-out at the end.

It's been a long time since I felt content with the ending of a fic. Honestly, truly, peacefully content, even with the loose ends that will no doubt lead on to the sequel. Everything you put in here was brilliant.
Thank you so much for following such a wonderful, extensive passion-project through, and sharing it with everyone. The internet - and my life - is better for having it.
Guest chapter 97 . 12/2/2018
“Aerial combat is something I have experience with, despite my lack of wings”

Guest chapter 89 . 12/2/2018
"Oh I'm about to make it very personal." Red light flared, bright and blinding, but for once it wasn't from Chaos. "If anyone is going to defeat Sephiroth, it's going to be me."

Guest chapter 16 . 10/23/2018
Anyone who interrupts him will get to stand in the hall like the idiot child they probably are."

"Get out of your head, boy, regret has never helped anyone," Hojo snapped, having no tolerance for brooding.

You're a grown man and a SOLDIER First Class; it's about time you get over your identity crisis and realize nothing has actually changed beyond you now knowing more of your genetic history. You're the same man you were before you clued into that fact, quit being such a child about it."

Albertasteinthe21st.genius chapter 105 . 7/22/2018
This is great X)
RoseMoonlight chapter 105 . 12/12/2017
Oh my god good job! So long but you got through it! :O i liked how you changed the story and how all the characters were written!
Anonymous Birdy chapter 105 . 11/5/2017
I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for finishing this fic. I am many hundreds of fans really appreciate it. 3
Anonymous Birdy chapter 105 . 11/5/2017
WOW - What a story! 3 3 3
Master of the Hellish Yard chapter 105 . 9/9/2017
Dear KittenFair:

Rufus and that emergency exit. Man, that is a laugh. The memory of that conversation sure does make me smile.

No kidding this doesn't tie everything up, though. Veld has given us the most obvious lead-in for that sequel there is. Good boy, Veld. Doing your job.

I'm not sure if I'm subscribed to just this or you as yourself so I better make sure I'm on.

The way Rufus spoke about his inheritance in the beginning made me smile. It did sound like a child getting annoyed because someone else was trying to ruin his things. Which, in all fairness, it kind of is. I thought that suited Rufus very well as he is now, and his behaviour in the board meeting was admirable, both to his sensibilities and to respond to the stories.

Interesting to see Sephiroth as Director of SOLDIER. From Rufus's viewpoint, I certainly see why he'd make the moves he did regarding those departments. For all Sephiroth's poster-boy placement, though, it's very rare to place him in that position.

I'm very keen to see how this all pans out now. Especially Genesis and Angeal and their decisions on everything. 'A future they'd quit planning for'-such an eloquent and sad truth to state.

Well, this next wait will have me on pins and needles. I can't wait to see you there!

MissAnimeMiss chapter 105 . 9/5/2017
Really enjoyed this story can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 105 . 8/29/2017
This is the best fanfic i come across and what's make me so happy is genesis and Sephiroth fight together for the better. Looking forward for your next fic
BorderlineInsanity chapter 105 . 8/31/2017
To put simply somw thing that simple words can't really describe. Wonderful.

I absolutely loved this fic, reread it several times throughout its life and I can say I absolutely loved it. Thank you.

I will look forward to the price of freedom.
Guest chapter 105 . 8/28/2017
I'll be looking forward to the promised sequel!
Tashasaurous chapter 105 . 8/28/2017
Wow. This is such an impressive end to a story, and you're planning to start a sequel? Awesome! Looking forward to the teaser that would be link into the sequel! I really liked this story! Looking forward to "The Price of Freedom" in the future.
Beware of Starlight chapter 105 . 8/29/2017
There is always a later in this type of situations...and the first few sentences drive home exactly how exhausting and bleak this later is. Dealing with what happened is going to take a long time.
*laughs* I dont no why, but I fidn Rufus reaction so funny. Of Course the emergency Exit wa shis idea...and I kinda like teh fact that his father first laughed at him, and then implemented it anyway.
Well, I agree with would be nice if Heidegger just disapears, but really, how likely is that? Also, of course he knows, Veld knows everything! (well, almost...)
Good, I like Rufus here, especially since he is taking actual responsibility for the Company. He cares that it surves, and he has the willpower and the workethic to get it done. Its going to be one hell of a Job, but honestly, he is the only one who has achance of getting it done. Oh, and I also like Veld reminding him about what Needs to be done. They both care about the Company in a similar way.

The army is going to be a big Problem, because that toxic culture is not going to go away that easily. Good, finally Reeve has the power and the means to actually do his Job for the City. Its probably good that Rufus focuses on the Company, he knows that Reeve is better at dealing with teh City and his strengths are elswhere. Divide and Conquer also works for Problems
Thats quite a list. But at least Rufus is Tackling it head on.

Caith as Reeves Proxy is amazing! And again, its good that Reeve finally cna do his Job. Uhh, Ilike the knew set up. I ean, Lazards Job is going to be hell on earth for a while, but I think he likes that challange. And im interessted in how he is going to tackle that. And yes, Sephiroth is the only Logical choice to lead Soldier. They would follow him anywhere, they already prooved that. Also, nice move in getting Scarlet and Palmer on board. They have abilities that are needed and with getting influence and funding its less likely that they will follow down Heideggers path. True, Scarlet was ready for that, but she is an opportunitist. She will manage on either side.
*laughs* Of Course they pin the muder on Heidegger...thats so typical of Shinra.
Also, I like the talk abour Genesis and Angeal, and that Rufus is willing to let them retire. He learned the lesson of his father.
Again, I love this Rufus!
Well, as said before, Lazard has one hell of a Job...honestly, something like a Trial or so would be a Logical step, but this is Shinrah, and Things are not so easy...we will see how this develops.

Rufus is nothing but hard bargains. But including Avalanche into Shinra and giving them an actual voice and invluence is quite brillant. For Avalanche too, since that definitly is better than commiting terrorism. Gets moer work done.;) Also, them working with Reeve is a perfect fit, and im so happy that he finally has what he Needs.

Ah yes, loyal fans...and fiasco is the right word for that. And I love that some Things are not yet descided, that Genesis and Angeal have time to think, to actually realise they survived the whole mess. But I also wouldnt complain about Zakc getting onme rank up...also, of Cours ehe has a lot of fans, you cnat meet Zakc without becoming his fan;)

Thats what life mostly does, surprisingly.
Oh thank god, Anya is alive. Of Course it was willpower, she drives on nothing else basically. Even death ha sto cower before that. Interessting about Vincent and Victor...Im gald that theyll be hanging around, in whatever way they want...thats probably always going to be a Little bit Grey, both of them have enough reaosns not to join shinrah again.

No surprise here, that the "footage" would be perfect was always clear. What is one more dirty secret to Shinra, it cna join the rest...why are These News not surprising? And well, you always attack in others what you yourself are doing..they army was basically projecting.

It was manageable is such a hopeful sentence.

I love this ending! Its so hoüpefull and looking Forward, through all the work yet to be done!

Congratulations on finishing this Story! I was amazing and you cna be proud of what you achived! Looking Forward to the Sequel, (and the teaser!;)) and you are definitly going to see me thre!

See you in the teaser/next Story 2018/2019!
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