Reviews for If It Could Only Be You
JQ for life chapter 30 . 9/10/2018
I love this story just because it is so different from the other J/J HR stories, I still hope deep down Jonny eventually has his memory back but whatever you decide to do I can't wait for the next part
itrainscoffee chapter 3 . 12/25/2017
This is such a good fic! I can’t stop reading:)
diadem15 chapter 30 . 5/8/2016
What a great story. I binge read it for hours. There are not enough Quest stories so I thank you for this. I hope to read more from you soon. Thanks again for the hard work.
tj12398 chapter 30 . 3/26/2016
I just noticed the pen name change. Any story there or just time for a change? I started this chapter at least three times before reading all the way through. Not because it wasn't engaging or awesome because it WAS- as expected. I just didn't want it to end because I know you've been busy and it may be a while before you post again. So excited there is more to come though and happy to wait. You set up the villains perfectly to come back and cause more trouble. Can't wait to see where you go with it. So many options. I love that Jonny still does not remember and honestly would be fine if he never did. You've made me love a completely new version of my favorite character. He is still going to feel protective over his family either way and i can't wait to see what situation you create where he has to put his skills to the test again. Jessie was badass is this chapter. I loved how you moved every character along and the epilogue with Benton and Race's perspectives was great. You could have ended it there but I think you know my fanfiction tastes well enough by now that I'm SO glad you didn't! The last scene between j&j was the final hit of perfection. Excited for more and will wait patiently because you're great!
Goddess Evie chapter 30 . 3/14/2016
I can't believe this is how you're ending it. Thank GOODNESS for that "...of Part 1" at the very end.

I feel so bad for Jonny, even though he's safe and sound. It's obvious, despite how hard he's trying, that he's just not comfortable in his old life. Jessie's doing her best to help him, and she seems to give him some respite from the pressure he's feeling and the awkwardness of being home, but I'm not sure she's enough to make him stay.

Though if he ends up leaving in Part 2, I have a feeling she'll be going with him.

Jessie is an evil genius and I love her for it. That she sent Ethan the DNA report is absolutely fantastic, especially the part about where she made sure it was an unbiased report because she didn't let it be touched by any Quest Enterprises labs. Take THAT Ethan!

That Rima woman is positively infuriating. I can't wait to find out what wonderfully horrible fate you have for her whenever that time comes. Although, when Ethan threatened her granddaughter, I shivered and felt a little sympathy for the woman. But then it quickly passed.

Great job with this. I hope you are already working on part 2. You've got so much set up for it and I can't wait to see where things go from here. I'm still banking on Jonny eventually getting his memories back. It would make trying to start a new life (with Jessie) so much easier for him.

As for the final part of my own trilogy, well, I have a lot of ideas banging around in my head, but nothing on paper yet. I can tell you it'll be called "Sunlight and Flame" or some variation on that. But I'm so busy and I'm trying to focus on my original fic so that I can achieve my dream of becoming a published author. I'm currently in the query trenches with one of my MS's and it's just so scary and draining and time-consuming.

I think I really need to take the time and do some plotting to make sure I cover everything I want to and that the pacing is right. I'm also still trying to figure one major plot point out, so until I've figured that plot point out, that fic is going nowhere. But thanks for the support. I haven't forgotten about the RHG trilogy and I do plan on finishing it, it's just not the right time now.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/13/2016
LOL, I know that you want to squeeze the ever living life out of me :D I'm anxiously awaiting your reaction to what I have in store. It's coming, believe me. Work has been slowing me down some, but hopefully I can get back on track.

I really hope you get to start work on part 2. I thoroughly enjoyed this story immensely. What are your plans now? You going to take a break and yell at me over my story? XD
Hawkeye4982 chapter 30 . 3/11/2016
I am looking forward to part 2 I love this story over all as I said in a review early on the 2nd chapter was massively confusing for me but in the later chapters when we found out that the unnamed agent / assassin was Jonny it got a lot better
Guest chapter 30 . 3/11/2016
oh wow this end... when i feel like it just the begibbibg for them and a new threat brewing. then i smile i just notice the of part 1.
anyway this chapter is lovely i like that jessie is so in tune with jonny. i like the new villain i suppose a close friend is the enemy. finally i did not thibk jessie had it in her to do the dna testing i know she likes to kerp things to herself and reveal it at the last moment cannot wait for more... please pm when you will post the new story of the part .
RRL24 chapter 30 . 3/10/2016
I love this story! So glad there is a part 2!
Geist1321 chapter 30 . 3/10/2016
I'm very happy in the way you ended this story in the fact you left it open for future installments. I only hope with some more writing practice, I can work up to a full novel size stories. So as a request from me, keep going so I can have a target to aim for. Great job on this one, I enjoyed every chapter.
CubbiesFan1 chapter 30 . 3/9/2016
So many awesome emails were waiting for me this morning, especially the alert for this chapter!

First off, let me say Thank You! to you as well. Your reviews, PMs, and overall kindness have not only helped me become a better writer but has helped make the tail-end of this deployment a lot easier...especially when I was up North in Iraq. So for that, thank you so much.

Now, for the chapter itself...amazing job! Truly amazing! You write the tenderness and heartfelt emotions between these characters so perfectly! Your Jonny and Jessie relationship is truly on point. Those two are so made for each other in this fic. Jessie's willingness and patience to support the man she loves is so touching. I love it.

I was so waiting for someone to walk into Ethan's cell and put a bullet in his head! I knew it wouldn't be the under-secretary that did it or even Phil, but oh how I was hoping Phil would kill that bastard! But Phil's not that type of person...he's too bound by regulations and you captured the essence of his character so well. You KNOW how protective I am of him and I'm very critical of how other's write him (not that I deserve to do that...he's not my character after all LOL but I can't help it!) and you wrote him perfectly! Loved it...really did!

Jessie sneaking into Jonny's room! OH GOD! If only Benton and Race knew what was really going on! And speaking of Benton...glad he's getting through this ordeal as well. Jonny's not the only one that was hurt by Ethan, so I'm happy you showed Benton's recovery as well. Benton is so easy to make suffer in these fics, but he's strong and can work through his problems as well. Love it!

I'm sad to see this story end...I really am, it was so good. But I'm glad to see you'll be working on some shorts associated with this story. Those will be fun to see! We need to do our parts to keep this fandom alive! So I guess that means I need to get back to my Race prequel fic as well!

You rock!
tj12398 chapter 29 . 2/1/2016
I just finished this chapter and already want to read it again. I still love that this was not just an easy happily ever after. That Jonny is still struggle. It will make the ultimate payoff better, whether he remembers it just builds a new life.

So happy to get some jj this chapter, but I also really liked Race in this chapter.

What else... I actually laughed out loud to Jonny's comment and Race's response. That was inspired.

Can't wait for more!
Goddess Evie chapter 29 . 1/30/2016
I really like the way you're playing Jonny out. He's trying so hard to feel or make the connections he's hearing about from Benton and Hadji and Race, but there's just nothing there. I really wish he'd get his memories back so he could have those connections again. But I'm afraid he's gonna end up running away (with Jessie) becuase there's too much pressure for him to be something he can't remember being.

The reporter got off easy, the way I see it. Dang reporters.

At least Jonny is finding some little connection with Race. And he's always got Jessie.
DotNetDemon chapter 29 . 1/28/2016
I'm so glad you managed to come back and add another chapter. I'm getting ready to move so I think I'll pump out another chapter soon. Anywho, will Jonny ever remember who he is or will he forever be a shadow of his former self? I wonder if the Quest family is having to put up with in all of this mess...
jdcocoagirl chapter 29 . 1/26/2016
whooh! this is deep. jonny's in love with jessie and it. seems that ethan a plan to escape. i cannot stop thinking of how will the conditioning of jonny be lifted before master can keep controlling him once more. the biggest surprise was the reporter getting in his room. but it did surprise me when he attack.

can't wait for more twist and turn soon.
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