Reviews for The Missing Puzzle Piece To Your Heart
Guest chapter 32 . 4/2
Beutifull ending!
TheCastleOfLionsAndPaladins chapter 3 . 6/25/2019
Healthy communication is so important and I am so glad they can do that, thank you.
TheCastleOfLionsAndPaladins chapter 2 . 6/25/2019
God, what dorks. I love these two.
TheCastleOfLionsAndPaladins chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
That is so soft and beautiful, I love it.
Tsukishiro Yukiko-sama chapter 32 . 6/9/2019
I loved your fanfiction.
You knew how to work very well developing the relationship between them, with them adapting without the help of Sennen Pazuru, as they began to tread their way as a couple, facing difficulties together, although for a few days, Atemu was an idiot. Even so these mishaps do exist and they have been building and maturing your relationship.
It was great to see Yuugi's evolution as he gained confidence. After all, it's one thing to be dueling; it's something else about the heart and intimacy.
Although I do not blame him, Atemu is a sexy God, and Yuugi is cute, although he has developed a very imaginative mind, especially about Atemu's characterization as Pharaoh.
I had pain from Ryo. He had to keep a big secret. At least, everything was revealed. The pagans gained a worthy and just Leader, while Atemu repaired the error of the past.
Rashad and Layla were incredible characters, as were her brothers. The friendship between Rashad and Atemu was excellent, as did the brothers remembering Jounouchi (Joey) and Honda. It was a great touch.
As for their relationship after marriage, I did not like the reversal of roles that was different from the other times, with them shifting positions. For me, Atemu will always be the dominant and Seme, while for me, for Yuugi to be cute and small, it's up to him to be the uke cute and submissive to Atemu, of course with Atemu respecting Yuugi's desires, doing nothing that he does not want.
I just can not think in an inverted way, you know.
But the fanfiction is excellent. It has drama, has romance and suspense.
The development of events and characters was incredible.
I always read my favorite fanfictions and this one is among them.
Congratulations on the fanfiction.
Asai-Chan chapter 32 . 5/6/2019
I’ve never written a review for anyone before. It’s been a while since I picked up reading fan fiction again, and I wanted to compliment you and say how happy I was to come across your story. I think it’s very well written; the plot keeping hold of my attention the whole time. I can’t name a chapter where I didn’t squeal in anticipation. I looked forward to reading page after page. Thank you for sharing!Asai
Dance FLY chapter 32 . 11/30/2018
I loved this story so much! It's so well written. Have you considered doing more works connected to this story? Like Yugi's decision to travel back in time? Or Yugi and Atem's lives as parents? Or how Grandpa and all the friends in Japan reacted to Yugi leaving? Does Yugi leave letters or a journal for his family and friends to find telling them about his life and happiness in Ancient Egypt like in Back to the Future 2?
ChangeOfHe4rt chapter 32 . 7/18/2018
I just want to say this entire story was amazing.
Yugi's fantasy coming true was so hot! If this was turned into a manga I'd so buy it. When the Pharaoh had his servant tell the "crowd" his misdeeds I kept thinking what if someone was actually on the beach and heard everything. I'm so glad Yugi became his King. I liked how Yugi won the wedding game to show he wears the pants lol. Though in the manga, anime I think Yugi actually does wear the pants despite his kindness. Again amazing story.
RiverSong26 chapter 32 . 7/7/2018
I’ve just finished reading your story and I must say, it’s amazing! I completely love it! All the ideas, fluff, romance, tension...I couldn’t stop reading! I felt with Yuugi most of the time and I’m happy now that he’s happy too... I cannot wait to read more stories from you, I’ll sure go and explore them straight away. Anyway thank you for writing such a brilliant and long and really story. I love it, just...thank you. You’re awesome writer.
GaaraDeservesToBeHappy chapter 32 . 6/25/2018
This story is my favorite 3
luna princessa chapter 32 . 6/17/2018
Hermoso, me saco lagrimas T-T , amo a esta pareja y que después de todo lo que pasaron al fin esten juntos.
Eres un gran escritor, y tienes mucho potencial y al igual que ellos puedes hacer cualquier cosa que te propongas.
Suerte y XOXOX Besos y Abrazos.
Eeveetrainer chapter 32 . 4/19/2018
This story was absolutely AMAZING! I loved how it kept me on the edge of my seat. I simply could not stop reading. You made these characters come alive in the best ways possible. I'm so grateful that I stumbled across this story because it is truly well written. I can clearly see how much heart you put into creating these characters and the story. Keep doing what you are doing, because you are doing it right.
XanaduHawk chapter 32 . 4/19/2018
I loved this story! I especially loved the characters Layla, Rashad, Tali, Kham, and the flower girl (I would love to know her proper name if she has one). Great job.
Guest chapter 32 . 3/23/2018
I made the fanfi, every detail you put in the moments of drama, tenderness and acxion. I am delighted I hope to read again a continuation or a totally new story.
you have a real talent for writing
V chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
Oh my god, their interactions, dialogues, and misunderstandings are all so ON POINT.
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