Reviews for Watch it Burn
tcoll1623 chapter 32 . 2/7
I love the story and when I say this comment it is not an insult just a comment. Not just fan fic does this happen all tv shows do this as well and people leave people for reasons I do not get and don't do things like they were about to do for reasons I do not understand. I would have done it and have done it anytime that situation was experienced. But don't let other readers make you feel bad for what you write for if every show and every book and most fanfics too all have people waiting and not doing these spur of the moment decisions it must be to keep us fans watching reading whatever the case is even if we don't understand. But this story like so many that I have read of yours so far is awesome.
littleshelly chapter 40 . 6/8/2018
I had to find a chapter I hadn’t reviewed to fit this correction in, lol

On 42 it should say that I think the sadness comes because it’s over. You have to excuse my fat fingers that accidentally hit actual words on the keyboard on the autocorrect on my phone. I do that a lot when I’m trying to type letters on the top row, lol
littleshelly chapter 42 . 6/8/2018
I really really enjoyed this and am so glad you stick to your guns. The epilogue wasn’t as much of a downer as you might think, it was a good way to wrap up a great story. I don’t hunk the sadness comes because it’s over. For me, anyway.

Thanks so much, for everything that you write. I’m moving on to the next one now! ((((((((hugs))))))))
littleshelly chapter 39 . 6/8/2018
I’m glad about Daryl’s decision and although he won’t ever be overly attentive and loving publicly, how he is in private more than makes up for it.
littleshelly chapter 38 . 6/8/2018
I forgot to mention the EARS last time! I laughed so hard! Daryl definitely does have some cute ears and I’m glad you picked that feature.

I’m also glad he got to tell her what Merle did for him. I could probably be really happy with a fic of Daryl telling her tales of all of her dad’s exploits, lol.

Excellent chapter!
littleshelly chapter 37 . 6/8/2018
Poor Piper, but this is WONDERFUL!

Mini Merle!
littleshelly chapter 36 . 6/8/2018
Holy shit. Emojis don’t show on here but if they did you’d see me doing the jaw drop!

I don’t care how farfetched it is! It!
littleshelly chapter 35 . 6/8/2018
Oh man. I’m so glad that all happened and they came to an understanding that works for them. Him telling her he loved her, telling her how good she felt, that was awesome. Talky Daryl, even just a little during sex is a smut weakness of mine.

And lol. Brother Merle. He will always be sorely missed.
littleshelly chapter 34 . 6/8/2018
Ah gah. I love daddy Daryl. Without Piper this story, and Daryl, would probably be a lot different.
littleshelly chapter 33 . 6/8/2018
Okay, this chapter was perfect on so many levels.

This is the real Carol. She knows what he needs and exactly why he needs it. I don’t see how anyone could’ve had a problem with it because in the end, when having relationship problems, the talking in circles can get really old and action needs to be taken. Carol did that, exactly. She was also moving things forward between them, again taking action.

And “Run, stupid!” Ohmigosh, I laughed out loud at that one.
littleshelly chapter 32 . 6/8/2018

Judith is always either Jude or Ass-kicker to me, never her given name. I think it just sounds better than Judith or Judy. I cringe at that one.

I absolutely LOVE how Daryl can’t stay away from her, yet is still leery and scared. Who could blame him. And I know you won’t but I don’t want anyone else to hate me for this, but I’m the show Carol always wanting to run off every time shit got deep would aggravate me to no end. To me, that’s just not her, especially saying that it was because she just loved them too much to see them hurt/die. That’s a fucking cop out written by a man, no doubt. But still, the highlight is absolutely Daryl’s understandable skittishness yet inability to stay away. Perfect.

And Piper. If she isn’t Merle’s kid in this story, then she should be. Brat. Lol.
littleshelly chapter 31 . 6/8/2018
Oh lord it might be complicated but the thing about them is whenever they’re together that connection is so strong that it’s like trying to keep two magnets apart.
littleshelly chapter 30 . 6/8/2018
Oh I’m so glad that Daryl has calmed down and come to his senses. Poor baby!
littleshelly chapter 29 . 6/8/2018
Yes! Progress! That old Caryl magnetism is something neither one can resist.
littleshelly chapter 28 . 6/8/2018
Oh my poor, stubborn baby Daryl!

And I think Piper really could be Merle’s kid, lol. I love her.
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