Reviews for Excuse Me, I'm Head Boy
Red Flamboyant chapter 7 . 7/11
ch 7, aw, why is such of annoying little Percy could be so cute? Because luckily i'm not arthur. muahahaha.
Red Flamboyant chapter 6 . 7/11
im cracking on ch 6
Innocent Percy is definitelly Goddess among those stout boys.
BiggestFvckUp chapter 16 . 5/26/2019
This chapter is the best one by far. Great job! XD
GryffindorGalGuy chapter 6 . 8/9/2018
You made me cry
-with laughter
Guest chapter 4 . 3/31/2017
It hurts my heart not being able to find more Adrian/Percy
Firebolt chapter 11 . 12/29/2016
Idk why but I love Rodolphus and Percy together !
Firebolt chapter 6 . 12/29/2016
Hello my name is April and I'm a Percyholic too lol love him!
TrueBeliever831 chapter 18 . 6/16/2016
0_0 Woah, that was all kinds of intense.
i've never read this side of percy but to be honest it didn't even seem that strange to me. He is so much more versatile than people give him credit for...
and I never enjoy reading/writing Bella but I really did enjoy this.
Awesome job!
WolfSpirit1992 chapter 18 . 6/10/2016
Yes! Now this is definitely another pair worth pursuing! I've actually considered writing something with them but I couldn't decide on the theme. Dark!Death Eater! Percy is a great avenue to stroll down, I must add.

I dunno why but I have this hilarious image of Draco's pointy face twitching once he hears ''Uncle Percy''. XD

Loved this by the way. ;)
The Bickering Kingdom chapter 18 . 6/10/2016
I love Bellatrix, I love the idea of Percy and Bellatrix and Percy being a death eater.
Screaming Faeries chapter 17 . 6/8/2016
This was really something else! I didn't expect the extent of this fic, I'm ashamed to say I'm blushing a little. Nevertheless, the smut was really well written and it wasn't uncomfortable to read - and I must be honest, I've read fics with similar content (ball gags and spanking and the likes!) and I've had to break off halfway through. But this was a good read, and a really interesting pairing. Good job!
Lamia of the Dark chapter 16 . 2/2/2016
This was pretty funny. I especially liked that once Percy figured out what was going on he decided to get back at Cormac by going along with it instead of just getting angry.
persephonella chapter 9 . 1/13/2016
this is a couple i've never ever read before. ever.

"it's also in my headcanon that Percy was a Death Eater while he worked in the ministry but he came to his senses in time for the final battle." just saying - if you ever decide to write this, i'm definitely interesting in reading it.

this was so beautiful. dare i say it - it was a bit broken at first, but it fit together perfectly at the end.

i'm still not sure how i feel about this pairing... hmm...

- persephonella
persephonella chapter 8 . 1/13/2016
Sirius and Percy. an unlikely duo. honestly, i don't get the Remus/Sirius thing. i think it's overplayed, but that's just me and my opinions are generally unpopular.

the portrait was a nice touch.

bad Percy. what are you going to do with that?

Percy should've hit Sirius when he made that innuendo. i definitely feel like it whenever Sirius makes a sexual comment.

"i wanted you to have some good memories with this to replace the bad ones." i cannot.

this is so fluffy i'm going to die.

- persephonella
persephonella chapter 7 . 1/13/2016
did Percy just say orexin? i can't deal with this.

oh my gosh, Arthur telling Percy to eat one and then another one when he's tired makes me happy. aye, Perce. have your daylong sugar rush.

omg Perce

hide the dictionaries. aye, i love Arthur.

"he would probably eat his own foot if it was covered in chocolate." Gosh, i'm smiling way too much.

the best part of this is Bill threatening to kill them. that's the best part. i want this framed too.

- persephonella
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