Reviews for Arrangement
Guest chapter 3 . 6/13
this is so good
Birkastan2018 chapter 3 . 6/9
Dear author, this was an amazing treat! I never read past Ch 2 before (was this ever posted to tumblr?) I had no idea there was another installment to this AU :DDD The two lines that stand out to me the most here are: "See any you want?" "It doesn't matter." Something tells me Sakura wasn't referring to the horses... This chapter was a gorgeous reflection of what I love most about SasuSaku as a pairing. I know Sasuke struggles with words, and unlike Itachi he's not "good at making people feel at ease in his presence" and he doesn't know how to "use his looks and charism to charm and beguile others to his whims..." but he knows how to speak to Sakura's heart and he knows what is important to her and I adore how that was portrayed in this chapter.

I also loved getting to read his inner thoughts about his peers, and how he never understood their interest in the village girls before this. It drove home how extraordinary his feelings for Sakura were; that this wasn't some passing infatuation. And of course - THE RIBBON. He kept the ribbon!

And finally, I love how Mikoto just knew right away. The final scene here between mother and son was poignant and so very telling... and it also made me wonder if Itachi and Kakashi have a sense of how Sasuke actually feels. I've enjoyed reading this AU so much, thank you for writing and sharing another beautiful installment with us.
Birkastan2018 chapter 2 . 6/9
Dear author, I love the nonlinear aspect of this story, and how there are shifts from past to present. And of course, most of all - I adore how Sasuke was struck by Sakura the moment he first laid eyes on her. I also greatly appreciate how Sakura's circumstances were presented in this ch 2. So often in arranged marriage stories I've seen/read (in TV shows, movies, commercially published fiction, etc.) I feel like the bride is portrayed as the party who enters the arrangement with the most to gain... and I love how that narrative gets flipped in this AU. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but for me - this Ch 2 seems all about the question of Sakura's worth. And it was interesting to read how she was perceived by the Uchiha. I love how even though the clan as a whole seemed to consider her worth in the context of her inheritance, connections to the Senju, and her physical beauty: Sasuke addressed her intellect, and her ability to heal. I love how even though he "couldn't breathe" and "coherent thoughts had abandoned him, rendering him speechless" his first instinct was to mention her accomplishments, of all things. Reading these scenes gave me a better understanding of how long he's harbored certain feelings about Sakura, and why his survivor's guilt is so intense, and lingered for so long. I also wonder if he kept that white silk hair ribbon! Thank you again for writing and sharing this beautiful part ii with us.
Birkastan2018 chapter 1 . 6/9
Dear author, I first came across parts i, ii and iii on tumblr, and had no idea you had this account! First, I love the structure of the story and how it unfolds: specifically, all of the clues we get early on into the circumstances of SasuSaku's marriage (how the house was "built for this brother" and "should never have been his", how Sasuke hoped one day his brother's ghost wouldn't "linger so closely", etc.) These lines are always so impactful for me no matter how many times I read them; they are a culmination of all the hints we've gotten from the beginning: "Because I was afraid... I still am... that I'm not what you wanted. ...You were never meant to be mine." I love that this part i is told through the lens of Sasuke's heartbreaking insecurities. I greatly appreciate the presentation of his inner conflict here; how he loves his brother and feels intense survivor's guilt, and yet - still wants so much to be wanted by this woman. And I also love and appreciate how Sasuke's competing feelings about his brother from canon (the admiration, his struggles with feeling lesser than Itachi, like he'd never be enough, etc.) are reinterpreted in the context of his arranged marriage. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this opening installment with us.
Aaron chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
Pls pls pls updpate this fanfic...pls.
Masami Aomame chapter 3 . 11/10/2019
Okay, I'm kinda scared cause I can see that this fic started in 2015 and only has three chapters. I'm afraid you'll abandon it and I am so hooked already it hurts.

I really like the setting, I'm very fond of historical AUs. And this one seems to be a little different. As in Sasuke isn't the clan leader himself, he's being directed by his father. So that's kinda new and a little peaceful IMO. As in, they live separately in their own house which gives me a more private feeling. As in not always surrounded by a bunch of attendants and all. Kinda home-like feeling. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. Their relationship feels more like a husband wife relationship and not like a lord lady like. That's what I mean.

I really really loved the way you write, your descriptions are very I think poetic is the correct word. It kinda flows easily while giving a dreamy feeling. And it touches the heart. At least it does mine. I mean you can use all sorts of heavy vocabulary because it sounds good. But in your case, your words feel like they're very wisely chosen to exactly convey the emotions you want to convey. Which I really admire. And I also like your pacing. It's been just three chapters and there's been events. Both in the present and in the flashbacks. It gets boring when chapter after chapter goes by yet the story gets nowhere. Your story doesn't feel rushed. Nor does it feel slow.

About the story. I'm very curious about Itachi's character. At times I got the feeling that he was kinda mocking Sasuke. But I can't be sure yet. I'd like to find out more. About Sasuke. Oh how I love the way you showed his feelings for Sakura. Like how he's a little unsure about this feeling at first. But every time he got alarmed at the sight of her, I felt that too. The ribbon he picked up, and doing so stealthily was beautiful. Like you do an amazing job of showing his hesitance. He knows he isn't supposed to have feelings for her. Like when Shisui called her his sister, I was like Tch. It kinda hurt me too. The way he keeps trying to remind himself that she belongs to his brother, I feel that. I would love an insight into Sakura's feelings. I got a feeling that she might be into Sasuke too. I don't know. The scene where she looked back at him after Itachi introduced them formally. Please tell me I'm not wrong LOL. (just kidding, it's your story to write). And Mikoto. She knows! I'm sure she does. And I love my man Kakashi. Especially when he's on Sakura's side. IDK why I just love it. And I think it's cute that he has a kinda sour relationship with Sasuke.

I really loved the SasuSaku interaction in the present. Like the way he approached her, telling her that he wants her. Not just to bear him children but he actually wants to be with her as her husband, it was beautiful. And I felt that their bedroom scene was very intimate. Including the morning scene. It was so sweet and with Sakura teasing Sasuke about being soft. It was so wholesome I almost died. I really am dying for more.

I want to mention one part.
"... she belonged to the Uchiha now, and no-one would dare to touch her.
That was bloody brilliant. I had to stop right then and there to admire how brilliantly written it was. I think so far, it has to be my favourite lines from this fic.

I really wish you'd continue writing this fic. Because I'm so beyond the point of not getting attached. I'm already a goner. I really love this fic and thank you for sharing it with us. Take care.

PS: I'm sure I made a million typos but by now I have just stopped caring. Please excuse me.
Biw chapter 3 . 10/27/2019
clestourgeon31 chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Love this story So far! Can't wait for more!
Ilegitim chapter 3 . 10/15/2019
Your writing is everything that is beautiful! This story is so beautiful!
Ilegitim chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
So beautiful, emotional and poetic. The kind of writing that makes me feel for the action in the story so much that I feel it (so) deep in my heart! I don't know to point what kind of writing is that but is the kind that makes me feel A LOT. Really beautiful! It's like a certain kind of subtility. Love it! Love it!
kyliEisMC2 chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
This is just the sweetest. I am interested to see how this develops once things start moving forward but so far you have a nice set up for a potential story.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/7/2019
Three chapters and I'm already sucked in! Amazing writing, thank you!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/7/2019
Just found this story and it’s wonderful. Lovely use of flashbacks to create emotion. I have no idea what happened to Itachi though...will we find out soon?
Anissa chapter 3 . 10/7/2019
It’s just oh so good! I’m loving it! Please update again soon!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/7/2019
loved it!
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