Reviews for No One Destroys You Like Family
Blackcamellia chapter 1 . 9/28/2018
You...Thank you so much
OMG, this story is so good
I love it
Sand-wolf579 chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
Wow, was that a long story...well, it felt that way since I felt obligated to read it in one sitting, just because there's just one chapter. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

Anyways, this whole thing though was just fantastic. Pain, healing, general angst, basically, it has everything I look for in a turtle story, and more. Seriously, this was beautiful, and very well written.
Joanne N. Grey chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
First of all, lemme start by saying I was more than impressed with the fact that it had no chapters. Sounds weird but sometimes I read chapters that are so short, I end up feeling cheated. Like some story I was following, I got the notification via email and immediately followed the link to read. It was so short that I was too disappointed to even leave a review (mostly because I didn't want to be rude/mean or whatever). I was pretty pissed. Two minutes of my life I'll never get back. Enough with the rant...

This story had no spelling or grammatical mistakes, none that I could spot anyway. That's pretty fantastic! A couple of authors don't really review their work before posting making it difficult to follow through with the story.

The language used was perfect, in terms of imagery and vivid description. I could see everything that was happening, felt like I was in the same room with the Turtles.

The story itself: I honestly don't know if I've ever felt so heartbroken for Raphael as I did reading this. You really did capture and break my heart with this... but I forgive you cos of the happy-ish ending. I love this. You really are an amazing author. Thank you for sharing this story, I really do appreciate it.

Cheers :)
roxanne0910 chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Wow. This story actually took me a WHOLE day to read. It seemed like it had no ending. But I have to admit, this is a great story. Not like the actual story, but the way it's written. My compliments!
Celeste chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
grungekitty chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
Damn that was long! (It being in chapters would not have changed that.)
I need to be in bed, but that was damn good! So freaking glad I read that! (How did I not find that during one of my escapades through the archive? Wait...unmutated Slash...this was probably listed after the point I stopped, deeming everything else to out of date to make sift through everything worth it. (This was good, but not searching through thirty pages of crap good.))
I'm going to be reading more of your stuff...after I sleep...and get more spoons.
camille-love-cat chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Oh my god, did you wanted to kill us by writting a story this interesting with no chapter ? I'm not criticizing, but I would have liked not to go to bet at 2 am on school period.
Anyway, except for this, it was an awesome story. AWESOME. The fact that I couldn't quit reading stands as a proof.
Really goos, I'm never forgetting it.
pinkcurl1 chapter 1 . 5/10/2015
*reads for 2 hours*
happystalkerball chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
Wow. Just wow. That story was something amazing. Soooo amazing on so many levels. Loved it, you did such a great job writing the scenes and everyone was so great here.
Gwydion chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
I really think you nailed Raph in this. Even after everything that happened, he's still a protector at heart and would feel he deserves the blame. But I also appreciate that you didn't push him too far into suicidal territory. It just really seemed right that he would hate and berate himself, but never really go so far as to wanting to end it completely or run away, because if he did, he wouldn't be there to look out for the others. It felt like just the right balance of self loathing and his protective nature.

I did miss Spike in the second half, though I can see why you'd want to focus more on him and his brothers. And I'm not going to lie, some parts definitely gave me a lump in my throat. I loved Raph's promise to keep Spike safe after he'd just woken up and been moved to his room, and when Mikey said "I'll always chase after Raph, even if you won't." Pretty much everything with Mikey was gold, to be honest.

Anyway, in short, loved it. It's hard to know what to say when there's so much to comment on due to the lack of chapter breaks (not that I minded, just saying it's harder to go back and find specific moments). Nice job with this, and keep up the great work!
Tori657 chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
This took me all day to read, but it was worth it! I didn't even realize, but at one point, I started tearing up! I loved the ending!
RandomPotato7921 chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
That was really long but i loved every moment of it!
Guitar Amateur chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
I was crying throughout the whole. Freaking. Story. Just tear up, let teartracks roll, let them dry, allow new batch to culminate. Occasionally gasp out an appropriate sob or hiccup.
Xxx chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
No puedo creer que termine de leer tu fic bastardamente largo, por un momento pensé que no lo lograría pero fue la trama la que me animo a seguir leyendo asta que llegue al final. Me encanto (creo que soy una sádica que me gusta ver a la gente sufrir) te felicito por abre realizado está historia, es épico.
PD: perdón por no traducirte este comentario, pero es tarde y que flojera
Digininjatitan789 chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
This was really good. My only complaint is this story was way to long to be a one shot. This is one of the best fanfic I read.
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