Reviews for Scoped
TJP123 chapter 4 . 10/26/2017
I like it so far and hope that you can make more chapters soon
The Mexican Taco Overlord chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
Well you are right my good friend...

The ARMY belongs to me ;)

Sincere Regards...

Mr. Obama
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2015
I wuv it can't wait for chu to update (ω)
Guest chapter 4 . 4/10/2015
Just to know, a cartridge is what you load into a magazine. The cartridge gets fed into the firing chamber and then the bull it is fired out by the small explosion of the gunpowder in the brass chamber of the cartridge. So a bull it is only a part of the actual cartridge. The bigger the cartridge, the more powder, the more force it is shot out of the gun.
Boy I sound weird. And I'm a girl. Comes from gun buff brothers...
Guest chapter 3 . 4/10/2015
Why is his mind blocked? Mystery and intrigue.
M.Margaret chapter 2 . 4/10/2015
Sorry, note: depending on what year it was the army and most U.S. military's standar uniform is desert digital camouflage. Just to know clips are a separate thing from a magazine. A magazine is what goes in most standard semi auto and automatic firearms. Clips on the other hand just hold your cartridges to be put in a magazine.
Sorry if I sounded like a know it all. I'm simply trying to be helpful and I hope what I said helped! I trudging so far!
M.Margaret chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
If you want I coul help you with radio and military talk. My dad was in the U.S. marine corps so I know a little.
Currahee506 chapter 4 . 3/25/2015
Well there is some issues I saw like the unit thing the patch for his "unit" is his division patch and snipers from what I remember are trained after they qualify for sniper training and the Barret would be an m109 50. Cal that is the only m class sniper the military uses
umaroth elda chapter 4 . 3/13/2015
i guess wolverine?
Datarus Finnigun chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
I'm happy to see that you aren't trying to hide Riley's abilities nor his weapons, unlike all of the stories where someone from here ended up inside the story. Keep up with the great work
Stormrunner74 chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
Dwin or Logan/Wolfpack
Guest chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
Nice story going there. I might be wrong, but i believe the "red mist" is from the sniper in Team Fortress 2's qoute, "I'm going to turn everything above your neck into a fine red mist!" Do i win a cookie? :D
MirrorOnTheWall chapter 3 . 2/2/2015
hey:) i have an idea for the title.
how does "Ricochet" sound?
i don't expect you to use this, but if you do, then yay:P
Mix and Match toy chapter 3 . 2/1/2015
Loved it!
Monranr01 chapter 1 . 1/31/2015
AWESOME! Best fanfic eveeeer! :D creative and well written! I loooooves!
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