Reviews for Journey's Beginning (Family Timelines Series)
Mary Ann Nytowl chapter 13 . 4/11/2018
You handled this very well. Though I miss Wild, and enjoyed the Silver Cloak bit, since Donna wasn't endangered any more with the chance of her mind burning, I can see how you could omit the Noble family. I hope the Doctor still managed to get them that winning lottery ticket! Oh, and still took time to save Martha and Mickey from the Sontaran, too! And though Captain Jack - Uncle Jack - didn't really need introducing to Alonso, in this timeline, I hope Alonso still managed to find a friend/lover.

A couple of things I've noticed, though:
You missed capitalising Uncle at least once. I think it was while everyone was transforming into versions of the Master.
In the line, "...but he couldn't bare to let go of her just yet." The word 'bare' should be spelt 'bear', as you used the wrong homophone.

Otherwise, excellent work - I'm enjoying it immensely!
Mary Ann Nytowl chapter 11 . 4/11/2018
I ran across this series while looking for a quote from Idris/the TARDIS, and was instantly entranced. I had to start from the very beginning of the line, to find out what certain references were from, and I haven't been disappointed!
One thing I truly love is the acceptance of canon that the Woman from the End of Time was, indeed, the Doctor's mother! Thank you for that!
And, aside from a few typos here and there, the writing is tight, the additions are well done, and it all flows very nicely between the originals and your changes. Very well done, even if I HAVE "wasted" an entire 4 hours reading, so far, LOL! You've yourself another follower, now - well done! Favorited, as well.
Crystalzap chapter 13 . 2/14/2016
great ending, a little sad and a little mania but great :)
jenn008 chapter 13 . 2/6/2016
Loved it!
Minecraftian1213 chapter 2 . 1/3/2016
Wow. Good chapter! Hey, are you a Trekkie? Otherwise that was just coincidence in Malcom and Sato.
QueenTatooine chapter 13 . 11/21/2015
Very very interesting take on a Rose return, it does feel a bit like an over view, but I understand not wanting to rehash the episodes, difficult balance to maintain.

Going to search out the sequel now.
Paradoxpixie chapter 13 . 9/18/2015
I just read this story, and omg it is fantastic! I love what oh did with the rewrite. Letting the events change with your characters. This is one of the best "Journey's End" rewrites I have ever read!
OneWord.Run chapter 13 . 8/3/2015
Doesn't that mean Luke and Martha are dead?
pinstripesandconverse chapter 13 . 5/28/2015
i cried but then ELEVEN! i can't wait to read the next one
cmtaylor531 chapter 13 . 3/23/2015
Wow. I loved this. I just recently got into Doctor Who. I had been wanting to start it for a while but yea life. Anyway I just finished S4 (reboot) and all the movie specials after. I wanted to prolong my enjoyment with DT in my mind as the Doctor. I also love Rose and Martha which seems to not happen much. Well with that I couldn't resist this fic. I will probably wait to read the next part of this season till after I I finish S5.
The Doctor Rose chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Great start

enigmaticdrscully chapter 13 . 1/20/2015
I am so in love with all of your everything right now. Just YES. This is my kind of fic. Enough angstishness for plot continuation but not a disgustingly frustrating amount. THANK YOU! It seems there's no in between and then a lot go to the disgusting amount and just this was so refreshing I feel like I can still breathe and I don't want to punch something due to angst and yep. So basically to sum up, I can't handle angst, you write amazing shit, I am really into it, I have a lot of feelings and AHH! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW AND YOU'VE DONE THIS. LOOK AT YOU. *HUGS* wow that looks really aggressive in caps, ... although its not too far off... aggressively hugs you. sure sure.
greeneyesCutie chapter 13 . 1/20/2015
Huge smiles for a well done chapter!
RhizOneill chapter 13 . 1/20/2015
Fantastic. Enjoy reading this. I can't wait to read the new story soon!
Bad Wolf Jen chapter 13 . 1/20/2015
Congratulations on making it to the end. This was a really fun read and I can't wait to read the next one.
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