Reviews for After School Serenity
Kiri2208 chapter 10 . 12/12/2015
I Love your Story! 3
When Hibari is Jealous or he want Dino only for him.
This my favorit Chapter, because Hibari is jealous and he dont want back to his Uncle. :D
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 7 . 9/24/2015
Why does Bel have to go through that?All that torture. I like how you wrote Kyouya's confusion so well.
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 5 . 9/24/2015
Aaahhh!I wasn't expecting Bel to have to go away!that really broke my heart! Gokudera seems like such a brat here!Aaaahhhhhh!Oh look who finally realised his feelings!lol!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 3 . 9/24/2015
Aaahhh!I get it now.I have to say,I liked how you put in his genius side like that. The teachers were really well placed and in character!Awesome!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 2 . 9/24/2015
Oooohh!I'm not quite sure if I understand everything(I feel like Yamamoto now)!I'm guessing is Bel is a troubled child. Other than that,I'm glad Dino finally found a way to 'communicate' with Kyouya without getting beaten up!
KiraK.chan chapter 14 . 4/15/2015
Ahhhhh shy hibari is basically the cutest thing everrrrrrr! :DDDDD I'm glad that squalo didn't sell them out, although I wouldn't THINK SO but he could've been desperate...I hope it's not brought up again and revealed otherwise :/ hibari was being patient with Bel even though he was being bitten?! A miracle! xD update soon please!
KiraK.chan chapter 13 . 4/3/2015
Oh that's so sweet at the end don't worrh kyouya you will soon have the courage/ignore your pride enough to admit your feelings out loud to dino!

OMG though like we are going to find out who that guy is right? Sounds like an uncle of something. I was expecting Hibari to do something sooner so Dino didnt get hurt butttt fair game since hibari was waiting for a chance and didn't expect Dino to jump the bullet for him :( and I REALLYYYYY HOPE Squalo didn't sell him out! Dx but if he did it would've been for a legit reason!
KiraK.chan chapter 12 . 3/25/2015
I always understood yea dating student yknow not allowed, but when if it's about the age that's nothing like 6yrs is pretty good! But yes squalo has some things he must deal with :( hoping he finds xanxus or someone soonnnnn D: and fon is such a kind soul and I can't get angry at him cause he's just too caring like he's always doing things for the greater good! Good luck to dino seriously though ;;
KiraK.chan chapter 11 . 3/25/2015
Squalo is such a strong person D; I WANT HIM TO BE OK FOREVERSSSSS! And reborn is as all-knowing as ever haha he would never judge their relationship I'm glad hibari is starting to notice the changes with his personality; HES BECOMING A MORE DECENT HUMAN BEING xD (and I am totally one of those girls in the background squealing crushing on them both DUH)
KiraK.chan chapter 10 . 3/24/2015
They're all lucky Hibari has a soft spot for small, adorable animals! :P I agree wit Tsuna that dino probably DOESNT know what he's gotten himself into, but Dino will accept and adapt none the less cause he's patient and th best xD im hoping hibari and Bel become unlikely friends actually :)
KiraK.chan chapter 9 . 3/22/2015
A MOPEY DINO IS THE SADDEST THING EVERRRRRR DDDDx and I love how tetsu is a friend and like a councillor and a dad haha Hibari is as cold as ever, but I like him that way because when he is somewhat nice it's rare and adorable! :D
KiraK.chan chapter 8 . 3/22/2015
I am really glad Bel and Gokudera are on somewhat better terms now, and that Bel is actually doing reasonably well :) hibari's excuses are actually adorable I am not looking forward to visitingg squalo's room though D:
LuckyNumber1 chapter 9 . 3/20/2015
You must seriously dislike bel lol I'm betting he's going to kill himself and squalo too, and dino's going to be so sad andkyouya will be so selfish and cheer him up when its practically his fault there gonna be dead, or he's going to end up just like poor little bel, and then he's going to realize how it feels and kyouya his gonna get over himself and dino is going to be there with him, or dino will realize what's happening kick kyouya out , Take care of bel and get them with squalo, than go back and teach kyouya a lesson he will never forget, or they could just keep going in this endless I hate yet I love cycle and eventually tear each other apart like some endless enchanted love story or something along those lines, I don't know, but as far as I do know I would beat the cap out of kyouya tie him up and let him sweat it out than teach him the meaning of compassion, because I know kyouya as a character wouldn't kick someone who is down, but will bite them to death if they deserve it.
KiraK.chan chapter 7 . 3/19/2015
Nooooooo I knew something would happen to Bel but I didn't think it would be this bad Dx and I totally forgot about squalo's hand! And like thought it just wouldn't be part of the plot, not sure why :O after you said stabbing im suspecting Raisel but he couldn't have done everything right? Like Squalo is stronger! D: I am annoyed it ruined hibari and dinos moment cause I feel like it would've taken some serious guts for Hibari to say it, although at the same time he probably doesn't think it's embarrassing haha I don't want to know what happens with squalo and Bel either cause it won't be good x'( update soon please
animegirl4321 chapter 7 . 3/18/2015
Aww...Poor Squalo and Bel-senpai...but I loved that bit between Dino and Hibari at the end. Too cute. I absolutely love this pairing. Update quickly please 3
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