Reviews for A Brief History of House Calls
haipa-chan chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
i loved this story! it is interesting and adds a new dynamic to john while still keeping to the basic premis of the baker street boys. im sorry about your tech issues and as they happend two years ago i must hope tjat yoi return to finish eventually. honestly i was on the edge of my seat waiting foe Sherlock to find out about johns secret job!
Evans20 chapter 16 . 12/14/2015
I'm really sorry to hear about your technology issues, I'm sure your John muse is with you in this time, but I do hope you continue on this story when you can.

The slight differences in your telling of the storyline in comparison to BBC's series is intriguing and keeps me on my toes as I read along. I easily get bored with the same basic storylines that I can figure out within a few chapters and no longer feel the need to read to see what happens. Yours is always keeping the wheel turning, giving me something different to love about Sherlock and Watson, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I'll be eagerly waiting for your next update!


Astrido chapter 16 . 11/10/2015
nice chapter, sherlock is cute when he's fishing for info on john
Astrido chapter 15 . 5/3/2015
I really love the way you introduced sherlock to john's life.(meaing not as a client)
There are some parts that are a little strange, writing-wise, so maybe a beta reader could help you out?
I'd love for you to go on with this story.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/6/2015
John is pretty badass in this fic. I'm wondering if sherlock will prove to be even remotely as awesome?
Resrie71 chapter 12 . 1/6/2015
Ok, you've got me hooked on this one...