Reviews for The Most Obvious Answer
holchcatherine chapter 10 . 8/26/2018
Holy moly! I loved every chapter of this; this couple as a threesome is sexy, and kind of cute with their reactions :)

I hope that makes sense :(
ShippoKun164 chapter 3 . 6/10/2018
I thought for sure that Yuki would say something like, “You can both be in my life. Kaname as my brother, and Zero as my lover.” (That rhymed. *laugh*)Something like that. She would have both of them in her life like that, which is what she was torn up over. She wouldn’t leave anyone and no one would leave her. Nice twist!
Maya's mom chapter 10 . 1/21/2017
Are u going to write more chapters?
Feiy chapter 10 . 11/26/2016
I found this story to be thoroughly amusing, although whether that was intentional or not I’m still not entirely sure. Zero’s reactions were wonderfully comical, his startled slightly scandalized remarks had me laughing out loud at times.

Being new to the Kaname/Yuki/Zero triangle in fanfictions I wasn't positive on what to expect, however there was something undeniably sexy about the voyeuristic element it added to the story. It was so effectively done that I wasn't bothered by the Kaname/Zero parts despite not being a fan of yaoi.

As usual with your stories, the characters were well written and believable, I particularly enjoy how you write Kaname.
Jejesakura chapter 10 . 3/3/2016
I love this story so much!
Sequel maybe ;) plizzz
Schattengestalt chapter 10 . 2/25/2016
I loved this story, every chapter of it.*smiles*

It was a great idea to allow Yuki to find Kaname and Zero in such a position, otherwise this incredible hot scene wouldn't have happened and it would have taken much longer for Zero and Kaname to figure out what they feel for each other.*grins* Oh, they would have realised it, sooner or later, but this way, it happened much faster and they could complete their bound much sooner.*winks at them*

Oh, I love these three together, they are just perfect like this.*sighs happily* You know, I would just love to read how Zero makes love to Kaname, then my world would be perfect. Maybe, Yuki would do the honors of preparing her brother.*wicked grin*

By the way, dear, you should probably mark your story as "complete" if you don't plan on adding any more chapters to it. ;)

I hope you will come up with a new idea for Vampire Knight some time.*smiles*

So long! :)

EmberSH chapter 10 . 2/25/2016
You have no idea how much I'm going to miss this story. It really brightened up my day seeing it in my inbox~
On the other hand in sort of glad it's over because now I can read the whole thing whenever I want.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful story 3
MangaCzarina chapter 10 . 2/14/2016
Omg that was so sweet! Of course it's the most obvious answer, you three are fated to be together 3 hehe
AncientPurebloodPrincessLolita chapter 10 . 2/14/2016
It was beautiful, to say the least.
I'm so sad that it's over and too touched to be able to type much in between my tears but thank you for this wonderful piece.
Also, why can I practically see the Kuran siblings planning this? Both of them whispering mischievous, sexy things to one another while buying those pink panties~
PS - Sequel maybe? Please? Pleeeease? PLEASE?
Chyny chapter 10 . 2/14/2016
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
Just the perfect ending to this beautiful story! I love the way you make this threesome so natural ( actually the only threesome I can stand reading) .
Thank you so much for another VK story! I'll treasure it forever!
Your fan,
KisaraP chapter 10 . 2/14/2016
What a GLORIOUS ending! XD I very much enjoyed the ride! :3

I Lol'd so hard though, when Kaname initially said "Only my fingers", and then a few minutes later, Zero gets far more than 'Only his fingers'! Give an inch...

I was also very amused by how much of a Yaoi fan-girl Yuuki is! And she's so clever! Distracting Zero by clamping down on his cock while its inside of her, which allowed Kaname the distraction he needed to get Zero to go along with Fingering him!

I'm so happy that Zero and Kaname formed a Bond as well. I'm also very relieved that Yuuki fully supported their Bonding too.

Loved the part where Yuuki spills the beans that Kaname is a arse-virgin! XD All Zero's for the taking! :3 If you ever decide to write one more chapter for this, I would love to see Zero 'taking' Kaname's arse-virginity! Pretty please?

On another note, I was very amused when Kaname told Zero that Yuuki didn't buy those lace panties for him (ie for Kaname). ... Which makes me wonder whether Kaname has a different preference - does Kaname prefer leather? Or the more innocent type of undergarments? Hmmm...

Earlier in the chapter, when Kaname was sucking off Zero for the first time, and Zero couldn't control his hips and thus Yuuki apparently used her Pureblood powers to Hold Zero down, I'm surprised that Zero didn't freak out a bit at that. But maybe that's cuz he trusts Yuuki just that much... or really wanted Kaname's mouth back on him! :3

Awww, and I liked how you tied in the Title of your story at the very end - that they would all be together forever, and that was 'The Most Obvious Answer!'

Anyways, this was a delicious and very amusing and very well written ending chapter! Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us!
Ominous Rain chapter 10 . 2/13/2016
Such a lovely story in my opinion :3 You did wonderful writing this! Thanks again Yen-chan~
irmina chapter 10 . 2/13/2016
Thank you so much! Love this! really good! Kaname and Zero became lovers too, yay! And they bonded by blood and physically. the bonding is so sweet I really like how you describe their feelings, actions, etc. And that promise from Kaname just aw! Perfect ending! I guess everyone is happy now.

Please please please continue writing especially Kaname and Zero my favorite pair.

All the best
SilverDragon88 chapter 10 . 2/13/2016
Awwwwwww! And wow! Lol a shy Kaname is so friggin cute! Loved it!
SilverDragon88 chapter 9 . 2/12/2016
Ooohhh! With the way the story was going i was convinced it was gonna be Z/Y and K/Y i did not expect what just happened! I have to admit i'm glad it turned out like this! Yay!
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
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